Topre TO MX sliders finally available

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10 Nov 2016, 10:20

1€ per 10 sliders - I don't need to harvest anything. Perhaps selling the Noppoo EC108 cheap to a beginner or outsider is less wasteful. It's afterall a properly made board though probably not as good as the NovaTouch - it just needs better rubber domes and programmability.

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10 Nov 2016, 11:30

This exactly was keeping me away from "destroying" a perfectly working Novatouch to get the sliders.
I just can't justify such cruel thing.

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10 Nov 2016, 19:22

The Noppoo EC108 is not a very good keyboard in general. At least it has potential as a donor board, giving up its sliders to a more worthy cause, like replacing the Topre sliders in a 23UB.

Unlike my Model M which is only fit to be destroyed by sledgehammer as a therapeutic exercise.

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emacs -nw

10 Nov 2016, 21:08

With these sliders available, I wonder what's the status of modding/replacing the 2 HHKB stabilizers (LSHIFT, ENTER) with something also MX-compatible?

EDIT: Also, here's a reference of how to change the spacebar on a HHKB using costar stabs: ... msg1952130

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18 Nov 2016, 13:45

Now that Bunny has posted a pic of the sliders in his possession over at GH, I'm starting to think that it might actually finally come to fruition and that I'll get my sliders after all...

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18 Nov 2016, 16:20

@Khers I was actually quite lucky jumping on board that late, I remember the black slider prototypes 2 years ago didn't know it was the same GB. I kinda feel sorry for you waiting that long. I hope to get those sliders as soon as possible.

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emacs -nw

18 Nov 2016, 16:25

I'm more excited about the stabilizers (I assume they are included, and that I can enter the GB ... hopefully), since the sliders from aliexpress may also be good.

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18 Nov 2016, 17:03

Aliexpress is more expensive and I doubt the quality is on par.

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emacs -nw

18 Nov 2016, 17:19

Hopefully I will be able to compare them:)


10 Dec 2016, 17:42

Has anyone got the JTK sliders yet? I'm getting kind of interested in a topre board but I want the MX sliders, I've been looking at some but none of them are particularly perfect options. There's these which have the weird o-ring and aren't perfect, the novatouch has come and gone, Matt3o has one on shapeways but it makes me sort of anxious to get a 3d printed one, especially when they clock in at $2.50+ a piece. The RGB came out but I don't want a 104-key nor do I really want to pay that much extra for backlighting I'm not super interested in so I'm sort of caught between a rock and a hard place. I'm really waiting to see if they roll those back to the current RFs as well or at least make it an option but it doesn't seem so certain.


06 Mar 2017, 18:57

Has anyone bought from the link? Are they good?

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06 Mar 2017, 19:19

I have 108 TMX sliders that came from Aliexpress that I won't be needing (and never used) now that I have my RealForce RGB boards. I will be putting them up for sale if anyone is interested.

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