WASD 60% CODE Keyboard

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08 Mar 2016, 22:18

WASD Keyboards has introduced a new 60% CODE keyboard.

Here is a link to the mx green version:

http://www.wasdkeyboards.com/index.php/ ... green.html

However, this new entry would not seem to have differentiated itself much from other 60% keyboards, such as the Pok3r or KBP V60.

In particular, a fully programmable 60% is long overdue. KBP is reportedly working on a fully programmable V60 -- they say that they will produce an mx version first and then consider following up with a Matias version. A fully programmable 60% with Matias switches would get my attention.

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08 Mar 2016, 22:40

Here's what it looks like:
Hmm… now wherever have I seen that layout before? Oh, only everywhere!

Anyway, being standard isn't a bad idea. You'll want to upgrade your caps in short order after opening the box, and the Code 61's standard layout gives you a lot of options for replacements. WASD's Code TKL is a sturdy, quality keyboard (beneath the ABS caps) so perhaps this will be a nice metal rival for the Poker.

WASD's store lists three versions of the Code 61: MX blue, green and clear. No linear? Mind, with deeply tactile switches like those, modern MX's gritty travel should be masked quite well! Perhaps blacks and reds are better forgotten nowadays.

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08 Mar 2016, 22:58

Well, the description says they developed it "In collaboration with Vortex", so I don't see (a) the reason to get this over a pok3r, and (b) where it's going to be able to really differentiate itself as a competitor. I see no difference to show how they "applied our CODE minimalist design aesthetic", personally...

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09 Mar 2016, 01:54

More importantly, Pok3rs come in white.

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09 Mar 2016, 17:13

"In collaboration with Vortex"? Ouch. There goes that idea.

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09 Mar 2016, 18:02

From someone at Massdrop that messaged WASD:

"I emailed WASD asking about any differences and this was their response (which was very prompt I might add): "These are manufactured by Vortex (they make the Pok3r). We have rebranded them in our CODE line, so only real difference is ours say “CODE” on the bottom, and theirs says “Pok3r”""

https://www.massdrop.com/buy/vortex-pok ... alk/374716

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11 Mar 2016, 17:46

a couple of weeks ago i got my WASD newsletter stating they had a new keyboard..
Just looking at it from my smartphone screen..My reaction was..it's a Poker3 with backlit white plate..

Even the i,j,k,l are the arrow keys just like the poker3 ..

So i got rid of the email, not giving it a second thought hahahah..

If they had gone with a nice 66% model i would have bin interested..

Thanks WASD but now thanks i need a bit more ...

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11 Mar 2016, 19:09

Yeah, I'm not sure I see the point in an exact clone of the Pok3r. The only thing that would entice me to switch from my Pok3r would be a NovaTouch with the same layout as a Pok3r.


12 Mar 2016, 13:50

It's not a clone, it's just a rebranded Pok3r to my knowledge. I'd expect a naked (i.e., without keycaps) version though.

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