New Lenovo laptop includes keyboard "noise suppression"

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Wild Duck

25 Feb 2011, 01:47 ... ssion.aspx
The jackhammer typist is the scourge of the calm, blissful office environment and conference call. Enter Lenovo's new 2011 Thinkpad business laptops, which include "noise suppression" technology.

Most manufacturers phased out overly "clicky" keyboards many years ago, but there are still some brands that make more racket than others. If you type with the force of a jackhammer, you'll know it can drown out voices on a conference call, or at the very least annoy the person sitting next to you.

Which is why today's announcement of six new Lenovo ThinkPad businesss laptops (in the T, W and L Series) is so interesting. Buried in the announcement is a mention of "noise suppression technology". How quiet? Lenovo doesn't seem to be putting any specific claims behind this, other than saying it will help "eliminate distracting clicking".

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microsoft windows

25 Feb 2011, 02:04

I wonder how this "noise supression" technology will work. It sounds like an interesting concept.

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Buckler Of Springs

25 Feb 2011, 10:39

Probably some dampeners around the edge of the scissor switch.

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Gasbag Guru

25 Feb 2011, 10:59



User avatar
microsoft windows

25 Feb 2011, 23:15

What keyboard is that pictured?

User avatar
Gasbag Guru

25 Feb 2011, 23:16

microsoft windows wrote:What keyboard is that pictured?

User avatar
microsoft windows

25 Feb 2011, 23:20

That's a neat keyboard. It's kind of funny how it's got Windows keys.

User avatar

13 Dec 2014, 12:15

Muirium, would you mind??
Bloody spammers..Taken from here

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Topre Enthusiast

13 Dec 2014, 12:28

They're getting clever! I'll sort this one out -- thanks.

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emacs -nw

13 Dec 2014, 12:34

Reminds me of Philip's K. Dick story - "Second variety".
Next improvement is probably a "necrothread revival avoidance algorithm" ...

User avatar

13 Dec 2014, 12:39

Heh, I wasn't quick enough to see this one. Good work!

Something tells me these things are done by hand by some poor bastard in the third world, doing the same thing on forums every hour of the working day. If it was automated, we'd be deluged.

User avatar

13 Dec 2014, 12:45

A real innovation would be a protable computer with model F keyboard!

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Topre Enthusiast

13 Dec 2014, 12:46

Third world indeed...the last few of these have been from Pakistan. This was the last guy.

User avatar

13 Dec 2014, 13:13

They're good for something, now I know there's a full size ML keyboard.

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