Elite Keyboards selling Oktoberfest Click Clack

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05 Nov 2012, 21:45

Elite Keyboards updated his site with some keys made by Click Clack.



There are more Skull keys that are out of my interest, you can look for them on EK.

I think EK should provide discount or get some stock reserved for our German users. It makes sense :mrgreen:

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Daniel Beardsmore

06 Nov 2012, 22:49


As a non-beer-drinker I would feel bad about buying one (considering how limited the Clack Factory stock is), but that's just incredible.

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11 Nov 2012, 12:57

I hope he's made a few hundred to fuck over the scalpers.

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13 Nov 2012, 02:15

It seems this time Elite Keyboards made a completely new system to sell Click Clack keys. You can give a try and if you get lucky you will get some of them.

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Topre Enthusiast

13 Nov 2012, 10:25

Great idea if you ask me. Allows people in other time-zones a better chance of getting click clacks :)
I have to admit I do like the look of the Oktoberfest ones...*fingers crossed*.


13 Nov 2012, 10:44

Wow, yummy

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13 Nov 2012, 11:02

This is progress. Really like what they've done.

With any luck they'll check and only give people multiple caps if it means others don't get missed out completely.

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