$400 for buckling springs: do you get the F77 Repro or the F122 original? Here's what I think.

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31 Mar 2021, 06:40


I just got a keyboard from XMIT, an F122 in a silent auction more trouble than it was worth to him. But, considering I paid substantially similar prices for my Model F77 and my F122 (the F122 had shipping, plus had to get a Soarer's converter from Orihalcon, so it did cost a bit more), I'm going to talk to those of us here who might not have Ellipse's reproductions, and who don't have an F122, and are in the market to wildly overpay for a keyboard.

If you want a Kishsaver or an F77 for the size saving functionality, your decision is made. Buy a repro, because the F122 dominates a fucking desk. Here, you can barely even see the F77 in the far too large classic case behind an F122.


If you're worried about the lack of keys on the F77, you probably don't have to be. But, if you're a guy who uses an M122 and all them keys, don't buy an F77. Buy the F122 you maniac. The F77 makes you do weird shit like this. Yeah that's F5 on the split right shift. That's my life now.


Okay so now let's take a look at some things you guys might care about if you're properly on the fence.

Availability: Ellipse's keyboards are available right now. Kinda. Look they exist and that's what matters. It's not hard to get them, but at this time you may be waiting a few weeks. The point is, if you have $400 today and you want to spend it on a keyboard today, you can buy a repro and definitely have a keyboard.

The F122 is surprisingly difficult to find reliably. They sometimes don't even show up on ebay. There's one on eBay right now for $1200 (lol) and there's one people are bidding on that's now at $350. It's at $350 because I bid $350. Haha. But anyway, with some luck, you can get a Model F for $400-$500 right now, but you have to try.

Neither of these keyboards are what I would call particularly available, but I'm going to give the win to Ellipse here for having a guaranteed price and the keyboards existing somewhere.

Winner: F77 Repro

Build quality: This is difficult. The keyboards Ellipse is rebuilding are considered by many to be the best built keyboards of all time. Chyros I think unironically suggested that they could be used in the case of a bank robbery to stop a bullet. They weigh approximately 11 tons and are solid zinc magnesium alloy. Look at this photo. Look how thick that metal is. It’s solid fucking metal. A slab of goddamn magnesium.


The F122, on the other hand, has a plastic case, but with a solid metal backplate.


The F77 weighs more and feels more solid. But, does it type more solid?

No. It doesn’t. It feels worse. It feels rattly like an XT and a 4704. I have an F107, and my secondary keyboard at the moment is an XT. They feel rattly and slightly shittier than an F122 and an AT, and I’m not sure why that is, but Ellipse has replicated that slightly rattly and looser feel. Also, there are some reports of some slight issues. I have had none, by the way. Before you say “hur durr that’s cause you’re using shitty keys on the F77,” I’m using XT keys.

I’m going to say that the F122 is made better, but the F77 is constructed better.

Winner: tie

Repairability: Before I talk about this, I’m bringing it up because these keyboards either are no longer made in the case of the F122 or will soon no longer be made in the case of the F77. Probably. Who knows with Ellipse. He’s the boy who cried deadline. Anyway, these are keyboards worth hundreds of dollars. These should be a lifetime purchase. As a result, we need to know how we can maintain them if necessary, and how simple it is to do so.

The Model F122 is fairly repairable by F standards. It’s similar to the Model M in that regard, as the keys are surprisingly standard. BUT honestly it’s fairly difficult to drop in replacement pieces if it breaks. While you can find a guide for repairing every single part of an F online, the problem is that you are essentially fabricating the repair parts or modifying existing pieces to use them. That’s a problem.

Here, let me show you by way of example. I just picked up an F122 from XMIT on Deskthority. Here’s what I get.


Oh shit, the spacebar fell off. For those who don’t know, the Model F spacebars are creations of Satan. The XT and ATs are longer than a fucking Panamax ship and are impossible to reseat without disassembling the board. The F122 is built like a Model M. Easy. Except it uses a paperclip as a stabilizer wire. It’s incompatible with Model M spacebars and stabilizers. You have to bend your own wire, and then somehow increase the thickness for it to work with a Model M.

I found the spacebar in the package. Judging by the dirt, the keyboard’s last owner had tried to fix the keyboard with a Model M spacebar, which is incompatible. XMIT hadn’t noticed it was unstabilized, and the rough shipping kind of killed it. He shipped me a Model F spacebar shortly thereafter. I’m using it to type this right now.


But, you know what happens when your spacebar breaks on an F77? You go to Unicomp and request a spacebar for $5. DONE. Remember, Ellipse is one of us. He feels our pain. As a result, he sells repair kits, spare parts, and has made certain features of the keyboard, like the spacebar, easy to fix with readily available parts. He also has exhaustive manuals on fixing every single problem you could ever have with the board.

Winner: F77 and it’s not close.

Usability: The F122 has more keys and is therefore more usable. It wins by 55 usabilities. Well that’s not quite it.

Okay the F122 comes with a weird protocol and a weird plug. That’s a problem. You can program your own teensy or whatever or get Drake over on the Model M subreddit to make one for you for like $10, then you can use Soarer’s converter software to use the F122. Most people are just going to be adding on $40 for an Orihalcon converter. Then it’s plug and play, with fairly easy key remapping and little to do after. You remap the keys in notepad. EZ PZ

The F77 is plug and play. Works immediately. No problem. Unless you want to remap keys, and you sure as hell are because the damn thing has basically no keys. Here’s the problem. The new ones come with QMK firmware which requires you to go to some website or some shit and message a guy to get into a private trial in order to remap functionality, which require you to go to some different ass website and do shit that way. How about fuck off no goddamn way? I had to find instructions on how to flash the xwhatsit firmware on the xwhatsit controller, then initialize that. The IBM capsense software that comes with that is very easy to use, I guarantee if you’re into mechanical keyboards you can use it, I promise, but it does require you to set voltage for your keyboard to start with. If they came with xwhatsit as standard, I’d be much happier. Also by default they don’t come with keys. rofl

The size is going to have to be up to you. I typically prefer more keys, but can do without the nav cluster, as it’s basically just the base layer of the num pad. You can make macros and stuff on the extra keys on the 122, but you probably won’t use them. I have an incredibly small desk, so as long as my main key functions can be remapped to the base layer, I’ll typically value the size. I can do that on the F77, and it doesn’t even impede my mousepad. On the other hand, sometimes it does get annoying switching on and off that numpad a lot. So it’s going to depend on your priorities. You’ve seen the F122 on my desk in the beginning of this post. Here’s the F77.


Winner: F122 and it’s not close.

Conclusion: well, I think it’s a draw. For me, as a collector, I go with the F122 if the price is equal and I don’t already have one. I’m content with having a keyboard sit in my keyboard closet and not get used just to know that I have it. If you’re not mentally ill like I am, and you want to use your keyboard, then I think it really is a toss up. Do you care about ease of repair? Do you want the smaller size or more buttons? Do you want to just buy a keyboard and not think about it too much?

I’ll tell you guys something, though. I’ve paid about $475 for my 2 F122s I’ve bought (after shipping and stuff), and $400 for my F77s. I have purchased 2 F122s, and 2 F77s. I happen to have gotten an F122 for free at one point, but that’s not important. I hope that shows you how much I consider the buy a toss up.

But what’s on my desk right now? Today?

Last edited by funkmon on 31 Mar 2021, 08:05, edited 1 time in total.

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Gotta start somewhere

31 Mar 2021, 07:29

Excellent writeup, you have definitely done your research. F122 was my first mech keyboard and I still use it. You can't beat it's look, and the left function cluster is very clutch. Throw an ANSI layout and a floss mod in there, and it's damn near perfect.

I don't have an F77, but I am excited to get one. Although I must mention that it may take months, instead of weeks to get yours. You also have different color and form factor options for the F77, though the original design is the one I prefer.

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31 Mar 2021, 10:46

funkmon wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 06:40
The F77 weighs more and feels more solid. But, does it type more solid?

No. It doesn’t. It feels worse. It feels rattly like an XT and a 4704. I have an F107, and my secondary keyboard at the moment is an XT. They feel rattly and slightly shittier than an F122 and an AT, and I’m not sure why that is
Rattly? Not my OG Kishsaver! He's a mental wee tank. All my IBMs are vintage so I can't talk for the new ones, but of my AT, XT and Kishsaver: the 4704 is the most solid of the lot in sharp key-feel as well as solid slab zinc case. It's the absolute apex buckling spring keyboard, far as I'm concerned. And cost me a hell of a lot less than four hunder! Ah, those were the days… :lol:

The AT's a nice board, I'll grant you that. All (original) Model Fs have their charms. But the best feel of all is on the 4704.

As for controllers and programmability: Pandrew's QMK* is the one for me. I used Xwhatsit's for years—my Kishsaver has Xwhatsit's prototype Model F controller inside it—and I like his GUI, too. But it's abandonware now, doesn't run on my new Mac, and Pandrew's got individual thresholds per key, which is killer. My Kish worked well with Xwhatsit, but my beamspring never did. Pandrew's QMK is solid on them both, boom!

*It's β software. Pandrew's patched QMK for capsense. You're playing with advanced shit, and must know your shit to do so. 8-)

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31 Mar 2021, 11:04

Speaking of which, here's my current magicks on the Kishsaver:
Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 9.50.49 am.jpg
Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 9.50.49 am.jpg (154.13 KiB) Viewed 10030 times
Layers, my friend. That's how you make compact keyboards sing. Forget all about cramming keys in strange places. Put them right where they should be, when pressing something else.

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31 Mar 2021, 15:39

Don't be daft. Winner is F 107. Silly mortals.

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[ XMIT ]

31 Mar 2021, 16:10

Thanks for the write up.

I expect that there is some FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) here. I'd like to clarify a couple of things.
silent auction more trouble than it was worth
The reason for this is that the original "winner" decided they did not want to buy the board after all. In the future, a simple "for sale" listing or an eBay auction would be easier for me. I did the silent auction as a gesture of goodwill to the DT community and as an experiment. It was fun but it's not terribly scalable so I don't think I'll do it again.
Oh shit, the spacebar fell off.
You and I agreed that even modern Unicomp boards, new from the factory, have this issue. We agreed that it would be a best practice to secure the space bar with two pieces of mailing tape as Unicomp now does.

I will note, too, that within a couple of hours of your concern about the space bar, a new one was in the mail to you.
You have to bend your own wire, and then somehow increase the thickness for it to work with a Model M.
wcass has a beautiful solution for exactly this.
It was my intention to mail you a wcass stabilizer with the board as a nice surprise. But, due to factors outside of my control, they are no longer in production, and this did not happen.

I am in talks with wcass regarding ongoing manufacturing of these stabilizer wire adapters. There is a small but consistent need for them.

I also shared fohat's "washer mod" as a way of getting your board to work in a pinch. https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=90 ... msg2466181
you know what happens when your spacebar breaks on an F77? You go to Unicomp and request a spacebar for $5. DONE.
I stand behind every board I sell. Change your mind before I mail? Refund, no questions asked. Change your mind after you receive it? Ship it back to me (at your expense; sorry) and you get a refund. Something broke? Let me know, I probably have a spare.

I sent you that space bar free of charge, certainly no slower than Ellipse or Unicomp could have gotten it out the door. USPS Priority Mail 2-day ended up taking rather more than that...

(Some of you are probably saying, "where is my Hall Effect keyboard part???" The factory that makes them has shut down, I'm actually out of spares with no way to source more unless I get a returned board or find some stash of them.)
the F122 comes with a weird protocol and a weird plug [...] the new [F77s] come with QMK firmware which requires you to go to some website or some shit and message a guy
It depends on what experience you're after.

I consider it nothing more than a miracle - a testament to the prowess of this community - that literally all you need to do to get a 36 year old keyboard to work with a laptop purchased today, is to plug in a simple converter.

It's also a minor miracle that we have devoted devs - like Soarer, and xwhatsit, and pandrew - who make these converters, controllers, and firmwares, give them away for free, and then hang around to take questions. Thank you so much!

We live in an age of instant gratification. Ellipse, though he and I don't always agree, I will say that he's closer than we've ever been to enabling true turnkey boards: click "buy", wait a week, get an F62 or F77 with keys that you just plug in over USB. I think that's what most non-DT people want. But, here, we're a patient, forgiving community of tinkerers.

If you want turnkey, get an F62/F77 from Ellipse, or someone else's already converted board.

If you want the opposite of turnkey - a board that is as difficult to build as humanly possible - build an FSSK! I did, and it's what I really wish Ellipse (or lot_lizard) had offered.

I'll end with this: you're comparing a reproduction that is being manufactured actively right now, with a keyboard from 1984 that's been around the block. It's a true testament to IBM's keyboard manufacturing chops that the board is even usable today.

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Gotta start somewhere

31 Mar 2021, 18:11

Muirium wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 10:46
Rattly? Not my OG Kishsaver! He's a mental wee tank. All my IBMs are vintage so I can't talk for the new ones, but of my AT, XT and Kishsaver: the 4704 is the most solid of the lot in sharp key-feel as well as solid slab zinc case. It's the absolute apex buckling spring keyboard, far as I'm concerned. And cost me a hell of a lot less than four hunder! Ah, those were the days… :lol:
The AT's a nice board, I'll grant you that. All (original) Model Fs have their charms. But the best feel of all is on the 4704.[/quote]
Dang I really need to get my F107 up and running, still working on the paint job for it. Also needs a full restore! My case has an ugly dent sadly so I might for a matte look instead of a polished idollar finish. (sadly)
Muirium wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 10:46
As for controllers and programmability: Pandrew's QMK* is the one for me. I used Xwhatsit's for years—my Kishsaver has Xwhatsit's prototype Model F controller inside it—and I like his GUI, too. But it's abandonware now, doesn't run on my new Mac, and Pandrew's got individual thresholds per key, which is killer. My Kish worked well with Xwhatsit, but my beamspring never did. Pandrew's QMK is solid on them both, boom!

*It's β software. Pandrew's patched QMK for capsense. You're playing with advanced shit, and must know your shit to do so. 8-)
Ok I forgot to mention this in my original post. Pandrew's QMK xwhatsit software is a GODSEND. It works like a charm, and you don't need to calibrate with it! Very easy to make any layout you want with QMK configurator, and supports almost every model F variant, FSSK included.

I actually had some keys not registering on my Unsaver using the original xwhatsit firmware, reflashed with QMK and all issues were instantly fixed without any diagnosing required from me. You also don't need to short RST and GND manually, as the util.exe can do it for you within the OS. It is the best firmware I have ever used for model F's and beamsprings.
XMIT wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 16:10
I stand behind every board I sell. Change your mind before I mail? Refund, no questions asked. Change your mind after you receive it? Ship it back to me (at your expense; sorry) and you get a refund. Something broke? Let me know, I probably have a spare.

I sent you that space bar free of charge, certainly no slower than Ellipse or Unicomp could have gotten it out the door. USPS Priority Mail 2-day ended up taking rather more than that...
Yeah I'm quite positive that you will be getting the spacebar faster from XMIT than Unicomp, and most definitely Ellipse. I'm actually still waiting on my F77 that I ordered back in september of 2020.
XMIT wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 16:10
It depends on what experience you're after.

I consider it nothing more than a miracle - a testament to the prowess of this community - that literally all you need to do to get a 36 year old keyboard to work with a laptop purchased today, is to plug in a simple converter.

It's also a minor miracle that we have devoted devs - like Soarer, and xwhatsit, and pandrew - who make these converters, controllers, and firmwares, give them away for free, and then hang around to take questions. Thank you so much!

We live in an age of instant gratification. Ellipse, though he and I don't always agree, I will say that he's closer than we've ever been to enabling true turnkey boards: click "buy", wait a week, get an F62 or F77 with keys that you just plug in over USB. I think that's what most non-DT people want. But, here, we're a patient, forgiving community of tinkerers.

If you want turnkey, get an F62/F77 from Ellipse, or someone else's already converted board.

If you want the opposite of turnkey - a board that is as difficult to build as humanly possible - build an FSSK! I did, and it's what I really wish Ellipse (or lot_lizard) had offered.

I'll end with this: you're comparing a reproduction that is being manufactured actively right now, with a keyboard from 1984 that's been around the block. It's a true testament to IBM's keyboard manufacturing chops that the board is even usable today.
I'd say part of the joy of owning a model F is the work you put into it, I can definitely say this for the ones I use. It's also a lot better now than it was a couple years ago, when xwhatsit's were very scarce and we had no alternative. Now we have QMK model F controllers and the like, which is a perfect solution if you don't mind soldering for a few minutes. Pandrew has given me stellar support while converting some of my boards, even going as far as discovering that one of my controllers had a shorted trace. Bridged a wire on the PCB and it worked like a charm.

Also I built my FSSK, but haven't gotten to use it much. The keys don't feel bad really, but some feel like they are missing some of the consistency that you find in a model F. I need to daily drive it for a week or so to get a real impression of it.

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31 Mar 2021, 18:50

Muirium wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 10:46
funkmon wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 06:40
The F77 weighs more and feels more solid. But, does it type more solid?

No. It doesn’t. It feels worse. It feels rattly like an XT and a 4704. I have an F107, and my secondary keyboard at the moment is an XT. They feel rattly and slightly shittier than an F122 and an AT, and I’m not sure why that is
Rattly? Not my OG Kishsaver! He's a mental wee tank. All my IBMs are vintage so I can't talk for the new ones, but of my AT, XT and Kishsaver: the 4704 is the most solid of the lot in sharp key-feel as well as solid slab zinc case. It's the absolute apex buckling spring keyboard, far as I'm concerned. And cost me a hell of a lot less than four hunder! Ah, those were the days… :lol:

The AT's a nice board, I'll grant you that. All (original) Model Fs have their charms. But the best feel of all is on the 4704.

As for controllers and programmability: Pandrew's QMK* is the one for me. I used Xwhatsit's for years—my Kishsaver has Xwhatsit's prototype Model F controller inside it—and I like his GUI, too. But it's abandonware now, doesn't run on my new Mac, and Pandrew's got individual thresholds per key, which is killer. My Kish worked well with Xwhatsit, but my beamspring never did. Pandrew's QMK is solid on them both, boom!

*It's β software. Pandrew's patched QMK for capsense. You're playing with advanced shit, and must know your shit to do so. 8-)
I disagree on many levels. My OG 4704 and XTs feel similar. Rattley. Just like the F77. I even prefer this, but it feels slightly crap. The 122s DO feel like a middle ground between XT and AT.

Also, it's a keyboard. You shouldn't need to know your shit. There's a built in software that works for Windows, and I'm fine with that. The QMK firmware requiring internet access and stuff for remapping, it's too many steps.

Also layers suck.
Yeah I'm quite positive that you will be getting the spacebar faster from XMIT than Unicomp, and most definitely Ellipse. I'm actually still waiting on my F77 that I ordered back in september of 2020.
This is the problem. Nobody SELLS an F spacebar. XMIT happened to have one I could have. There is literally no other easy way to get one. That's why the F77 is a godsend.

I'll come back and say more after work.

I don't think the joy of an F is the work you put into it. I think it's the keyboard. I don't care about that. I just care about if I can get it to work, and the ideal is that it works immediately.

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31 Mar 2021, 19:27

funkmon wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 18:50
Also layers suck.
Be wrong if you like. You’re not getting into 60% club! :lol:

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31 Mar 2021, 19:59

Why are we passive aggressively sniping each other

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[ XMIT ]

31 Mar 2021, 20:46

funkmon wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 18:50
Nobody SELLS an F spacebar. XMIT happened to have one I could have. There is literally no other easy way to get one.
Yes, I gave you one for free with your order! :lol:

I think orihalcon may have some Model F spares.

I say again: there is a mod that allows a Model M space bars to work nicely on a Model F keyboard. The "wcass stabilizer" dates back to 2013.

https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=48 ... msg1047062
Model M space bar on left, Model F space bar on right.
Model M space bar on left, Model F space bar on right.
spacebar_holder.JPG (208.43 KiB) Viewed 9905 times
wcass stabilizer left, Model M stabilizer right.
wcass stabilizer left, Model M stabilizer right.
spacebar_spring.JPG (201.29 KiB) Viewed 9905 times
wcass described this in great detail in the video I linked earlier.

I stress this because, since wcass is no longer able to manufacture these, he and I have agreed that I would pick up where he left off. Here you can see, clockwise from top left: wcass's stabilizer wire jig, some wcass stabilizers that are nearly done (some final tweaking required), the wire and tubing required to make them, a Model F stabilizer with thin wire, and a Model M stabilizer with wcass wire.
wcass stabilizer jig and supplies.
wcass stabilizer jig and supplies.
IMG_20210331_131204.jpg (481.29 KiB) Viewed 9905 times
Weezer wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 19:59
Why are we passive aggressively sniping each other
I ... don't know.


Or maybe we should remember that we're a community who help one another out.

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31 Mar 2021, 22:42

XMIT wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 20:46
funkmon wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 18:50
Nobody SELLS an F spacebar. XMIT happened to have one I could have. There is literally no other easy way to get one.
Yes, I gave you one for free with your order! :lol:

I think orihalcon may have some Model F spares.

I say again: there is a mod that allows a Model M space bars to work nicely on a Model F keyboard. The "wcass stabilizer" dates back to 2013.

https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=48 ... msg1047062



wcass described this in great detail in the video I linked earlier.

I stress this because, since wcass is no longer able to manufacture these, he and I have agreed that I would pick up where he left off. Here you can see, clockwise from top left: wcass's stabilizer wire jig, some wcass stabilizers that are nearly done (some final tweaking required), the wire and tubing required to make them, a Model F stabilizer with thin wire, and a Model M stabilizer with wcass wire.

Yes exactly.
Weezer wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 19:59
Why are we passive aggressively sniping each other
I ... don't know.
I don't think anyone's passively aggressively sniping at anyone.

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31 Mar 2021, 22:54

funkmon wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 22:42
I don't think anyone's passively aggressively sniping at anyone.
Oh, alright. I guess I misinterpreted. That's my bad. Don't think anything of my question.

To add my own thoughts on the 4704 versus F122 debate: For me the F122 is like putting a 1980's Cadillac on your desk: Not the best looking. Big and boaty. Not practical. But feature flush for the time and emblematic of an era. The 4704 is more like a DeLorean. All metal construction, and an elegant culmination of the technology available at the time. But not in a way that transcends the era in which it was made. It's still definitively 80's.

My F122 gets ridiculed regularly by those who don't already enjoy old tech. If I had a dollar for every time I've been told that the 80's called and wanted its _______ (commodore 64, mainframe, beige plastic) back, I'd be able to buy another F122. I love my F122s because I love ginormous command station keyboards, but they seem to fill a certain cup of tea.

The 4704 is totally different. People think it's a stylized throwback with modern switches in it. I get consistent compliments on it from computer illiterate normies, and even more surprisingly, even the type of people who normally prefer their RGB be Lasik ready and their cherries brown. I'm really surprised at how many people have come up to me at work and told me that its a cool looking keyboard.


01 Apr 2021, 02:23

I've never hurt for space to the left or above my keyboard, so I feel that the F122 has the same effective size (moving right hand from home row to mouse) as a conventional fullsize, while having many more keys.

I think the F122 is much more practical than people give it credit for. Up there with the Kinesis Advantage as far as "people who haven't tried it call it ugly, anyone who has tried it really likes it".

The F77 and 4704 really are beautiful boards, the numpad looks pretty unusable though. It makes sense that the original boards used those keys for macros and system functions.

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01 Apr 2021, 21:15

As noted elsewhere, the F107 is now selling for more than $770 US. Without adapter. In OK-ish shape.

F122s are selling as high as $500 US. This beat-up thing sold for $250. Ellipse has one for $399 on his website.

Just so y'all have a more accurate price range. Linky for folks that might want to buy an F77.

Personal opinion? I think the F XTs are meh. I might be interested, some day, in another Model F, but I use a numpad quite often. I also use the Windows key and other function keys. I also don't care for layers. The combo of all this means that the F77 isn't for me.

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02 Apr 2021, 01:10

Rayndalf wrote:
01 Apr 2021, 02:23
I think the F122 is much more practical than people give it credit for. Up there with the Kinesis Advantage as far as "people who haven't tried it call it ugly, anyone who has tried it really likes it".

The F77 and 4704 really are beautiful boards, the numpad looks pretty unusable though. It makes sense that the original boards used those keys for macros and system functions.
I agree on the F122. Mained it for years and it's a great keyboard.

Yeah the F77 pad was used for macro functions in banking applications. the F107 has a full numberpad


02 Apr 2021, 10:38

There's an obvious 3rd option here, if you want a split buckling spring experience just buy 2 F XTs and use one with each hand.
It costs about the same as an F AT, but helps you stretch out your shoulders too.

I'm going the F AT route right now and realize getting one in usable shape will cost at least $300, so anyone with an F77 is free to laugh at me, but at least I'll have a usable numberpad (and no arrow keys).

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22 Apr 2021, 22:44

The layout is the killer for me, afaik no OG F has Unix layout which many people are fond of.

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23 Apr 2021, 05:13

I have an original F77 and let me tell you that the typing experience is unique. Very similar to the F122 but more solid in the last one. if you ask me, I prefer both. But, If I'd have to choose between the F77 replica and the F122, I'll go all day with the F122.

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