WASD Semi-Custom 104-key keyboard with Cherry Blues

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Mad Scientist

30 Aug 2012, 02:19

Hello fellow Deskthority users. A few weeks ago I received a WASD Semi-Custom 104-key keyboard with Cherry blues as a review sample because I wanted to preview the quality of their keyboards for everyone at Deskthority, so that they can be more informed buyers.


Let's start with the keyboard.

I've been using this keyboard for about two weeks now. Let me preface this entire review by saying I generally am not a Cherry keyboard person. For two years my daily driver has been a Unicomp “Ultra Classic” 104 in pearl white. WASD has changed my opinion on Cherry boards as a whole. They use Costar as their OEM, like Filco, Rosewill, etc but this is very much not “just another Costar board”.

The board that they sent me had 40A-L O-rings preinstalled which at first I was a little wary of because O-rings usually significantly reduce the key travel on the board making it unpleasant to type on. However, these rings are thinner than the other ones and they provide an appreciable amount of silencing without significant reduction in key travel. The keyboard uses a braided, attached cable with rather excellent strain relief.


They also do some other manual tweaks to the board that many other Costar boards do not. All of the stabilizers are greased with premium silicone grease. One thing that is very important to me that this does is reduces the squeak and ensures that all of the stabilized keys depress smoothly and uniformly. The additional grease also eliminates the stabilizer “chatter” which you may find on some other Costar boards. They also tweak the spacebar stabilizer, because from the factory often they are quite warped and it causes a scratchy sound in the spacebar which I have noticed on one of the Filcos I have used. They also adjust the right side of the stabilizer to reduce spacebar chatter on the right compared to the left. The entire key depresses very uniformly and overall I am very impressed with the attention to detail because of these tweaks.

Many other manufacturers just crank out whatever comes out of the factory and then just put it in a box and ship it off to the consumer. This is very readily apparently not so with WASD. As part of the sample, some additional O-rings and colored keycaps were included as a quality sample. I did not like how the other O-rings reduced the travel of the keys so I left the 40A-L ones on for the majority of my time with the keyboard. The keyboard can be used with either PS/2 via passive adapter (for full n-key roll over, which I used) or USB.


Now, the packaging.

The keyboard arrived to me double boxed, one outer plain brown cardboard box to protect the inner, professional retail packaging box during transit. UPS usually beats the crap out of their packages so this is definitely welcome and necessary in this day and age. Also included was a packing slip, which usually isn't worth pointing out but since WASD is so attentive to detail it was signed-off by the preparer of the keyboard and the packer of the box.


Moving on to the company.

I personally dealt with Weyman Kwong, who in my experience has been very professional and knowledgable about the product his company makes. Any questions I had he generally had an answer for and the ones he did not he was able to find out and respond to me promptly. I only really had one complaint, and that was the slow time from the initial communication to the time I had actually received this review unit.

I had contacted WASD back in April but I then got caught up with some things so we didn't get around to figuring out a keyboard until July. It was shipped on August 7 via UPS Ground and I received it the following week on the 15th. Since they are a California based company and I am here in Pittsburgh, PA, UPS takes 6 business days to bring it across the country.

All in all, WASD is a great company to do business with and I definitely foresee making some purchases from them in the future. (and maybe even more reviews!)

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30 Aug 2012, 18:01

Good review!

I've only ordered keycap sets from them, but I've had great experience doing business. The spacebar had a blemish in it, and I sent a photo and got one shipped to me in 2 days with an apology email. Awesome service, can't wait to see their MX clear TKL offerings in Q4.

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02 Sep 2012, 12:57

Good review. Got to add I love my wasd and agree with everything you say about the quality and attention to detail.

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11 Sep 2012, 13:04

Just want to add a little negative thing about wasdkeyboards. I just got mine some weeks ago now and the keycaps are too high for the keyboardcase. You can barely see the leds on the numblock, because of their height.
And another thing, if you buy a german 105 key layout, the capslock does not fit the germany cherry capslock keycap.

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11 Sep 2012, 17:18

Did they send you a keyboard with non-fitting caps or did you just order the caps and they don't fit you keyboard? The latter might happen, many people are not exactly clear about the different profiles, that exist.

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11 Sep 2012, 23:08

santino wrote:Just want to add a little negative thing about wasdkeyboards. I just got mine some weeks ago now and the keycaps are too high for the keyboardcase. You can barely see the leds on the numblock, because of their height.
And another thing, if you buy a german 105 key layout, the capslock does not fit the germany cherry capslock keycap.
You mean all the keys? The profile does not change with language??
On the caps lock, can you post a pic to help understand the problem?


12 Sep 2012, 03:45

We use the same keycaps for all keyboards and keycap sets. If you are referring to the height on the V1 case, I would agree that the keys sit a little higher than I would like. This is being changed in the V2. This really has nothing to do with the keycaps. We are simply moving the PCB and backplate down deeper into the case so the keys can sit lower.

If you are referring to using our keys on Cherry Corp keyboards, they use a lower profile keycap. Our keys are higher and stem positions will differ on some keys. The stepped Caps Lock found on Cherry Corp keyboards have the stem shifted to the left. The spacebar will also not fit because the stems on the Cherry keyboard is closer together.

The key profile we use are currently the most widely used among various brands. Cherry Corp is one of few keyboards that use a different key profile.

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19 Sep 2012, 15:01

Wow, I did not expect to get a direct answer from wasd. :) Yes it has nothing to do with the layout. I meant the stems are at other locations than the original cherry keycaps have theirs. And its nice to hear, that the V2 would have lower sitting keycaps.

And if I sound a bit disappointed, Im not. The keyboard is of very high quality and Im looking forward to see the new V2 with illuminated keys.

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