GMK / Cherry doubleshot modifier packs (complete?)

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19 Mar 2013, 21:09

Nice mock ups in the OP, let's hope in the interest from vendors???? Nothing from Techkeys??? Or Originative??? (it would be a nice action to show interest in this from Originative-Sherry after the Ski Data set announcement affair......) or anybody else???
C'mon..This is probably our last chance to have GMK (near original Cherry) as a GB producer..

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19 Mar 2013, 23:35

I'll look into this on the weekend, and I fear I will end up trying to spend money.


19 Mar 2013, 23:56

I sent a mass message off to all the GH vendors that deal with keycaps that aren't producers themselves. I hope at least couple of them will help out. Though I also do understand that buying from a groupbuy instead of a normal distributor would be out of the norm for many of them. If anyone knows of others that would have any remote chance of placing an order with us feel free to pass any info along to me.

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20 Mar 2013, 20:58

Have a look at the GB-booster flynn has arranged: ... t5413.html
great stuff
Last edited by Jmneuv on 20 Mar 2013, 22:37, edited 1 time in total.

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20 Mar 2013, 21:11

This may be a stupid question but how can I check what I've ordered? I don't remember if I have picked the ESC pack or not...

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20 Mar 2013, 21:13

Wow, that's terrific. Just ordered one and ramped up my order here.

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20 Mar 2013, 21:26

Jmneuv wrote:Have a look at the GB-booster flynn has arranged:
great stuff
Thanks for posting a link to the GH one. I put the same add up over here now at DT: ... t5413.html


20 Mar 2013, 21:43

Kurrk, no I show you have 0 for esc currently.

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21 Mar 2013, 00:00

Updated my order.


22 Mar 2013, 03:17

If we are not at least 75% to MOQ by 27 March this will likely be cancelled. If we are close I will consider extending a week but nothing more.


22 Mar 2013, 23:40

We are at 1/3 the MOQ. PUSH IT.

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23 Mar 2013, 09:26

Are all sets at approx. 1/3 MOQ or are some going stronger than others?

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23 Mar 2013, 11:18

I'm pretty sure the counts in the OP are pretty up to date (everything is about 1/3).


23 Mar 2013, 16:01

I update the order count at least once daily.

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23 Mar 2013, 17:48

HzFaq wrote:I'm pretty sure the counts in the OP are pretty up to date (everything is about 1/3).
Ah, I didn't notice the order counter in the OP. :oops:
Added the ESC pack to my order.

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24 Mar 2013, 13:22

This would be so unbelievably sad :(

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24 Mar 2013, 15:14

I just ordered a cmyk kit an esc kit, but I would like to know if there is some problem to use the cmyk kit with a filco I mean the stabilisers will be compatible with this keycaps? sorry I thought of it after ordering. I think right shift has a stabiliser, hasnt it?

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24 Mar 2013, 15:48

pheo wrote:I just ordered a cmyk kit an esc kit, but I would like to know if there is some problem to use the cmyk kit with a filco I mean the stabilisers will be compatible with this keycaps? sorry I thought of it after ordering. I think right shift has a stabiliser, hasnt it?
Right shift has a stabiliser, but no problems at all (I use original Cherry caps on my Filco and GMK are exactly the same). Caps will come without stabiliser parts (if they will ever come.....let's hope....), you simply have to use the white plastic parts now fitting your mounted shift cap and you are done. See this surely better than my poor english.
.....And don't forget to add at least one modifier purple set to your order.....OK?????

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24 Mar 2013, 15:50

Ops, I forgot to tell you to look at the first video in the above linked page, sorry

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24 Mar 2013, 21:49

Sputnik wrote:
pheo wrote:I just ordered a cmyk kit an esc kit, but I would like to know if there is some problem to use the cmyk kit with a filco I mean the stabilisers will be compatible with this keycaps? sorry I thought of it after ordering. I think right shift has a stabiliser, hasnt it?
Right shift has a stabiliser, but no problems at all (I use original Cherry caps on my Filco and GMK are exactly the same). Caps will come without stabiliser parts (if they will ever come.....let's hope....), you simply have to use the white plastic parts now fitting your mounted shift cap and you are done. See this surely better than my poor english.
.....And don't forget to add at least one modifier purple set to your order.....OK?????
Thanks for info! Why do I have to add a modifier purple to the order? is there something lack?


24 Mar 2013, 22:04

'cause if it doesn't go ahead then GMK may be a bit grumpy over the unused custom coloured ABS they bought specifically for this group buy. Then it's possible that they may never let us order anything else from them again.

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24 Mar 2013, 22:35

If they did that than they should lower the MOQ to minimize there lost.

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24 Mar 2013, 23:06

On first post doesnt mention that. They should have waited for a real quantity. Aside I think it is a high moq. Is it usually the moq that high on other GB? Noob here, sorry.


24 Mar 2013, 23:35

This is first ever groupbuy with GMK from any community as far as I know. They are used to dealing only with large company customer, so to them this is a tiny order. I kept asking lower, lower amount and this is as low as could get.
They do things their own way, they are not like SP much.


25 Mar 2013, 00:19

It's most likely that they're used to dealing in the thousands or tens of thousands of units per customer order - isn't it 1000 switches per type that 7-bit has to buy at a time(?) and that's not even directly from the manufacturer(?) what's Cherry's MOQ?!? 300/400 units worth is probably the lowest quantity that makes getting moulds out of storage, running plastic through the machine till the colour comes out true and other setting up things I know nothing about, running off I don't know how many caps an hour changing the mould and repeating. I've discounted the plastic its self, ABS is cheep! But I guess between running new plastic through their machines to force out the old colour (is there a more time efficient way of doing this? I don't know) miss casts and left over material they'll probably have about a tenth of the plastic they buy for us go to waste - the ESC keys where there's only 400 per colour waste is probably even higher...

Even with silver (at around 600 times the raw cost of ABS) the time of a skilled worker plays a decent part in the cost of a finished piece. The less worker interaction, the lower the cost.


26 Mar 2013, 13:51

Impending doom... if you are one of those people that likes to wait until last minute, it is approaching. Get those orders in.


27 Mar 2013, 23:47

I decide to extend the end date to 20 April.
I don't know how much it will help but I also keep trying to negotiate GMK on the numbers.


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28 Mar 2013, 00:31

IvanIvanovich I saw on GH you would probably ask for more prototypes because Limmy asked for the Korean forums (Don't really understand how anyone can't figure out how a modifier may look by having a look at the arrows though...).

In case you decide to go that way I can pay for them and get them shipped to me. Shipping will be faster and I would take some pictures with them combined with Cherry double-shot (black on white, white on black, Dye Sub...) in a Poker and Kmac Mini.


28 Mar 2013, 01:00

If I can get them to do that they will come to me, so if the buy still ends up fail I can have the only ones in the world muhahahahahaha. :twisted:


28 Mar 2013, 01:49

Eh, what the L ... I'm joining!

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