[Interest Check] CMYW GMK Group Buy

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20 Jan 2014, 01:37

With some help from Ivan, This is very quickly now moving to the GB stage.

The Idea is to take the popular CMYK set and give it white legends. This would much better match Dolch sets and White on Black sets. additionally, it will match the new Dolch and upcoming handarbeit sets sold over at Originative.

Geekhack: http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=491 ... msg1060593
Deskthority: http://deskthority.net/marketplace-f11/ ... t7282.html
KBDMania: http://www.kbdmania.net/xe/market_info/8032083


There have been some questions and concerns about the qualities of the set, most can be found in the gh thread, but I'll go over the big ones here. The first concern that came up was:..

The Yellow
As you can see in the mockup kindly provided by Sifo (with original photo by Dianoda), The contrast is quite high and unpleasant. While it's the same yellow used in CMYK, some people were wondering about using GMK's mustard yellow..which is a little darker and in my opinion not as fitting. Photo of similar white on mustard -thanks Ivan

The final and unofficial consensus on Geekhack was and is to bite the bullet and go with the original and brighter yellow. I agree here, I think the contrast won't be terrible, and it won't be as bad as a full set, it's just two caps.

Do you agree with using the original, brighter yellow, with the running risk of bad contrast?

The Legends
Now this is pretty much decided already but I want more opinions and thoughts. We are going to stray from the original set here. The shift arrows in the original set were that of ISO taste, they were just the arrows. With CMYW, we will go ahead with more classic Ansi Taste legends. with the arrow and 'shift' legends. that way, it won't look out of place with the classic ansi sets and the with the new originative sets as well. reasoning and thoughts are here and here. Now I realize that might not be as popular with more ISO users here, so that leads me to a question...should I provide 1x 2.75 shift in ansi legends, AND 1x2.75 in ISO legends? meaning, one (with just the arrow) to match the 1.25 shift (with just the arrow) for ISO users, and one (with arrow and 'shift') to match the 2.25 shift (with arrow and 'shift') for ANSI users? I think it would be better for all users, but add to cost. Please tell me your thoughts. the concern about 'Alt Gr' and whether or not to include it is discussed in the next section despite being a legend problem.

Do you agree with me about using all ANSI Legends (except for 1.25 shift)? Should there be a 2.75 shift using ISO shift legends to match the 1.25 iso shift?

A Profile and B Profile
With the original CMYK set, It was all B. B profile (i.e. the shift row or 'bottom row') is used for bottom row and the spacebar row on more recent cherries, and is what Sherry is doing with his Originative sets as well. Boards before 1996, Before 1.25 and windows keys were introduced, had used A Profile for the Spacebar Row, which is a bit taller then B Profile (11.15 mm versus 7.40 mm). Photo here - thanks Photekq (and credit to Litster). Now, whether or not to include 1.5 caps in A Profile. They are just 4 more caps (or 6 if Alt Gr if is included), so that will add to cost. If we are adding them, then doubling the amount of each shift is ideal, giving the set the ability to fit two keyboards (1.5 A /shifts & 1.5 B / shifts) being used at one time. This would then add to the size and possible cost. A profile is quite enjoyable, a little harder to find but really nice. The thing is, because B is more common, and the originative sets are all in B, having just 4 keycaps in A while the rest of the board is in B would make for an out-of-place look. It would work fine with a 60% board, because the spacebar row would universally be A profile, but not on TKL or Full-Sized Boards.

Should A Profile be included at all? Would add to the size and cost of the set, but would be A Profile! 8-)

Size of the Set
Now..the last big problem remaining..the size. Cost is very dependent on size, so while we await a reply from GMK, it's best to get together possible sizes of the set. Now, if you haven't heard, Ivan succeeded in lowering MOQ from 400 to 250.. which is fantastic. we have yet to confirm if that low 250 MOQ applies to other buyers from Deskthority and Geekhack. Ivan said he thinks it will, but let's just wait for a quote and reply. So, because 250 and 400 are two very different numbers, I think planning accordingly is smart. If it will just be 250 MOQ, then it will obviously be a lot easier, and so more variation in the set will be possible, That's just the part of the mind set needed while thinking about what to change, remove or add to the set.

Alt Gr, and whether or not to include it. Personally, I don't think we need it. I know it goes a lot better for ISO, but all and all and for the point of matching, I think it will be fine to just have Alt, and no Alt Gr. factor in including A profile and it all stacks up to a huge massive set. Here are the possibilities:

1. Maximum Caps, double shifts, yes to all the questions asked, everything included, will accommodate most, will be expensive and hard to hit.
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.25 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.25 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt B ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.00 Alt Gr B ISO Leg
1x WoC 1.25 Alt Gr B ISO Leg
1x WoC 1.50 Alt Gr B ISO Leg
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl A ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl A ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt A ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt A ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.00 Alt Gr A ISO Leg
1x WoC 1.50 Alt Gr A ISO Leg
2x WoY 1.25 Shift B ISO Leg
2x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ISO Leg
2. What I'd Like to do, based on my preferences, will accommodate less, but will make MOQ easier to hit, moderate, good price, least amount of ISO love :?
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.25 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.25 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl A ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl A ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt A ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt A ANSI Leg
2x WoY 1.25 Shift B ANSI ISO
2x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
3. Largest, will accommodate 2 separate keyboards in either ISO or ANSI at the same time, will hurt your wallet's feelings, and will be most expensive and hardest to hit.
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.25 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.25 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt B ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.00 Alt Gr B ISO Leg
1x WoC 1.25 Alt Gr B ISO Leg
1x WoC 1.50 Alt Gr B ISO Leg
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl A ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl A ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt A ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt A ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.00 Alt Gr A ISO Leg
1x WoC 1.50 Alt Gr A ISO Leg
2x WoY 1.25 Shift B ISO Leg
2x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI ISO
2x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI ISO
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ISO Leg
4. Smallest, No A profile, easiest to hit and most similar in size to CMYK, also the cheapest
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.25 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.25 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 1.25 Shift B ANSI ISO
2x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
Schedule & Updates:
1/17/14: Message Sent to GMK
1/23/14: Quotes received

Last Words:
Please, let me know your thoughts and any advice or interest you have about it. If you think I'm wrong about something, or should change something, Please tell me. If you would enter this GB, please post and show it.

All help is appreciated :)

Last edited by Dubsgalore on 24 Jan 2014, 03:03, edited 5 times in total.


20 Jan 2014, 01:56

I'll be in on this almost regardless of what choices are made, but:

Do you agree with using the original, brighter yellow, with the running risk of bad contrast? Original, brighter yellow.

Do you agree with me about using all ANSI Legends (except for 1.25 shift)? Should there be a 2.75 shift using ISO shift legends to match the 1.25 iso shift? I'd prefer ANSI Legends.

Should A Profile be included at all? Would add to the size and cost of the set, but would be A Profile! 8-) Include A Profile! It would be a cool way for people (including myself) to try it out, and 60% is a common form-factor already.

Regarding size: I'm with you on Option 2.


20 Jan 2014, 02:05

Do you agree with using the original, brighter yellow, with the running risk of bad contrast?
I think the original yellow should be fine.

Do you agree with me about using all ANSI Legends (except for 1.25 shift)? Should there be a 2.75 shift using ISO shift legends to match the 1.25 iso shift?
Prefer ANSI legends.

Should A Profile be included at all? Would add to the size and cost of the set, but would be A Profile!
I would prefer B profile only for costs.

Size: Option #4
Last edited by Vintage on 20 Jan 2014, 04:00, edited 1 time in total.

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The Beard

20 Jan 2014, 02:10

Wait, I definitely need more info...last I heard sherryton was refunding the handarbeit GB and im not sure about the dolch one. Will those sets even be available in the foreseeable future?

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20 Jan 2014, 02:17

Ascaii wrote:Wait, I definitely need more info...last I heard sherryton was refunding the handarbeit GB and im not sure about the dolch one. Will those sets even be available in the foreseeable future?
I will talk to Sherry and get updated with him. I heard he was refunding and resetting the cryllic and handar buy, so when he returns (tomorrow I think), I'll get to him.

Still, with all the dolch sets, original and Sherry, there will be a lot of sets to match this with. And with all the BoW sets out there without proper shifts and bottom row (for 1.25 and 1.5), it would be able to help out a lot of sets.

edit: also, Ivan's current Grey Buy would match up great with this set, assuming It hits MOQ :)

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20 Jan 2014, 03:47

added #4, forgot about that one :lol:

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20 Jan 2014, 04:27

I'm with #2

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20 Jan 2014, 10:59

I am up for anything GMK so I will probably place an order no matter what :D

Concerning your questions:

1. I prefer the original brighter yellow as well. Sure, the legends won't be as visible, but who needs legends on the Shift keys anyways? I think consistency is more important - as long as the left shift keys has the same style as the right one everything is fine.

2. As an ISO user I actually prefer ANSI legends on the Shift keys. Just the arrows looks kinda empty on those big shift keys so I'd be happy if you put "Shift" on it as well.

3. I prefer B profile just for compatibilty reasons. If you add A profile keys as well I am fine with it. But since that will lead to higher costs it might be harder to reach MOQ.

4. Concerning the size of the set I prefer option #2 or #4. I'd buy the other options too, but don't really need all the extra keys.

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20 Jan 2014, 12:40

I'm in as long as there is an iso sized left shift and a 1800 right shift. :D

ah, and I would prefer the original yellow

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20 Jan 2014, 12:58

I'm interested. I like to have Alt Gr keys as Alt Gr != Alt. The original yellow looks best and the legends on shift does not matter as you won't be able to see them anyway ;-)

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20 Jan 2014, 13:52

why it has to be the same yellow as the one from CMYK? Guess nobody puts CMYK & CMYW together on one board....so there is no reason to make it same yellow. A darker yellow for better contrast makes much sense.

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20 Jan 2014, 15:05

- The yellow, either way is fine. As long as it looks good and not eye-blinding (which I do find to be the case in the picture you have in the OP).

- Legends: As an ISO user I would definitely want a matching ISO right shift... Wouldn't it look really weird to have two different kinds of shift on one keyboard? If at least both the arrows are the same size and position I could maybe be fine with it even though being an odd look. I don't really see the use of the "Shift" text anyway. I know it's a shift button :) But I can understand it's also tradition for ANSI users. Even so, I find an ISO 2.75 shift to be a must in this pack. Even if just for sake of completion.

- You can leave A profile out of it for all I care, I don't think I would even use it.
"It would work fine with a 60% board, because the spacebar row would universally be A profile, but not on TKL or Full-Sized Boards. "
How do you mean, it's universally A profile? Are all spacebard from GMK A profile? If so, how does that work with B profile caps then? I haven't tried this out yet..
Alt Gr would also be nice for completion sake but I could live without this if this is the only hickup. It really depends on how much these full sets would cost.

- I would take #4 or #2 but with the 2.75 ISO shift. Depending on pricing I could also take the rest, even if I don't use say 75% of the content.

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20 Jan 2014, 15:54

I think A-profile doesnt even work with 60% boards. Only boards they are working (=doesnt stick out) are winkeyless boards regardless of 60%, 80% or fullsize. The problem is to get matching A-profile Windows & Menu keys.

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20 Jan 2014, 17:35

Paranoid wrote: - You can leave A profile out of it for all I care, I don't think I would even use it.
"It would work fine with a 60% board, because the spacebar row would universally be A profile, but not on TKL or Full-Sized Boards. "
How do you mean, it's universally A profile? Are all spacebard from GMK A profile? If so, how does that work with B profile caps then? I haven't tried this out yet..
spacebar from GMK sets is A-profile from what I saw in my Olivetti set, but still you can't get a universal 60% A-profile unless it used winkeyless layout :?

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20 Jan 2014, 18:16

For me there's too much stuff even in the smallest set. I'd keep it as easy as possible and only support keyboards with 1.25 modifiers, which I believe are the most common ones. Supporting more layouts may be a way to reach the MOQ, but another way is to keep prices low.

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20 Jan 2014, 22:49

Please include the A profile! Use the original yellow. I'm fine with either legends.

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21 Jan 2014, 00:48

snoopy wrote:I'm in as long as there is an iso sized left shift and a 1800 right shift. :D

ah, and I would prefer the original yellow
Iso sized left shift will be included no matter what :)
tlt wrote:I'm interested. I like to have Alt Gr keys as Alt Gr != Alt. The original yellow looks best and the legends on shift does not matter as you won't be able to see them anyway ;-)
You may be the first or second who wants Alt Gr. Honestly I think it would serve hitting moq better if we just go without it.
BimboBB wrote:why it has to be the same yellow as the one from CMYK? Guess nobody puts CMYK & CMYW together on one board....so there is no reason to make it same yellow. A darker yellow for better contrast makes much sense.
The mustard doesn't look as good, in most people's opinion, and it would make more sense to match the old set. Cyan, Magenta and Yellow are a popular color model, and Cyan, Magenta and Mustard yellow together are something different. It's just for the purpose of looks and keeping to CMY. The contrast shouldn't be as bad as the mockup.

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21 Jan 2014, 00:56

Paranoid wrote:- The yellow, either way is fine. As long as it looks good and not eye-blinding (which I do find to be the case in the picture you have in the OP).

- Legends: As an ISO user I would definitely want a matching ISO right shift... Wouldn't it look really weird to have two different kinds of shift on one keyboard? If at least both the arrows are the same size and position I could maybe be fine with it even though being an odd look. I don't really see the use of the "Shift" text anyway. I know it's a shift button :) But I can understand it's also tradition for ANSI users. Even so, I find an ISO 2.75 shift to be a must in this pack. Even if just for sake of completion.
I have to agree with you here. The thing is...should there be 2x 2.75 ANSI and 1x2.75 ISO? or just 1x 2.75 ANSI and 1x 2.75 ISO? I think the first.
Paranoid wrote:- You can leave A profile out of it for all I care, I don't think I would even use it.
"It would work fine with a 60% board, because the spacebar row would universally be A profile, but not on TKL or Full-Sized Boards. "
How do you mean, it's universally A profile? Are all spacebard from GMK A profile? If so, how does that work with B profile caps then? I haven't tried this out yet..
Alt Gr would also be nice for completion sake but I could live without this if this is the only hickup. It really depends on how much these full sets would cost.

By that I meant, the entire bottom row of a 60% would be A profile, including spacebar and mods. And it would look fine, but with a TKL, you would have the arrow caps in B profile, so having the A CMYW caps in 60% section of the board and having the arrow caps in B would look out of place. same for a 100% but add the 10key caps and it looks even more out of place.

i think I will get samples in A profile, but for now I asked for quotes on 2 and 4. I think once i have prices and samples, people will show their interest more. it's hard without any definite number

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21 Jan 2014, 00:59

BimboBB wrote:I think A-profile doesnt even work with 60% boards. Only boards they are working (=doesnt stick out) are winkeyless boards regardless of 60%, 80% or fullsize. The problem is to get matching A-profile Windows & Menu keys.
that's the thing...A profile 1x caps...that's why these will be better suited on a winkeyless board...which accommodates for even fewer.
Grond wrote:For me there's too much stuff even in the smallest set. I'd keep it as easy as possible and only support keyboards with 1.25 modifiers, which I believe are the most common ones. Supporting more layouts may be a way to reach the MOQ, but another way is to keep prices low.
There's a lot of demand and interest for 1.5 mods, I think it'll help bring in more orders. The price won't be that much different with or without.
Daniel wrote:Please include the A profile! Use the original yellow. I'm fine with either legends.
including A will ultimately come down to the price and quotes. a serious decision won't be made until I hear back with quotes.

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21 Jan 2014, 07:21

No Alt Gr is not a deal breaker for me even thought I really want it.

Having a multiple of two of all the keys in the kit would be equal to two kits with one key of each and effectively cuts the MOQ in half.

Having some 1.25 keys to put on win/menu to cower the button row and complement a vintage WoB set would be nice to have in the kit. Maybe three black or gray blanks would do? Or four to keep it a multiple of two ;-)

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21 Jan 2014, 07:48

Or maybe we could try a complement kit in this GB with four blank black 1.25 keys for win/menu and two center stemmed caps lock keys. (Two caps and four 1.25 to keep it a multiple of two). It should effectively get a MOQ of 125.

This is useful for people like me who like to combine vintage Cherry caps with these CMYW kits and put it on a standard key size keyboard like a Filco.

Having it in the same buy would save shipping and help reach MOQ

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21 Jan 2014, 12:03

tlt wrote:Having some 1.25 keys to put on win/menu to cower the button row and complement a vintage WoB set would be nice to have in the kit. Maybe three black or gray blanks would do? Or four to keep it a multiple of two ;-)
Good idea in my opinion!

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21 Jan 2014, 19:23

tlt wrote:No Alt Gr is not a deal breaker for me even thought I really want it.

Having a multiple of two of all the keys in the kit would be equal to two kits with one key of each and effectively cuts the MOQ in half.
People would need to buy extremely large and expensive sets then no? and then sell off half of that set? i really awaiting a quote before I really consider that.
tlt wrote: Having some 1.25 keys to put on win/menu to cower the button row and complement a vintage WoB set would be nice to have in the kit. Maybe three black or gray blanks would do? Or four to keep it a multiple of two ;-)
That's a good idea actually, for WoB sets.
Either pad printed 1.25 win/menu in black, or doubleshots. we might as well throw in 1.00 in B profile as well for win/menu.
The more and more I think about it, A is just going to be hard to squeeze in. of course, I'm still waiting on the quote, so no info yet.

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21 Jan 2014, 20:58

Dubsgalore wrote:
tlt wrote: Having a multiple of two of all the keys in the kit would be equal to two kits with one key of each and effectively cuts the MOQ in half.
People would need to buy extremely large and expensive sets then no? and then sell off half of that set? i really awaiting a quote before I really consider that.
What I mean is that if you ask for a quote for a set with for example:

1x WoM 1.00 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
1x WoM 1.25 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
1x WoM 1.50 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.00 Alt B ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.25 Alt B ANSI Leg
1x WoC 1.50 Alt B ANSI Leg
1x WoY 1.25 Shift B ANSI ISO
1x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
1x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI Leg
1x WoY 2.75 Shift B ANSI Leg

That would be half your "set 4" so people would probably like to have two of those to get for example an 1.25 control key on both sides of the spacebar. Than just make it mandatory to get two sets, as thats what you want anyway. And the MOQ is effectively cut in half. This can of course always be done for sets that mostly contains keys that you want two of (or a multiple of two).

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23 Jan 2014, 18:52

Ok guys, quotes are in, it's a $10/7EUR price difference for A profile.

Should we just go for A? or include A as a separate pack? I doubt that would hit MOQ..

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24 Jan 2014, 01:06

Go for A? A sucks, bro. That shit is too tall.

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24 Jan 2014, 03:09

jdcarpe wrote:Go for A? A sucks, bro. That shit is too tall.
Sorry JD, A is the best 8-)

The more that is considered and the more I think about it, I think we are just going to go with a variation of kit 4. Add a few things and we'll be done. The goal is hitting MOQ, and after shipping and GB fees, the difference between #2 and #4 will be too great for some people.

I'm going to ask for a quote on the final set, which will look like this:
2x WoM 1.00 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.25 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoM 1.50 Ctrl B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.00 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.25 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoC 1.50 Alt B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 1.25 Shift B ISO Leg
2x WoY 1.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.25 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ANSI Leg
2x WoY 2.75 Shift B ISO Leg
Let's call it kit #5... this is just #4 but with the 2 2.75 shifts for ISO users

how's that sound?


24 Jan 2014, 12:37

Sneaking on at work in small browser window...does this kit have the ISO J-RET?

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24 Jan 2014, 13:16

it doesn't have any return, it's just ctrl, alt and shift like the original gb

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25 Jan 2014, 01:07

GB starting soon-ish! Kit 5 is the final selection 8-)
things left to do:
-Generate Order Form
-Finalize GB thread
-Finalize Korean GB thread
-Finalize Order with GMK and update them
-Prepare Paypal
fart_toast wrote:Sneaking on at work in small browser window...does this kit have the ISO J-RET?
Paranoid said it best, shifts, alts and ctrls of different sizes and legends in B profile

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