IC/Discussion on beige set

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02 Mar 2014, 15:04

Mmm… nice. Now for the symbolic revolution!

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02 Mar 2014, 15:21

matt3o wrote:I know nothing about ergodox, I put there what you ergo-guys want.
Ergodox users, anyone else care to weigh in?

Based on a random, unscientific survey - the first 20 or so search results for ergodox configurator links - I get the following results, excluding keys already available in the base or mod sets:

For 1.5x legends, 'shift' and 'escape' are very common, in over 70% of configurations. Less common and in order of occurrence from in 60% down to 25% are: 'quote', 'enter', vertical '[{' and ']}', '+=', 'delete', and '-_'.

For 2x legends, 'backspace' is almost as common as 'enter' (which we already have thanks to the numpad) and in 60% of layouts. The keys 'shift', 'control' and 'delete' are the next three most common, but far behind at about 25%.

I'll leave it up to you to decide how many you want to include, considering the cost of adding legends.

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02 Mar 2014, 15:29

escape makes sense, it would also cover the KBT Race, but let's see what other ergodox users have to say

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02 Mar 2014, 17:55

Debian logo is perfect! I'll be getting a few of those sets.

Edit: And the sad Mac is also great.


02 Mar 2014, 19:01

matt3o wrote:
jdeblese wrote:I figure just the symbols is easiest?

⎈ ⎇ ◆ ⌘ ≣ ⎄ ⎆ ⌅ ⌤ ↵ ⏎ ⌦ ⌫ ← ⇤ ⇥ ↹ ⇆ ⌥ ⇧ ⇮ ⇪ ⇫ ⎙ ⎋ ⇞ ⇟ ⇱ ⇲

If that doesn't work, I'll attach or send you the SVG.
I'm not sure we will be actually using symbols, but it's nice to have them at hand. I'm trying to make some mock ups I'll post them for review asap.
fart_toast wrote:So we have the keys where @ and " are swapped between my Uk ISO i use and ANSI? So I would have to ge the full international kit to cover UK? Will the big ISO enter etc be included or separate?

7bits round 5 had ISO uk options and the more common international alphas ? Anyway of avoiding buying all thelaguagesad having small sets of language specific caps? Maybe even some smaller subsets of the international pack where there are overlap between languages?
Depends on pricing, I'd like to have just one international set, or maybe we could split it in two if it turns out too expensive. SP will take care of orders and sorting, so I can't make creative pricing like 7bit did.
Ah I see, yes at least a half way split might help out. Also, Will a center stemmed caps lock be possible rather than offset stepped caps? I'd lie to have the gap there but most options for caps are center stemmed that I come across.

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02 Mar 2014, 19:26



stepped caps I believe are center stemmed. I have to check.

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02 Mar 2014, 19:47

matt3o wrote:stepped caps I believe are center stemmed. I have to check.
I remember the rules being the same as with SA: stepped = off centre stem, unstepped = centre stem. But don't take my word on that.

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02 Mar 2014, 20:01

Muirium wrote:
matt3o wrote:stepped caps I believe are center stemmed. I have to check.
I remember the rules being the same as with SA: stepped = off centre stem, unstepped = centre stem. But don't take my word on that.
nope, there are both center and off-center stepped keys. I don't know which one of the two SP has in PBT.

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02 Mar 2014, 20:09

Nice to see you have the Kneissl and the Fischer logo. What about Völkl, Rossignol, Blizzard, Head and Atomic?


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02 Mar 2014, 20:13

Could you possibly add a < > key into the ISO kit? Both symbols on one key, to be used right of the left shift.

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02 Mar 2014, 20:20

@7bit, I don't know what you are talking about

@Daniel, that will be in the full international kit (still working on it)

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02 Mar 2014, 20:29

matt3o wrote:@7bit, I don't know what you are talking about

@Daniel, that will be in the full international kit (still working on it)
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02 Mar 2014, 20:31

read: star trek and zelda :P

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02 Mar 2014, 20:32

No bomb, no sale!

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02 Mar 2014, 20:33

Muirium wrote:No bomb, no sale!
the sad mac looks better imho


02 Mar 2014, 20:55

ISO + UK kit looks good :)


02 Mar 2014, 21:00

1.75 Shift in the RGB kit please :]


02 Mar 2014, 21:37

If you want to cut down on the number of kits, you could merge the pinch of color with the RGB kit.

In the same vein, you could incorporate the international kit (which is still in development, I guess) with the ISO + UK Kit.

I guess no one expects to gain the same number of possible configurations as in round 5, and I would myself not care to pay a bit more for keycaps I don't need if it means a lower overall price (if pricing is dependant on the number of possible configurations and thus orders per kit).

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02 Mar 2014, 21:43

imbattable wrote: I guess no one expects to gain the same number of possible configurations as in round 5, ...
14 vs. 317 (blanks not counted!), but this is only at the beginning.

Count Troller

02 Mar 2014, 23:09

May I again nitpick about "Ins" and "Del" vs. "Page Up" and "Page Down" ?

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02 Mar 2014, 23:49

woody wrote:May I again nitpick about "Ins" and "Del" vs. "Page Up" and "Page Down" ?
it's about font size and available space :)
imbattable wrote:If you want to cut down on the number of kits, you could merge the pinch of color with the RGB kit.

In the same vein, you could incorporate the international kit (which is still in development, I guess) with the ISO + UK Kit.

I guess no one expects to gain the same number of possible configurations as in round 5, and I would myself not care to pay a bit more for keycaps I don't need if it means a lower overall price (if pricing is dependant on the number of possible configurations and thus orders per kit).
big keys are expensive that's why I'm trying to keep the count per kit low.
7bit wrote:
imbattable wrote: I guess no one expects to gain the same number of possible configurations as in round 5, ...
14 vs. 317 (blanks not counted!), but this is only at the beginning.
Don't worry, I'm not even competing. But hey ABS vs PBT... just saying :P

Count Troller

03 Mar 2014, 09:08

matt3o wrote:
woody wrote:May I again nitpick about "Ins" and "Del" vs. "Page Up" and "Page Down" ?
it's about font size and available space :)
Sure. Any objections against "PgUp" and "PgDn" ?
Not a deal breaker, just asking.

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03 Mar 2014, 09:27

works for me.

I was working on the kits more than on legends right now, but thanks for the heads up

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03 Mar 2014, 10:11

I'd rather have Del and Ins than PgUp and PgDown. Note the similar legends on the right grey block of these sphericals:


Yes, this GB isn't Honeywell. But CrmpdLgnds are one of those things we need to deal with in any case. I particularly loathe missingspaces… Let's embrace the vertical. There's 3 line legends on those sphericals!

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03 Mar 2014, 10:20

okay, now, for the mods:

Camel Case
only symbols
symbol + text


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03 Mar 2014, 10:44

My preferences:

1. Symbols only (ideal, if used 100% throughout)
2. UPPER CASE (classic)
3. lower case (modern, see Apple's current keyboards)

I'm against CamelCase and mixing symbols with words.

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03 Mar 2014, 10:53

I'll make a (reduced) mock up of all possible scenarios

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03 Mar 2014, 11:01

Thanks. I think a popular default and an alternative mods kit ought to be enough, if we can all agree on two.

I really want those symbols!

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03 Mar 2014, 13:20

Muirium wrote:My preferences:

1. Symbols only (ideal, if used 100% throughout)
2. UPPER CASE (classic)
3. lower case (modern, see Apple's current keyboards)

I'm against CamelCase and mixing symbols with words.
Seconded, although I'd like both a symbols version and an upper case version to be available. Not sure which I'll prefer in the long term.

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03 Mar 2014, 13:41

I'm not a big fan of the symbols-only, although admittedly I just used the default ones that are pretty lame. All CAPS instead is super sexy and I vote that for the default layout. Anyway if there's interest for the symbols-only I can start working on some more interesting iconography



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