[SHIPPING] Granite Set ~ 100% PBT ~ Dye Sub ~ DSA

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Fancy Rank

01 Jul 2014, 22:49

I got a mail today from SP stating they hope to ship the last of the orders within this week. I presume that also means the international sets? Did we get pics of those?


02 Jul 2014, 16:06

Can confirm. My order with Intl set shipped yesterday.

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02 Jul 2014, 17:05

Mine arrived today, was shipped on June 26. That was fast !

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02 Jul 2014, 17:15

zulios wrote: Mine arrived today, was shipped on June 26. That was fast !
Pics or it didn't happen!

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02 Jul 2014, 17:18

Either French customs are superb compared to Britain's, or your order was small enough they didn't notice it.

Mine was shipped on June 26 and arrived (in California) on the 28th.

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02 Jul 2014, 20:13

Still waiting, slowly I get a bad feeling about my order... How can i contact Melissa if everything is okay?
After the PayPal invoice nothing happened in my inbox.

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02 Jul 2014, 20:21

I’m still waiting too, probably they can’t process and ship all packages at once.

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02 Jul 2014, 21:37

Data point: I just got shipping confirmation on my set with mono! monomonomono

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02 Jul 2014, 21:40

I think Melissa has to pack all of them by hand! Anyway, another datum: my order had mono, too. 9 different sets in total, including Nerddom, blank ISO return and Cyrillic. If I were at my brother's place I'd be bragging pretty hard right about now…

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02 Jul 2014, 22:12

drrtyrokka wrote: Still waiting, slowly I get a bad feeling about my order... How can i contact Melissa if everything is okay?
After the PayPal invoice nothing happened in my inbox.
Did you get the last information mail (30.06.14) regarding the Granite shipping? If not, i'm gonna post it here:

Code: Select all

Just a quick update on the Granite Group Buy shipping:

We are still producing keycap sets and are shipping them as they are completed. We are trying to get these all out this week, but with the holiday at the end of the week (we are closed both Thursday and Friday) are not sure if it is possible. You will receive a tracking number from Stamps.com as soon as your order ships.


Melissa Petersen
Signature Plastics LLC

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02 Jul 2014, 22:26

Thank you for the post. I hope for next week.

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02 Jul 2014, 23:13

madhias wrote:
zulios wrote: Mine arrived today, was shipped on June 26. That was fast !
Pics or it didn't happen!
Can't upload pics from my phone (too big). Later :) but they're fantastic.

Count Troller

02 Jul 2014, 23:28

Mine arrived few days ago - base set and text modifiers. The keycaps turned out really cool, and to my liking - clean and conservative.
Cheers to that Italian guy. :)

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03 Jul 2014, 13:08

Need icon pro modifiers for my ED.
IMG_3818.JPG (201.64 KiB) Viewed 5738 times

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03 Jul 2014, 13:37

I got the icon pro set. What have you got in mind, exactly?

Oh, and the Granite trades thread is here:

http://deskthority.net/group-buys-f50/t ... ilit=trade

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

03 Jul 2014, 13:48

After looking at the photos here and on GH I fell like kicking myself in the ..... for missing this GB.
This set looks just awesome :evilgeek:
DSA is soooo flat and yet curvy .... and the legends :oops:

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03 Jul 2014, 13:52

Keep the chant going: Round 2! Round 2!

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03 Jul 2014, 22:41

Muirium wrote: Keep the chant going: Round 2! Round 2!
As much as i want a Granite Round 2. GBs seem to be struggling. I hope Matt3o waits a while.

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03 Jul 2014, 23:08

Mine arrived today, and apparently slipped through the net of the legendary UK customs. Unfortunately I moved out yesterday, so I've got to wait until my parents visit to get my hands on the caps :(

Something else to look forward to, I guess :D


03 Jul 2014, 23:32

Mine arrived today too, without the customs charge. Someone must have been sleepy from watching footie at night.

I'm really glad I forgot to order a keycap puller, that probably wouldn't have been helpful now would it :/

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04 Jul 2014, 03:24

IMG_0060.jpeg (178.37 KiB) Viewed 5653 times
Contains icon mods and mono…
IMG_0071.jpeg (193.61 KiB) Viewed 5653 times
Fingers crossed for better pictures once my bro gets his macro lens. I could shoot better ones than these with a phone…

Oh, re: Granite Round 2, I'd be fine with late in the year. After Round 5, surely!


04 Jul 2014, 07:27

Got my set and it looks awesome! Only problem is the stabilize stabs for the spacebar won't stay in. If I hit the spacebar on the side the stabs just pop right out which makes the spacebar wobble like mad. Any advice?


04 Jul 2014, 07:28

They hold just fine in my original spacebar. It's like the holes are too big in the new one.


04 Jul 2014, 07:32

Oh great...it's like that for my enter key stabs too. I'm going to guess it's like that for all my stabs. Any ideas?

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

04 Jul 2014, 07:39

You have Costar stabs ? If yes there is a simple solution to that, just take a small piece of tape and stick it to the stab insert, it works 100%. I had the same problem with the Dolch DSA set on a CM Storm. This trick solved the issue, and it doesn't harm the stabs in any way. I didn't had the problem with Cherry stabs, I guess these are a little bit thicker.
Hope it helps.


04 Jul 2014, 07:43

Perfect! Thanks a ton.

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04 Jul 2014, 07:57

it is better to use the scotch tape trick with cherry stabs as well (at least in my experience). The cap is more stable.

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04 Jul 2014, 10:27

In addition to them being too loose, some of the larger DSA caps have obstructions inside the secondary stem shafts. To fully insert the stab mount you either need to carefully drill out the shaft or cut the mount a little. I had that issue with blanks, might be happening with this set too.

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05 Jul 2014, 00:06

DanielT wrote: After looking at the photos here and on GH I fell like kicking myself in the ..... for missing this GB.
This set looks just awesome :evilgeek:
DSA is soooo flat and yet curvy .... and the legends :oops:
Me too... I wanted nice DSA for so long and missed the best design ever...
Will try to trade some round 5 for this.


05 Jul 2014, 14:30

Well I've spent an hour this morning swapping my keys over.


Overall I'm pretty happy with the quality and design. I'm unsure if I'll keep it as I'm already missing the colours of my original. It's also bugging me that I don't have an appropriate Tab key, so I used one of my old modifiers, but it's a different shade of blue :roll: if I can get a blue modifier for tab that's the same shade it'd be perfect.

The pics don't really do the set justice. Even the SLR can't cope with the dynamic range of white on black.

Thanks for a great set Matt3o!

Full gallery here.

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