F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards


29 Dec 2021, 01:06

As orders continue to go out, here is part of the latest air shipment from the factory: ISO Icons HHKB cap set, and a few German, Norwegian, and Danish key sets (and a few WASD pebble sets from a special request). These are the first of the non-English sets that the factory has sent me. I will be getting some of these sets out to the split shipping folks who have been waiting a while for these sets. They also sent out some of the new production XT foam so I can get some of those orders out to those who just ordered separate shipping of foam.

Also today I approved production of the new transparent relegendable keys, based on the samples from this shipment. They are made of strong polycarbonate and are super clear. So far 981 have been ordered as of today. I still have a bunch more than that available.

You may be wondering what is the secret code on each key set bag - it is the production code. 2 digit year and 2 digit week number (e.g. 2130 indicates production in the 30th week of 2021).
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29 Dec 2021, 02:32

That's great! Happy ${HOLIDAY} keycaps.

But where are the stepped shift/caps, or the number row with front printed F keys?


29 Dec 2021, 02:40

Priority is for completing all of the international sets as noted before. The front print sets were approved for production only recently and should be finally completed over the coming weeks.


03 Jan 2022, 22:09

Hello Ellipse!

I'm one of the folks that opted to get blank keys almost a year ago so I haven't been checking in on forum posts. I did do some searching and haven't been able to find an exact answer. Are the Russian/Cyrillic keycap sets being produced by yourself or Unicomp?

Same question in regards to the JIS layout, but I believe it was decided way back when that this would be supplied by Unicomp.

As a side note, I've been using my F62 daily since I've gotten they're amazing in every regard - key feel, quality, ect. Appreciate your efforts on this project!


03 Jan 2022, 22:33

Thanks for the feedback Ace_1! Glad your keyboard is working well.

I bought a few APL and JIS sets from Unicomp; the rest including Russian Cyrillic are the new production keys. At some point, new production versions of those two key sets may be offered.


04 Jan 2022, 19:43

Some time ago I was trying to program QMK Dynamic Macros in the keyboard and every time that I added the feature to the firmware the keyboard froze in a way that it was impossible to enter into bootloader mode without opening the keyboard.

I assumed that I was doing something wrong in the programming, but until got it right, I needed to repeatedly open my keyboard and close the contacts to put the board in bootloader mode. I finally solved the bootloader problem by soldering a level switch to the board. I just needed to turn the keyboard upside-down while inserting the USB cable to enter into bootloader mode. However, I'm a bad solder and didn't clean well the remaining flux, so the flux corroded the adjacent components and after 6 months my board died. :-( And BTW, I never got the Dynamic macros to work.

To get the keyboard working again I ordered a new keyboard controller and took it to a phone repair shop (the only one that I found that did through-whole soldering) and they replaced the board.

They only did the soldering of this picture:

This is the other side of the board (original soldering) - they didn't solder this:

However, I have 4 non-responding columns:

I tried checking for a disconnected pins by touching each pin and the board at the same time (other side of the board) with a metal pin while the tool was open, but the numbers didn't raise (other numbers jumped around - capacitance changed in general, I guess). Also, according to 1st picture, pins 1 and 2 could be shorted, but those 2 are supposed to be Ground, so that shouldn't be problem, right? If this could be a problem I might need to confirm this under a magnifier.

Do you have advise on more ways for doing troubleshooting? I don't know if the problem is the soldering, the board or the green screen. And I have no idea how to diagnose this. However, when the phone repair shop removed the prior board the ribbon ended in pretty bad shape. This made me doubt a little about their skills - not sure if this is fair. It would have needed to be cut at least to 60% of the original length if I wanted to install it again. I wouldn't want to remove this board just for troubleshooting.

Thanks for your help.


04 Jan 2022, 21:41

Two columns seem to be bad. You should put 2 to 3 layers of polyimide / kapton tape on the bottom - otherwise it could make contact with the bottom of the metal keyboard case (does the signal level monitor look like that with just the PCB and bottom inner assembly outside the case?). I also like to push those contacts towards the gold bottom inner assembly so the controller is farther away from the bottom of the case. Also I'd want to touch up the solder - might be some cold joints.

Sometimes non-careful desoldering will break one of the copper contacts on the large capacitive PCB, thus needing a full replacement. If you'd prefer to start over, I can supply a fully assembled and tested controller+ribbon cable+capacitive PCB if you'd like a new one - just sent me a PM and I'll note the ordering instructions.

Please also message pandrew about the QMK firmware issue.


05 Jan 2022, 05:19

The latest monthly update has been posted on the project web site updates page. I have copied part of the update below.


Brand New Model F January 2022 Update – wrapping up the shipments of the second container shipment, third container shipment with the remaining keys and keyboards going out around end of January, and more!

Third container shipment almost ready to go!

As we start the new year 2022, I am almost entirely wrapped up with the shipments of keyboards and in stock accessories that arrived earlier this year with the second container shipment and in various express air shipments. A number of the keyboards that arrived in prior container shipments arrived with significant case damage, incorrect variation number labels, while others did not match the specifications of that variation (different color, layout, etc.) and some failed my testing requiring complete replacement of certain assemblies. So as to avoid delays and get as many keyboards out as soon as possible, I prioritized mailing out all of the “good to go” keyboards and then the other keyboards, and this month I will be spending time repairing these other keyboards and replacing entire circuitry (controller+ribbon cable+large capacitive PCB+USB cable) to continue getting out the keyboards. Recently the replacement parts arrived by express mail from the factory.

I want to note that the factory’s delay this year with production and assembly of these remaining keyboards of the early bird round was in no way a bottleneck for the 2021 keyboard shipping as the key sets and I were the two bottlenecks for the year – I was still (and still am) getting out keyboards and accessories from the prior container shipments. The only other remaining bottleneck since last year is the custom and international key sets and one-off type keys which required extensive quality control especially with all the special characters on the top and bottom areas of the key top surfaces, all of which are being finished up this month (some have already been completed). By the time I am done there will not be much downtime as we wait for the next container shipment to arrive to me. Prior to February 2021 we were still waiting on the factory to complete the new XT quality dye sublimation; orders with sublimated keys only started going out less than one year ago – will be going full speed once everything from the factory arrives (keys, etc.). The remaining sublimated keys should be completed in the coming weeks. For these reasons, I expect the pace to be far faster than it has been previously while needing to wait for sublimated keys to arrive. Once again I thank everyone for their patience with the factory and with me as I go through the backlog.

While I was busy getting everything out, the factory has been very busy producing the remaining dye sublimated key sets (including the international, front printed, and miscellaneous smaller sets and individual keys) as well as finishing assembly of the next batch of keyboards that are part of the early bird round of this project, many of which are the ISO-type keyboards and key sets that some of you have been patiently waiting for. This will all be going out as part of the third container shipment, which was not expected (initially the expectation was one round all in one container shipment, but waiting for everything to be finished would have significantly delayed the project even more). The third container shipment of all these parts and keyboards was delayed significantly this year and should be going out around the end of this month (January 2022), arriving to me around the end of March 2022, depending on port congestion. This is about a month later than what the factory was expecting in November, as noted in the prior update. It will then take several months for me to send out the remaining keyboards from this batch, which will finally bring me up to date without a backlog at that point. In other words, I expect to wrap up getting all the orders out over the coming 6-7 months from now. In this upcoming shipment, the factory is hoping to get in all the remaining keyboards that were not completed before the earlier container shipments departed the port. We are still in the early bird round; the final round is expected to start later this year. After my backlog is all gone and I’m caught up, I’m expected to open the window to order the Brand New Beam Spring Keyboards (half of the first batch of 300 is in stock currently, with the other half shipping and arriving to me in a few months from now). Please do sign up on the Beam Spring interest form noted below as that is the only way to reserve your spot in line for a Beam Spring keyboard.

And as some of you have asked me, it’s not really possible to estimate how long it will take to get up to a particular point in the backlog line because it depends on how quickly a keyboard can pass my final QC inspection and how quickly I can repair it if needed, along with the complexity of particular orders (putting together additional accessories and individual keys) slowing down the throughput time. However as noted above it should take a few months once the next batch is in hand for me to go through it, now that I won’t be waiting for parts to complete an order (so it is “all in stock”) at that time. Many folks ordered another keyboard and/or additional accessories in separate orders later on, which usually means these later orders can move ahead in line and ship in the same package as their earliest shipment. Over the past two years of mailing keyboards, some days it seems like everyone might have ordered extras while other days I can (relatively) zoom through keyboard-only orders. Either way a keyboard typically takes ~20-30 minutes to fully inspect, program, repair if needed, get the packing slip and keyboard/box birthday labels, and ship, and that time does not count gathering accessories. An electric counting scale is a big help, especially for those who order 100+ extra flippers with springs 🙂

Updates on die cast tooling
Due to the skyrocketing price of raw materials in recent years, in 2021 the project switched over to die casting instead of CNC milling each of the compact cases, despite the significant cost of the new tooling. Now both case types (compact and classic style) are die cast, not just the classic style cases which were die cast from the start of mass production. This allowed us to make the cases one solid aluminum piece + the bottom plate instead of two CNC milled aluminum pieces and the bottom plate, thus improving the construction quality of the cases. With the old design, the case screws had only 1-2mm of threads in the top part of the aluminum cases. Now the screws have several more mm of threads which should make them even more solid. (The flat bottom compact case plates are still CNC milled as it is just a flat plate)

Besides that extra parting line, the case design is identical to the original cases and inner assemblies can be switched from one case to the other. The factory completed the die cast tooling and production for the aluminum, ultra-compact cases last year. These cases will be used starting with this third container shipment.

Also by popular demand the compact cases have switched to the tougher powdercoating finish mentioned before, using a paint that most closely resembles the anodized look of the originals, as much as is possible by paint. While the anodized look of the keyboards is really nice as well, an even tougher coating should allow the newer keyboards to hold up cosmetically even longer than the anodized cases which have less scratch resistance.

Update on zinc case powdercoating
For the classic style zinc cases, the factory has gone with an improved, reformulated powdercoating finish that retains the full texture and finish of the original IBM powdercoated Model F keyboards. This should make the cases a bit more durable than those in the earlier two container shipments, though I still chose to avoid offering the ultra-tough modern powdercoating on the original style cases in order to keep the reproductions in line with the originals in appearance. As with any textured, uncoated paint the case finishes will continue to wear down over time just like the IBM originals, but should hold up better to usage.

Requests for help and expertise
I am still looking for some help on updating the open source xwhatsit controller PCB design and ideas for beam module pullers (for my updated beam module design) – please see my prior update post for more details.

What are the other very minor changes in the current shipment?
As noted earlier the bottom and top inner assemblies were modified a tiny amount to allow for a slightly tighter “sandwich” which I believe will offer a slight improvement in the snappiness of the XT-quality typing experience. Full compatibility has been maintained with existing cases and inner assembly parts so you can replace your inner assembly if needed, or switch between new and old cases and mix between old and new inner assembly plates.

The golden yellow finish of the older batch of bottom inner assembly steel plates (and of the IBM originals) has changed to a bluer finish due to a recent factory error. Since it’s inside the keyboard and not really seen I did not want to delay all the keyboards by 1-2 additional months to remanufacture these parts. For the final round I expect to go back to the original color.

The boxes have become a few inches larger to accommodate fitting a full key set inside the box. The artwork remains the same. Previously I put the key sets in separate boxes even if they were ordered with a keyboard.

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05 Jan 2022, 06:08

Ellipse wrote:
05 Jan 2022, 05:19
The golden yellow finish of the older batch of bottom inner assembly steel plates (and of the IBM originals) has changed to a bluer finish due to a recent factory error. Since it’s inside the keyboard and not really seen I did not want to delay all the keyboards by 1-2 additional months to remanufacture these parts. For the final round I expect to go back to the original color.
would you be able to share pictures of that? interested in knowing what the actual difference between the 2 is


06 Jan 2022, 09:35

zrrion wrote:
05 Jan 2022, 06:08
interested in knowing what the actual difference between the 2 is
It is probably due to cooling temperature profile of the metal, and oxygen from the surrounding air. Oxygen just affects the surface, and colors the metal differently.


10 Jan 2022, 05:36

Now that production and assembly are wrapping up for the early bird round as the factory gets ready to have everything done before the Chinese New Year break, my expectation is that planning will ramp up for the final round later this year. While the keyboards will be the same as the current round, without some cost cutting the final round keyboards are expected to cost much higher than the current batch (pricing was fortunately frozen on the current batch before the recent inflation stuff).

Since I'm not willing to cut the cost or quality of the keyboard itself I expect to focus on redesigning the packaging to be more efficient while still protecting the keyboards. The polystyrene IBM style packaging is alas probably going to be gone, replaced by the foam material and design currently used by the compact case keyboards (I am open to packaging suggestions).

This will allow the boxes to be smaller, which will reduce final round cost increases due to container shipping costs (delivering to me) and shipping costs to the customer (due to shipping weight savings of maybe 1-2 pounds-it adds up when shipping thousands of keyboards), which have skyrocketed more than 30% since last year for many international destinations. This week international shipping went up $15 for the project. Also to save weight I may have to bring the boxes down to high quality but single walled.

Jan Pospisil

10 Jan 2022, 19:18

Honestly, I'd prefer that even as someone who ordered a while ago. (foam over polystyrene.)


12 Jan 2022, 15:41

Ellipse wrote:
05 Jan 2022, 05:19
Updates on die cast tooling
Due to the skyrocketing price of raw materials in recent years, in 2021 the project switched over to die casting instead of CNC milling each of the compact cases, despite the significant cost of the new tooling. Now both case types (compact and classic style) are die cast, not just the classic style cases which were die cast from the start of mass production. This allowed us to make the cases one solid aluminum piece + the bottom plate instead of two CNC milled aluminum pieces and the bottom plate, thus improving the construction quality of the cases. With the old design, the case screws had only 1-2mm of threads in the top part of the aluminum cases. Now the screws have several more mm of threads which should make them even more solid. (The flat bottom compact case plates are still CNC milled as it is just a flat plate)

Besides that extra parting line, the case design is identical to the original cases and inner assemblies can be switched from one case to the other. The factory completed the die cast tooling and production for the aluminum, ultra-compact cases last year. These cases will be used starting with this third container shipment.

Also by popular demand the compact cases have switched to the tougher powdercoating finish mentioned before, using a paint that most closely resembles the anodized look of the originals, as much as is possible by paint. While the anodized look of the keyboards is really nice as well, an even tougher coating should allow the newer keyboards to hold up cosmetically even longer than the anodized cases which have less scratch resistance.

Update on zinc case powdercoating
For the classic style zinc cases, the factory has gone with an improved, reformulated powdercoating finish that retains the full texture and finish of the original IBM powdercoated Model F keyboards. This should make the cases a bit more durable than those in the earlier two container shipments, though I still chose to avoid offering the ultra-tough modern powdercoating on the original style cases in order to keep the reproductions in line with the originals in appearance. As with any textured, uncoated paint the case finishes will continue to wear down over time just like the IBM originals, but should hold up better to usage.
Just checking; I ordered a compact case and a second original case that are (I'm assuming) in the third container shipment; would that mean I'd be getting the die cast compact case and the bit more durable powdercoating on the original case? Thanks!


12 Jan 2022, 18:45

profanu429 not necessarily - to avoid further complications no one can pick the new vs. old. I am still getting out some of the older container shipment contents as noted before. Again as noted before the improvements are minor as the powdercoating is still uncoated and textured, so the new ones will wear down over time just like any uncoated bumpy paint.

I think I have sent out the last of the compact cases though, so everyone should be getting the newer die cast compact cases with the improved finish.


12 Jan 2022, 22:58

Here is another photo from the latest air shipment. The factory did a great job with the sublimation and Zed has done a great job getting the legends to be in line with the IBM legends. This particular legend is even a deeper shade of black than my reference 1984 F122 6110344 one piece set! I did not expect that. The legend design, alignment, and sublimation are of such good quality that it is difficult for me to tell whether both keys were made by IBM or whether one is new and one is IBM. Please pardon the poorly lit, cell phone quality photo and shallow depth of field blurring the keys - I did not scan both keys with a flatbed scanner as with my prior comparisons.
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It is a special additional key from a Norwegian set (as noted in the key set renderings on the "full key set" store page, many of the international sets come with extra keys that are slightly different, to accommodate the more variable keyboard legend options)


16 Jan 2022, 19:30

Here are some more photos from the keyboard assembly process. Several hundred thousand parts needed to be assembled for the current container shipment leaving at month end. As shown in one of the videos on the project's YouTube channel, the final inner assembly step is for the custom made pneumatic machine to press the bottom inner assembly with PCB onto the other parts.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsi-1P ... nuw/videos
This photo also shows the more authentic XT style foam being used for the current container shipment, as opposed to the foam used for prior shipments. As the new foam is less dense, I expect it will result in sound quality that is slightly less muffled, but this may not be noticeable. For those who prefer the higher sound dampening properties of the older foam, all of the extra foam is still that style (there is no option to get extras of the XT style foam at this time, besides the foam for the IBM XT keyboard itself which is still available).
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18 Jan 2022, 21:01

I've recently been having a few key registering issues on my Model F that will begin to happen every single time I press specific key sequences for a while then go back to never happening. For instance some days typing "bh" inputs "bgh" every single time but only if I type them fast enough (and some days it just doesn't do this). It's such a weird issue and I'm hoping it's just firmware or something and not a hardware issue. Any ideas of what I should try?


18 Jan 2022, 21:10

Meowmaritus sounds like an issue with some of the older firmware versions - please check out the manual on the project web site and consider updating the firmware.

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18 Jan 2022, 21:11

Meowmaritus wrote:
18 Jan 2022, 21:01
I've recently been having a few key registering issues on my Model F that will begin to happen every single time I press specific key sequences for a while then go back to never happening. For instance some days typing "bh" inputs "bgh" every single time but only if I type them fast enough (and some days it just doesn't do this). It's such a weird issue and I'm hoping it's just firmware or something and not a hardware issue. Any ideas of what I should try?
i experienced similar issues with my unit that shipped with older xwhatsit firmware installed. switching to the newer QMK firmware fixed this issue for me. i think the fix had to do with QMK's auto-calibration feature.

YMMV. hope that helps!


20 Jan 2022, 05:18

The factory has noted that all keyboard assembly is finishing up tomorrow and everything is being packed into the pallets! The freight forwarder says they have reserved a container that will be leaving before Chinese New Year, to avoid losing a few weeks while everyone is on break. If all goes well the container shipment arrives in early March and then is delivered to me in mid-March.

Once again thanks to everyone for their patience as the factory wraps things up.

The schedule for this year is that after the backlog is done, the Brand New Beam Spring keyboards first round will go out, and then we still have the final round later this year for the F62/F77. After that will be the slightly more costly beam spring keyboard round with the case redesign and increased sound dampening).


24 Jan 2022, 04:03

The freight forwarder noted that they have booked space on a container ship departing before month end. The shipping container is being loaded this week - 20,000 pounds including thousands of keyboards, key sets, and other accessory parts! As noted before the factory has improved their QC and assembled the first aid kits so this should save me a lot of time and help me to mail out everyone's orders much faster than last time. Everything is expected to be ready to go this time and we are not waiting for dye sublimation to start like we were last time. As noted before I ordered slightly bigger keyboard boxes which will save the time of me taping up and mailing the little key set boxes.

Today the factory finished the first 200 F1-F12 front print sets which they expect to air mail me this week so I can mail out to those who aren't waiting for anything else anymore and are just waiting for those keys. They're working on the Industrial SSK blue 12 key sets with the hope that they also are included in this week's air shipment. The remaining key sets and custom keys will be worked on while the container ship is sailing and will then be air mailed to me.

Also I'm not sure if I will gift wrap every order in gray plastic wrap. For a couple thousand keyboards that would save the equivalent of one week just in packing time. Many folks would personally prefer gift wrapping so as not to have a shipping label on the product box but I don't want to hold up everyone's orders since everyone has been waiting a while.


24 Jan 2022, 07:40

Ellipse wrote:
24 Jan 2022, 04:03
Many folks would personally prefer gift wrapping so as not to have a shipping label on the product box
Does that mean that now the product boxes are now going to be directly handled (i.e. abused) by shipping companies?

Because that almost guarantees that it'll be damaged beyond recognition at the point where I can get it from customs. Having a shipping label on the box is the least of the problem when the rest of the box is going to be torn and crushed when I receive it. Normally I don't care, but this time I wanted to keep the box for storing the keyboard.


24 Jan 2022, 14:50

Same here. I’d happily accept a month of delay, only for the box to arrive as healthy as possible.

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24 Jan 2022, 19:10

Ellipse wrote:
24 Jan 2022, 04:03
Today the factory finished the first 200 F1-F12 front print sets which they expect to air mail me this week so I can mail out to those who aren't waiting for anything else anymore and are just waiting for those keys. They're working on the Industrial SSK blue 12 key sets with the hope that they also are included in this week's air shipment. The remaining key sets and custom keys will be worked on while the container ship is sailing and will then be air mailed to me.
These are great news! Thanks for the great work so far!

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24 Jan 2022, 23:51

I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but I absolutely don't care about the packaging as long as the keyboard arrives in good shape. Then again I have no sense of nostalgia for hard styrofoam packaging either :P


25 Jan 2022, 18:42

New Model F Keyboards now fill a shipping container! This is their new home for the next month or so. The container was delivered to the factory, the factory loaded the container with lots of pallets and boxes, and then the container was picked up by the local shipping partner of the freight forwarder to be driven to the port. This week the containers are being loaded onto a container ship which is set to depart at month end, 1/30 or 1/31.

For this batch, a 40' (!) container is filled to the edge, though the pallets are not double stacked (they are extra tall pallets and so could not be double stacked) so there is a few feet of clearance on top as shown in the photos. Prior container shipments were 20' or LCL.
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25 Jan 2022, 19:13

Exciting Times again ... thanks so much for sharing!!!!


26 Jan 2022, 04:36

I ordered mine a week into november, any chance my keyboard is on this container? I don't really understand how the timeline works for this thing.


26 Jan 2022, 05:21

Yep every remaining order is in the current shipping container, regardless of order date, with the exception of the special custom keys previously mentioned (the factory is wrapping those up over the weeks after Chinese New Year). I also personally ordered lots of extras in anticipation of people ordering extra items to add onto their orders, along with extras of each keyboard variation type.


26 Jan 2022, 05:31

Cool so I have another question, sorry if this is explained somewhere but are all the layout options dye subbed? Including the various ISO layouts for various languages?

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