dyesub grey&blue keycaps


13 Aug 2012, 12:23

Just got my pm

its all on its way will post pics of my filco when they arrive


21 Aug 2012, 20:01

I got my key caps today they are quite nice, they are not the same profile as the default filco keys but that is not exactly a bad thing. its also nice to have black lettering on light keys again I don't like light on dark.

They do feel a bit sharper than the default filco caps but again that I don't mind at all as I don't tend to hit the edge of the keys that often and even then a sharp edge is better IMO as you can feel if you missed better.

The lettering is quite good its very clear and the edges are quite sharp not quite up there with early model F IBM caps like the ones on the model f but better than the later model Ms and lexmark's IMO

Thick caps are nice the cherry reds bottoming out and rebounding have a more pleasant sound. I have been thinking of trying them on my Black widow with blues before I sell it to see how they change the sound of blues.

I also like the modifiers with Control in place of Ctl Backspace in place of a symbol ect i approve only thing that would have made them better if the windows flag was replaced with "Meta" or something and the menu key symbol replaced with "menu" but you cannot ever everything, the arrow keys are also quite nice nice large arrows.

This is for you imsto


I have the itch now to buy some blue modifiers.

Also why can a filco not use stabilisers like a cherry and not the stupid removable ones on the bar grrrrrr.

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