SA Dasher & SA Dancer keycap sets (Completed)

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10 Oct 2016, 23:16


December is so close, and yet so far away...


10 Oct 2016, 23:21

zslane wrote: So I can report that SA Dasher/Dancer is officially on MassDrop's schedule for December, barring any unforseen changes in their plans. Save up your pennies!
Awesome news. My wallet will be prepared.


13 Oct 2016, 00:12

Congrats zslane, joining this as well =D

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13 Oct 2016, 19:16

Then im guessinc iso and int. Is out of the question. I cant use any of the offered kits on MD :(

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13 Oct 2016, 19:31

The ISO kit is basically a UK ISO kit.

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13 Oct 2016, 19:37

zslane wrote: So I can report that SA Dasher/Dancer is officially on MassDrop's schedule for December, barring any unforseen changes in their plans. Save up your pennies!
Dasher & Dancer, in time for Christmas. How perfect. (Even if all we get is a bill for Christmas, haha!)

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12 Nov 2016, 17:31

I'm super hyped for these sets and I will probably get both, but shouldn't the key with ~ and # in the iso kit be the other way around? IIRC the # is the normal output and the ~ is the shifted output of that key.

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12 Nov 2016, 18:38

Well, that key is row 3 so you can orient it whichever way you like!

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12 Nov 2016, 19:19

Right, should've thought of that before I commented. Anyway, I'm still eagerly waiting for this to drop!

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12 Nov 2016, 20:54

zslane wrote:The ISO kit is basically a UK ISO kit.
Wait, so no International or German kit??

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12 Nov 2016, 22:29

If MassDrop wants to offer a bunch of international kits, I would have no objections. But I don't have time to make 3D renders for them.

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13 Nov 2016, 00:10

no problem at all.
Anyway the many child kits available (in most) SA sets is awesome

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13 Nov 2016, 02:15

Hypocaffeinic wrote:
zslane wrote: So I can report that SA Dasher/Dancer is officially on MassDrop's schedule for December, barring any unforseen changes in their plans. Save up your pennies!
Dasher & Dancer, in time for Christmas. How perfect. (Even if all we get is a bill for Christmas, haha!)
It's Christmas, hence we are use to paying out huge sums this time of year. It's traditional so best stick to normal conventions.

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14 Nov 2016, 20:07

DVORAK/COLEMAK and ERGODOX kits have been added to the December drop:
IMG_0397.JPG (593.22 KiB) Viewed 8527 times
IMG_0398.JPG (588.27 KiB) Viewed 8527 times


14 Nov 2016, 21:32

The backspace of colemak souldn't be 1.75U R3?

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14 Nov 2016, 21:48

rsr wrote: The backspace of colemak souldn't be 1.75U R3?
Good catch! Thanks!

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21 Nov 2016, 00:26

Working on a Planck kit for Dasher/Dancer:
dasher_keyboard_planck_01.jpg (106.96 KiB) Viewed 8447 times

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23 Nov 2016, 03:46

Tentative drop date is currently 12/12/16. Be sure to set aside some of that Christmas shopping money!

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ISO Advocate

23 Nov 2016, 08:19

So no international kit? I thought that was a standard by now for SA profile keycaps ...

Take a look at the NORDE kit of the Godspeed drop. ... keycap-set

It almost hit MOQ50 with just 25 required even though it covered just one of the two color schemes.

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23 Nov 2016, 09:08

Yes yes pweeeeeeese nordic kit phu-wheese. =(^^)=


23 Nov 2016, 10:56

+1 for nordic kit! I really like the colors. More blue keycaps :)

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23 Nov 2016, 17:32

+1 norde int kit

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23 Nov 2016, 19:06

Maybe if 50 people pledged to buy a Norde kit on the MassDrop poll conversation thread, they might be persuaded.

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ISO Advocate

23 Nov 2016, 20:32

Does Massdrop do the kit design?

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23 Nov 2016, 20:48

In some ways they do, yes.

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24 Nov 2016, 18:52

Smash the like button for the Nordic kit ftw! ... r-Nay/talk

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25 Nov 2016, 21:43

Why do SA Nordic kits supply a row 2 "Z" key when the existing row 4 "Z" key in every base set can be used for this?

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Vintage computer guy

25 Nov 2016, 23:10

In case anyone is wondering, here's what the Dasher terminal connected to and the father of the colour scheme:
Data General CS Series 200
Data General CS Series 200
s-l1600.jpg (186.42 KiB) Viewed 8267 times
There's currently one for sale on eBay:

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25 Nov 2016, 23:48

My god I want that!

..cant answer the z-design tho....

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27 Nov 2016, 03:54

FWIW, that Ergodox kit is a perfect substitute for blank Planck and Preonic kit in grid version. Hint: blank SA R2 = blank SA R4.

To zslane: add a single 2u spacebar, then it will be fully compatible with all version of Planck & Preonic.

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