[BATCH#1] Katalyzr 3DPrnted Converter X->USB O-Src [GLOBAL Ship]

What would you buy for discrete single port adapters? (Keeping it simple for now)

1 x PS2 only ($30USD inc Postage)
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2 x PS2
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>2 x PS2
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1 x ADB only ($30USD inc Postage)
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2 x ADB
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>2 x ADB
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Add PS2-180DIN Dongle (+$7USD)
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Total votes: 0

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08 Jul 2017, 10:16

OK quick update my friends, I have improved the design some more but have been really caught up lately (I smashed my printing bed accidentally lol) and also I have to retake a uni maths test in 2 days because I had failed with a 48 :<

So projected delivery times will commence at the week after next when I should be freer. After that week I will have to wait until the end of the year in order to ship out everything else because Uni work is a pain in the arse

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12 Jul 2017, 11:25

Alright, to meet order times, I have decided to order stuff from my local 3D printing "Uber", aka $3 per piece printed.

Gonna be a tight one, so I might need to up the price by $2USD to cover that. Quality will be much higher, though, as I will try to get some resin printed samples, some even semi-transparent.

If I opt for FDM too, it will be both in house on my KODAMA OBSIDIAN once it arrives and on some external orders. I also have high hopes that the Peachy Printer will also pick up its crap and finally ship my preorder after 4 years

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12 Jul 2017, 12:12

Sounds good!

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20 Jul 2017, 06:26

*******BIG UPDATE*******


Finally found new settings that create the most high quality and reliable prints here at home on my cheap $269 Printer!

Here are some images of the prints. I will try printing with an 0.5 nozzle afterwards for faster production, but the 0.35mm seems to work really well right now. Ridging is still present but much more muted. I figured the problem would be from the right hand side screw and the thread not being tapped in properly for some strange reason. Can't seem to completely eliminate it, but from most angles and distances its barely noticeable, if at all.

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20 Jul 2017, 07:33

*******BIG UPDATE*******


Finally found new settings that create the most high quality and reliable prints here at home on my cheap $269 Printer!

Here are some images of the prints. I will try printing with an 0.5 nozzle afterwards for faster production, but the 0.35mm seems to work really well right now. Ridging is still present but much more muted. I figured the problem would be from the right hand side screw and the thread not being tapped in properly for some strange reason. Can't seem to completely eliminate it, but from most angles and distances its barely noticeable, if at all.
IMG_20170720_141509_HDR.jpg (4.82 MiB) Viewed 3366 times

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20 Jul 2017, 23:15

Looks very nice my friend! Can't wait till we actually get this rolling :D

Keep up the good work mate!

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21 Jul 2017, 03:39

Any pics of the Kraken one ? that sounds promising ...

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21 Jul 2017, 08:43

Myoth wrote: Any pics of the Kraken one ? that sounds promising ...
I'm going to need a bit of help designing this one, so if everyone can send me sketches of the design I should be able to come up with my own! Who knows, if your design wins, you get a kraken type for FREE. if multiple sketches are chosen, I can send some small money over paypal equivalent to 1/n the cost of a single kraken unit, n being the number of people who's sketches I select for the final design phase.

My main concern with this is the postage though as the weight will increase dramatically with the number of ports being in a single housing unit. I might have to ship each combined unit in halves to save postage, or otherwise the price needs to increase dramatically to reflect the overpriced postage of items being parcel size.

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24 Jul 2017, 10:26

I am extremely satisfied to announce the commencement of the Beta phase of this project! 99% of all bugs are fixed and now all there is between me and full rate production is uni lectures


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22 Nov 2018, 22:04

First production run coming December 2018. In talks with a chinese supplier for pro micros and considering purchasing a Cetus3D printer or a Snapmaker as a stand in whilst waiting for my Kodama Obsidian.

Also starting to design my own injection mold machine so hopefully the second run of 100 pieces can be covered by this. Each print on my trashy Chinesium printer currently takes 3 hours and 600Wh to make.

More updates soon!

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25 Apr 2019, 08:52

Due to the small size restrictions of this design and the requirements of the post office to ship below the cost of a parcel, but instead as a letter, I've had to rule out the simplification of combining the two halves of the converter using just a set of screws as one would conventionally. So for this production run I'm going ahead with the choices of either

A: supergluing the two halves together
B: attaching the halves with 8 small neodymium magnets

Which means the Beta production run should take about 1 hour of work per converter, totalling 50 hours for the first 50 batch. This is exclusive of revision and design work, but inclusive of: Soldering, Tooling, Deburring the case halves, flattening the contact areas, aligning gluing in the magnets, and then packing them in small mailable parcels less than 15mm thick.

Which is a lot of work for some random guy taking a year off uni. I have enough stock for about 2 batches, and then depending on demand, I might do more.

As the printer has arrived, I can now resume production of the shells with both the chinesium printer and the Cetus 3d. As both now are at a sufficient quality to satisfy my OCD eyes, I can now rest assured that I am shipping a product that works and looks the part. I might even get these parts injection moulded, now that I have tried alibaba, found sources there, and a prototyping firm from China.

But for now, let's lay down the orders for the first batch before procrastination takes over with Uni. The google form has been modified extensively, so I would much prefer if any still interested parties would fill again the form. I have to regret giving less of a choice in the colors because (filament costs too much money and time to load/unload), so that would have to wait until further down the line. I'm also working on a website now for my currently 1 man design company, so you can probably look forward to that I guess :)

Over and out!

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