Reudo Rboard Pro with FLS 4th Gen Linear $200 and Sharp Typewriter with SKCL Green $150


18 Sep 2020, 17:12

Hi, i got this Fujitsu Leaf Spring 4th Gen Linear that i want to sell. I did purchase too much shit in last few week and i need money to be able to pay my mom credit card. This Fujitsu Leaf Spring 4th Linear have a value of $200 USD+ on Yahoo Auction Japan in the last few month. This one use a ADB connector and you can use Drakware Adapter ADB2USB to remap it in a decent Ansi Layout (I got the file for it that i did, i can modify it for you to make it your main layout). I also got the Floppy for Macintosh which allow you to remap the bonus key on a Macintosh 68k or PPC. Weirdly enough, that one got ADB and come with a Floppy disk with the copyright... 1998... What happened in 1998... the USB norm taking over and Apple killing the Floppy Drive, lol. Hence why it's rare too.

The switch feel totally clean and like new. I just personally hate that type of Linear. My type of Linear that i like's the Alps SKCC (not even SKCL) due to the long distance. I am more of a Clicky/Tactile dude, so i always bottom down.

Finally, i am almost done reassembling my Sharp typewriter with SKCL Green converted to USB, it do work too, only need a better usb cable for it. If anybody want it, i am selling it for $150 USD. All it's missing's a diode for the always on LED on the caps lock (or i can make it a caps lock LED like it was supposed to be). I need to give it a fair shoot before commiting to selling it.

You need to add shipping to that price, deliver Canada/USA only ATM due to Covid.

Edit : Pressed Submit before posting Timestamp :
Edit 2 : Best way to contact me's Discord at @HerbalNekoTea#0573

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