Unicomp stuff

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Wild Duck

30 Jan 2011, 03:49

Model M Industrial cases, trackpoints
Model M Industrial cases, trackpoints
1.jpg (233.54 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
Various trackpoints
Various trackpoints
2.jpg (188.64 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
Industrial cases
Industrial cases
3.jpg (210.93 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
RGB keycap sets. The Koreans love these.
RGB keycap sets. The Koreans love these.
4.jpg (192.23 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
Industrial cases
Industrial cases
5.jpg (188.84 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
Various trackpoints
Various trackpoints
6.jpg (158.28 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
For mouse button repair..
For mouse button repair..
7.jpg (192 KiB) Viewed 9586 times
Lots of LED labels.
Lots of LED labels.
8.jpg (199.26 KiB) Viewed 9586 times

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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 13:45

I think by now you should have pretty much a copy of every single Unicomp part? Could almost assemble one entirely from scratch.

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Wild Duck

30 Jan 2011, 14:05

My latest parts. I still need to send you a couple of those stabilizers. To the right some IBM Space Saver controller ICs.


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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 14:08

Wow! You know, they could probably be used for other boards too as long as you keep the same Matrix.

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30 Jan 2011, 18:06

I love the color combination of those Model M RGB keys.
I do a lot of graphic design... I wish there was a CMYK set haha.
webwit, would you ever part with one set of those RGB keys?
Asking never hurts.

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Wild Duck

30 Jan 2011, 18:19

Sure, send me a PM if you want a set.

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30 Jan 2011, 18:21

that could be a problem.
I do not think I have enough posts to send a PM yet haha.

edit: suddenly I can send PMs now... awesome

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Wild Duck

30 Jan 2011, 18:24

I just turned that restriction off, although I think you just reached the New User threshold in number of posts.

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30 Jan 2011, 18:28

I think so... 3 posts only.
PM sent!
Another comment, loving the design of the forum as well!

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Wild Duck

30 Jan 2011, 18:51

Thanks! Sixty and me worked on it. Still a bit too much gray to my liking.

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30 Jan 2011, 21:27

The shades of gray and touch of RGB looks good to me.

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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 21:31

We actually came up with a RGB keycap header too in the beta. It is currently not in rotation though (since we do not have a rotation script :D). Might be up there at some point though.


Edit: Another plan originally was to also have the header changing to represent the sub-section. For example have a pic of some nice mice or trackballs up there in the "other input devices" category. Problem there is that I lack a nice mouse to take a nice picture of. So all we have for now is that pretty Leopold up there right now and the RGB keys.

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30 Jan 2011, 21:39

The RGB combo will always look good.
I have a CST L-TracX with a yellow #1 pool ball on the way I could grab some photos of haha.

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30 Jan 2011, 21:40

These keysets will fit a regular 105 Customizer right? If so, could I buy one off you as well?

Pretty please ;-)

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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 21:53

bugfix wrote:These keysets will fit a regular 105 Customizer right? If so, could I buy one off you as well?

Pretty please ;-)
I believe they might not fit a board with windows keys. I am not sure if Unicomp only made their spacebar smaller or also their CTRL/ALT keys in the process of migrating to windows keys... wait for the IBM expert to answer or for me to check when I go home.

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30 Jan 2011, 21:54

hahaha I think webwit should remove my post.
pretty soon everyone who has gone through this thread will be asking for one.
although I must say, he is quite generous

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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 21:58

Just wait a few more months till Unicomp finally runs out of business and webwit can buy the entire leftover company. Then we will party hard!

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30 Jan 2011, 22:03

what really?
they are going bust?

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30 Jan 2011, 22:05

Nooooooo, that musn't happen :(

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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 22:13

Nah, probably not. I am just a pessimist (or realist?) and have been joking around with that since a long while. Unicomp just runs on a questionable marketing scheme, a very outdated website and lacks the support.. some of the emails take literally a month or more to get an answer.

I don't know, just doesn't seem too great. To be honest, I don't know how they can still exist. Maybe they sell many hundreds of thousands of boards to obscure companies in wholesale every year... but I just can't see this being the case.

I hope they will continue to exist, but I won't be surprised if they announce the end of their BS boards or the entire company one day.

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30 Jan 2011, 22:17

I think I'll start stockpiling their boards, the BS feeling is second to none imho.

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Gasbag Guru

30 Jan 2011, 23:27

Just checked on my picture archives. RGB set will fit only real Model M without Windows keys. CTRL and SHIFT will fit, ALT will not.

Unicomp Customizer is as following (keysize):

(1.5)(1.25)(1.25)( SPACE )(1.25)(1.25)(1.25)(1.5)

No idea what they were thinking with that design.. but yeah.

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30 Jan 2011, 23:29

Thanks for figuring that out for me.

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Wild Duck

31 Jan 2011, 16:03

The rgb set won't fit the customizer, but the solution is simple:
Call Unicomp and ask for a customizer RGB set.

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31 Jan 2011, 16:05

Going to order from them soon anyway, I'll just ask them to throw a set in the box.

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31 Jan 2011, 19:33

Are these industrial cases the ones you got a while ago?

Buckling springs are soo good to type on, but fullsize boards are really too large. At least get the arrows-etc and numpad over to the left..

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Wild Duck

31 Jan 2011, 19:42

Well there's also this, but only the tops.


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Gasbag Guru

31 Jan 2011, 19:49

I wonder how Chuck managed to lose all the bottoms for those tops. Weird coincidence. I bet in a few years if they last that long) he will tell everyone he has only bottoms left.

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31 Jan 2011, 20:08

That's swell, but still a bit large. I wonder how it would be to have a trackball in the middle of the keyboard. I tend to keep my mouse very close to the board when I use my Minitouch and HHKB.

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Gasbag Guru

31 Jan 2011, 20:12

Personally I find them distracting when typing.. at least when going at my full speed. I think I would prefer a track point under the keyboard or where the cursor keys usually are.

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