Keyboards in movies/TV series!

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23 Jul 2022, 21:01

IBM M5-2 at about 1:40 into the movie “Heat” in the police precinct.

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23 Jul 2022, 21:11

Damn, that movie is perfect. One of my very favourites. Especially the ending.


08 Aug 2022, 19:19

The keyboards used by the US Postal Service department that analyzes bad hand writing.
USPS_keyboard.jpg (266 KiB) Viewed 9964 times

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28 Nov 2022, 16:26

Anybody try to recognize keyboards in this ridiculous 90s polish PC OEM Ad?
I love how they paint the angry >insert other inferior pc oem< user here as not even able to orient the mouse right :lol:
optimus ad.PNG
optimus ad.PNG (1.37 MiB) Viewed 9252 times
Optimus was a polish PC OEM company that sold prebuilt systems made from off-shelf parts. Usually those were really budget systems, but at first they had some nice NTC 6251 keyboards with alps or aristotle mx clone switches. Later on they switched to silitek membrane boards. I got a few ntc 6251 myself because they were so plentiful in Poland.
The ad loosely translated:

- It's easy to spend money and buy expensive computers.
- But your needs grow. And then what?

Dude throws the crt out of the window

- Replace your computer with OPTIMUS SA!
- Sensible prices. Worldwide quality.
- OPTIMUS SA. You're among the BEST!

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28 Nov 2022, 16:28

Johnbo wrote:
08 Aug 2022, 19:19
The keyboards used by the US Postal Service department that analyzes bad hand writing.

The "double Fed" button must be for some very special packages :lol:

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22 Jan 2023, 20:58

Not so much a film, but a historic shot from a 1970's - 1980's telecommunication central. Wonder what those huge keyboards are?
(Open image in a new tab for full size.)
osdmor.jpg (710.6 KiB) Viewed 8487 times


23 Jan 2023, 21:40

Huh. Ordinary kitchen chairs instead of wheeled office chairs. And what's that wired box out in the middle of the floor? Looks like a multi-button stomp switch.

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24 Jan 2023, 12:59

Look at those boxy CRTs, lovely :mrgreen:

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Wild Duck

24 Jan 2023, 14:58

According to the Internet it's the CETIN building in Prague and they are transferring calls. Maybe it's a Tesla or some other Eastern Bloc computer. ... rafie-utb/


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25 Jan 2023, 19:35

The location is correct but I'm not sure about Tesla - but I'm no expert.
Your funny picture seems to come from neighbouring East Germany and the computers are probably Robotrons. (Reddit)

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25 Jan 2023, 19:47

According to the Robotron wiki those are filthy rubberdome keyboards :mrgreen:

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25 Jan 2023, 22:41

Everyone could tell the DDR’s time was up when instead of parading manly missiles on Karl Marx’s barbershop day, they wheeled out what appeared to be the altogether less intimidating launch computers. But how, cried the Kremlinologists, could London, Bonn and Washingston’s destruction be guaranteed beyond a doubt when the codes were pecked on lousy rubberdomes like these, by lunch ladies?

The Berlin Wall fell within the week.


01 Feb 2023, 04:34

Not sure this one has been brought up but was watching "Real Genius" and around 1 hour 25 minutes Laslo is using a symbolics board around 1:26

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26 Jul 2023, 18:44

Any idea what type of keyboard is shown in the Silo TV series?
Or at least which keyboards inspired most the scenic interior decorators?
.... I'm asking on behalf of a friend :roll:

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06 Aug 2023, 16:49

IBM model B 5251 in Italian (neapolitan) cult comical movie of '80s.
20230806_164202.jpg (3.76 MiB) Viewed 6529 times
That's a typical case of lost in translation. I don't think any of you have never watched such a lovely movie whose title is "pacco, doppio pacco e contropaccotto" that should sound something like "Fraud, double fraud and counter cheat". :lol:
Have a dive into classic South Italy commonplace culture (pizza, mafia e mandolino).
Last edited by dcopellino on 13 Feb 2024, 13:33, edited 1 time in total.

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29 Nov 2023, 03:54

IBM 3278 in the 1991 martial arts cheese-fest "Tiger Claws":
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05 Feb 2024, 02:44

Not quite film/TV but here's Mila Jovovich using a Model M during an AOL chat in 1995.

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05 Feb 2024, 12:10

Definitely counts. Nice find! :D

I recently discovered she herself constructed the bizarre language her character speaks in The Fifth Element (what a movie!) before she picks up English from Bruce Willis. When I saw it I thought she was just speaking her native language! But no, she constructed one.

She’s definitely a fully qualified nerd. One of us! :geek:

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12 Feb 2024, 15:34

Beam spring(?) on MST3K Agent Double 007:
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04 Apr 2024, 17:53

M122 in the Hagerty video about the EB110
M122Bugatti.png (542.58 KiB) Viewed 2826 times

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