Panasonic VP-0187A w/ Hirose Cherry M8

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08 Aug 2017, 03:55

Got this unknown keyboard the other day.


Its switch is Hirose Cherry M8.


Yellow one on space bar.

This is my first keyboard without microcontroller, its matrix scanner is compised of only some 4000 series logic ICs. It was intriguing to me and setup converter for the keyboard, though typing on M8 switches is sucky to be honest. They are too heavy to me and off center press is very difficult :(


This is my quick memo for converter, just for future reference.

Code: Select all

Panasonic VP-0187A

It is unknown keyboard from Panasonic with Hirose Cherry M8 and 6P6C connector.


Hirose Cheery M8 switches:

The keyboard is comprised of some of 4000 series IC without microcontroller.

                   |               |
            TC4520 |        TC4520 |
            --------- carry ---------
    CLK>--->|row    |------>|col    |
            |counter|Q3     |counter|
            ---------       ---------
             Q012            Q012
              |||             |||
              |||             ABC   TC4028
              |||           ---------
              |||           |decoder|
              |||           ---------
              |||            |||||| col[0..7]
              ABC TC4512     vvvvvvv   pull down
            ---------- <----|+++++++|--100K--+
            |data    | <----|+++++++|--100K--+
    STATE<--|selector| <----|+++++++|--100K--+
            | 7 to 1 | <----|+++++++|--100K--+
            ---------- <----|+++++++|--100K--+
                row[0..7]   | 8x8 matrix     |
                            |                -
              TC4078        |               GND
              ------        |
    SENSE<----| OR |========+ OR'd row[0..7]

- TC4520BP - Dual Binary Up Counter
- TC4028B  - BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
- TC4512BP - 8-Channel Data Selector
- TC4081BP - Quad 2-Input AND Gate
- TC4071BP - Quad 2-Input OR Gate
- TC4078BP - 8-Input NOR/OR Gate

        0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
    0   ESC     1       2       3       4       5       6       7
    1   8       9       0       -       ^       BS      INS     DEL
    2   TAB     Q       W       E       R       T       Y       U
    3   I       O       P       @       [       ]       F2      F1
    4   CTRL    A       S       D       F       G       H       J
    5   K       L       ;       :       RETURN  UP      F3      F4
    6   SHIFT   Z       X       C       V       B       N       M
    7   SPACE   ,       .       /       LEFT    RIGHT   DOWN    HOME

6P6C connector pinout
1. VCC
2. Clock     - sends clock to binary counter TC4520
3. Key State - indicates hi if key selected by counter is active
4. Sense     - indicates lo if any key is active while Reset is hi.
5. Reset     - resets counter and drives all column
6. GND

    | |||||| |
    |        |

Ping configuration
AVR ATmega32u4 is used as protocol converter.

    PD0: Clock. Counter couts up at falling edge.
    PD1: Key State. Hi if selected key is activated.
    PD2: Sense. Lo if any key is activated while Reset is Hi.
    PD3: Reset. Resets counters at riging edge.

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Daniel Beardsmore

08 Aug 2017, 09:22

Curious — I thought I'd seen them with only "HIROSE" written on the bottom. M8 is not well-documented.

So, yellow is for space bar — where does the light grey one go?

That hole in the base of the switch is interesting — it's like they've made room for a tiny LED.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

08 Aug 2017, 10:56

Quite a find, never seen one like it. Thanks for sharing!

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08 Aug 2017, 14:50

What would you compare the switches to?

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09 Aug 2017, 02:02

The symbols layout is different to most common modern ones, that is interesting.

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09 Aug 2017, 06:00

Daniel Beardsmore wrote: Curious — I thought I'd seen them with only "HIROSE" written on the bottom. M8 is not well-documented.

So, yellow is for space bar — where does the light grey one go?

That hole in the base of the switch is interesting — it's like they've made room for a tiny LED.
Grey switches are located in all other keys than space. The switch in macro pic was desolder from right bottom HOME key, btw.

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Daniel Beardsmore

09 Aug 2017, 09:31

I wondered — they're much darker in all the other photos.

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13 Aug 2017, 20:21

My Japanese is not perfect, but that writing is some sort of health warning.
"Do not use for more than 10 to 15 minutes, cover eyes and hands."
If you post a clearer picture I could tell you more exactly.
It may have come from a medical or nuclear facility.

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13 Aug 2017, 23:05

The warning says

translation with my poor engrish:
may harm your health
take 10-15 minutes rest per hour for your eyes and hands when you have to use for long time

It seems to be general health waring of computer(VDT) operaton for that age.

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14 Aug 2017, 08:11

hasu wrote: The warning says

translation with my poor engrish:
may harm your health
take 10-15 minutes rest per hour for your eyes and hands when you have to use for long time

It seems to be general health waring of computer(VDT) operaton for that age.
Well that's good. A long as it doesn't melt through the desk you're ok.

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