un-LED'ed 'M... now with LED's!

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09 May 2014, 08:47

Terminal board I got bored with. Sure, it was gorgeous and clean and felt wonderful. But it was boring. So I swapped over some keycaps and left the super awesome ones, added in the number pad "+" key, and decided to utilize the controllers status LED capability by lighting the Caps/Scroll/Num keys from underneath.

I think it looks absolutely freaking cool. The bee's knees, if you will. :D

It's rather subtle in normal lighting, and incredibly epic looking in low light.







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Cherry Picker

09 May 2014, 11:19

What a beauty! Really great restoration work. That's pretty much my dream non-industrial M right there. Now we just need Unicomp to make some windowed lock keys! :evilgeek:

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09 May 2014, 11:35

I hate LEDs but I love amber LEDs :)

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09 May 2014, 11:40

This is awesome! I recently got a full-size terminal M like this, seems like I have some work to do. :D

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Topre Enthusiast

10 May 2014, 07:43

matt3o wrote:I hate LEDs but I love amber LEDs :)
Agreed! The amber LEDs on the Olivetti are so charming :)

Also great mod, phosphorglow. Love your work.

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10 May 2014, 11:46

Really great work :) What glue do you use for such things?

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10 May 2014, 15:18

The only LEDs I like are the ones on my Lock keys :roll:

Nice work! looks really good

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14 May 2014, 05:35

Thanks! ^_^

The glue is my best friend: hot glue!


28 May 2014, 21:17

Where did you get your LEDs? What part number? I really like that color!

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29 May 2014, 17:05

sean4star wrote:Where did you get your LEDs? What part number? I really like that color!
From my baggy of LED's that I've had since I was a geeky little kiddo. :P

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