Filco MiniLa + Teensy


04 Dec 2013, 13:07

In order to get free shipping on a Digi-Key order, I've got an Arduino Leonardo ( coming. Is that just as good as a Teensy 2?

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04 Dec 2013, 13:49

Electrically, fine, since it uses the same CPU. Physically, it's quite a lot larger!


04 Dec 2013, 13:53

Great. I'll prototype it up and if it doesn't physically fit, I'll swap in a teensy 2.


08 Dec 2013, 18:38

Soarer wrote: The matrix layout is funny, but then Filco do keep using pretty much the same old controller! For one thing, having shifts, alts and ctrls take up a line each is what you'd expect on a non-NKRO matrix, that has no diodes. Secondly, look at all that empty space where pgup, pgdn, ins, del, home, end and the numpad would fit in :lol:
(Not that it matters).
I didn't bother checking all of them, but they are all the same ... and_matrix (feel free to add the MiniLa) And it's not just Filco it's all the Costar keyboards.


09 Dec 2013, 14:47

I'm ready to start trying to get the Arduino to start recognising key-presses. Do the rows (the ones with resistors) need to be connected to analog pins? I assume the columns are digital.

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09 Dec 2013, 15:03

The whole matrix is digital.

And by "resistors" I hope you mean "diodes" or you have some work to do! (I hand wired >60 diodes myself and it takes hours.)

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09 Dec 2013, 15:10

Pull-up resistors, I guess. Still digital :)


09 Dec 2013, 15:28

oh shit, I thought they were resistors (couldn't see them because they were on the other side of the board. Now that you mention it I'll have to double-check I've taken my connections from the right side of the diodes. I think it's good... I hope it's good. :)


12 Dec 2013, 21:29

I'm having some trouble getting my keys to register. Using the matrix code pulled straight from the gh60 keyboard I was getting some keys to register, not the right ones and not all of them, but some of them at least worked. You can see the code while it was somewhat working at ... 7/matrix.c

After that, I configured the matrix to line up with my configuration and now I'm getting nothing. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? You can see the current state of things at

What I'm intending, incase it's not clear from the code is pins 0-7 are my rows which are on DDRD. The columns are on pins 8-13 (DDRB) and continue over to pins A0-A3 (DDRC).

Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers.

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12 Dec 2013, 21:37

Matrix code is too fiddly for my liking. That's why I use Soarer's Controller. ... t6767.html

To see how simple it is: here's my 60%'s matrix:

Code: Select all

	blocking 0

	sense			PF7			PB6		PB5		PB4			PD7			PC7		PC6			PD3			PD2			PD1		PD0			PB7			PB3			PB2			PB1				PB0
	strobe	PF0		esc			1		2		3			4			5		6			7			8			9		0			minus		equal		back_quote	backslash		unassigned
	strobe	PF1		tab			q		w		e			r			t		y			u			i			o		p			left_brace	right_brace	unassigned	backspace		unassigned
	strobe	PF4		fn1			a		s		d			f			g		h			j			k			l		semicolon	quote		unassigned	enter		unassigned		unassigned
	strobe	PF5		lshift		z		x		c			v			b		n			m			comma		period	slash		unassigned	rshift		unassigned	fn2				unassigned
	strobe	PF6		lctrl		lalt	lgui	unassigned	unassigned	space	unassigned	unassigned	unassigned	rgui	ralt		unassigned	rctrl		unassigned	pad_enter		unassigned
Self explanatory, just the way I like it. Then add layers and macros to taste. Voila!


16 Dec 2013, 12:17

Well, I worked out the problem. Half the pins don't do anything, and worse, some of them make the whole thing go mental. I've given up on the Leonardo and have a Teensy 2.0 on it's way.

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08 Sep 2014, 21:04

Thanks for sharing!
Small matrix fix for UP arrow.
Correct is ROW3 not ROW2.


11 Sep 2014, 23:37

This can solve my mechanical keyboard in a managed environment plus a personal phone using colemak use case.

Still not sure whether I will adjust to the minila layout but with a teensy it puts a check mark in all the boxes.

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12 Sep 2014, 17:33

Some more matrix fixes.
WIN has R1 not R0 row.
RShift has R2 not R5 row.

This fixes invalidates colums combinations!

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12 Sep 2014, 17:42

Additional information about LEDs.

PIN 11 (marked early as LED) have to be connected to VCC :)

PIN 12 and PIN 13 connect to teensy ports.
For examle to D4 and to D7 pins on teensy board.

Than to light up LEDs you can use commands

Code: Select all

DDRD  |= (1<<4);
PORTD &= ~(1<<4);
DDRD  |= (1<<7);
PORTD &= ~(1<<7);

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17 Sep 2014, 14:52

This code works for my MiniLa ... ard/minila
See matrix.pdf for pinouts and teensy ports.
MiniLa pin numbering I use is
1 3 5 ... 27
2 4 6 ... 28

as marked on PCB.

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17 Sep 2014, 14:57

My current layout attached.
app-layout-2014-09-13.png (50.09 KiB) Viewed 6256 times


20 Dec 2014, 22:20

bit late to this discussion - just ordered my filco and tweensy - but uh why are there 3 pins for LED when there's only 2 LEDs on the board?

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21 Dec 2014, 09:59

andromeduck wrote: bit late to this discussion - just ordered my filco and tweensy - but uh why are there 3 pins for LED when there's only 2 LEDs on the board?
You are right. Look at this post ... ml#p182506


21 Dec 2014, 17:50

I derp, thanks!

Just 1 further question for now... did you connect it directly to the teensy's 5V source or do we need a regulator/resistor in line?

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21 Dec 2014, 19:30

I use no resistors.
From very beginning I try to use resistors. But in the end all works without any resistors.


22 Dec 2014, 03:35

nice :D that makes things easier :D

I'm documenting my progress/plans on google docs for future reference should anyone else be interested ... V-XJmJh-zs

I'm also considering rewriting a bunch of the code to be a bit more readable/specific to my setup but not really sure if it's worth the time.



26 Jan 2015, 13:29

I've been hacking again on a new Minila with TMK's firmware.

The documentation I've written may be useful to others who are interested in hacking these boards.


19 Feb 2015, 07:44


My project is on github too :D

I broke my Teensy 2.0 desoldering some headers soldering like an idiot so I'm using the 3.1 now.

I'm going to try and refactor the mouse/keybaord libs into something smaller and a bit more sane. I think I have a pretty good grasp of how the HID spec works now though though I really couldn't say the same about their code...

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19 Feb 2015, 07:58

Welcome on board! :)
TMK keyboard code authors you are awesome! :)

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20 Mar 2015, 10:16

Some pictures from controller replacement.
CAM00795-small.jpg (817.83 KiB) Viewed 5950 times
I didn't found right connector and use big one :)
This one fits perfect in the keyboard.
CAM00806-small.jpg (302.61 KiB) Viewed 5950 times

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