Replacement for broken space bar stabilizers on a FDA-102A (and similar)

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24 Dec 2019, 22:01

I know I've seen a thread on here of someone else who suffered the problem of a broken stabilizer tab on a FDA-102, thread was a few years old and there was no solution.

Well, a few weeks ago I ended up winning this Sanyo branded FDA-102A with ISO-DE layout on ebay.


I like the design and personally I quite like the white SKCM Alps.

However, the spacebar stabilizer tabs were broken, so the spacebar would wobble around:


The fault ended up being a broken off tab from both spacebar stabilizers:


So I whipped some up quick in Tinkercad and had them 3d printed. Not pretty, but it works flawlessly.




So, if anyone should require such a stabilizer tab (I know I've seen other Alps boards that use this kind of tab), I've attached the *.stl file I sent off for 3d printing. You can use this to print your own. I had mine printed at Sculpteo but any 3d printing service should be able to do this. I think I had them printed in Nylone PA12, but I'm not entirely sure anymore as my order just says 'solid gray plastic'.

The part is 4mm wide, 11mm long and 7.2mm high, with the stem being 2mm wide and 3mm long and 4mm high. It is designed to be slightly beefier than the old piece so it hopefully is a bit sturdier.
FDA102A Space Stabilizer
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