Powder coating?


01 Sep 2012, 19:13

I'm thinking of changing the colour of my filco case.

(I suppose the first question that comes to mind is "Am I being daft?")

Does anyone have any experience of powder coating?

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Elite +1

01 Sep 2012, 19:26

Doesn't powder coating need to be done on metal? It's electrostatically charged and so it the material i.e. bike frame and that is what makes it stick.


01 Sep 2012, 19:59

Thanks. I guess that means I was being daft. At least I didn't turn up at a paint shop with it...

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01 Sep 2012, 22:50

It's baked.
Plastic would melt.


01 Sep 2012, 23:02

...really glad I didn't turn up at a paint shop with it...

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02 Sep 2012, 13:06

Various companies make spray cans of paint that acts almost like a dye, sinking into the surface. Plasti-kote is available in the UK, for example, and I've seen other people get decent results from it, though I haven't tried it myself.

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Elite +1

02 Sep 2012, 14:11

VHT is very good. I can take pics of it used on a unicomp (with rit dye for the caps) if you want.

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02 Sep 2012, 14:29

fossala wrote:VHT is very good. I can take pics of it used on a unicomp (with rit dye for the caps) if you want.
I’d be interested in seeing the results. I have briefly considering painting my AEK and possibly dyeing the caps, but wasn’t sure how evenly I could apply the paint, and an uneven finish would drive me nuts.

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Elite +1

02 Sep 2012, 14:32

OK, I'll dig it out in a minute. The stickers on the "blank" keycaps are because it's my Son's keyboard.

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