Tenkeyless G80-1000 (kind of)


03 Jun 2011, 03:16

tklg80-1000pcb.jpg (132.91 KiB) Viewed 2940 times
Replaced controller with Teensy++ 2 + dmw's HH firmware. Gonna cut the case later. This will do for now :)

Will post the matrix later!

Code: Select all

        1       2       3       4       7       8       9       21      22      23      24      25      26      27      28      29      30      31      32
13      F1      ESC     D       A                                       n,      n6                      n4              RTRN    Ä       L       J       G
14      F3      F2      S       CPLK                                    nEnter  n5                                      Quote   Ö       K       H       F
15      F5      F4      E       Q                                               n9                      n7      End             Å       O       U       T
16      F7      F6      W       Tab                                     n+      n8                      PgDn    Del     Tilde   P       I       Y       R
17      F9      F8      2       §                                       n*      NmLk                    Home    BSP     BQuote  0       8       6       4
18      F11     F10     3       1                                       n-      n/                      PgUp    Ins             +\      9       7       5
19      PrcScr  F12     X       LThan                                           n2                      n1      Up              Dot     M       N       V
20      Down    Space   C       Z       LSHIFT  LCTRL   LALT    RALT    n0      n3      RCTRL   RSHIFT  Right   Pause   Left    Dash    Comma   ScrLk   B

Pin 1 is located at the top left corner if you turn the board around. The model number is G80-1000 LFADE/02, S/N G013502 L33.
Last edited by intealls on 03 Jun 2011, 22:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

03 Jun 2011, 03:19

Nice job. Tenkeyless mods rule!


03 Jun 2011, 03:48

Thanks! The matrix was well laid out, only three jumps were needed to restore it!

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The Beard

06 Jun 2011, 19:36

haha glad to see you hacking up the boards I send you! Nice mod!


07 Jun 2011, 03:15

This particular one has actually been my daily driver since the first batch :) Probably gonna use it for a long time to come. One of my fav boards actually, the keys are retrobrighted doubleshots from another board, the switches have been moved around, and now a custom controller + tenkeyless mod. It just keeps getting better :)

The reason I cut this one was that it was the one with the wonky case, the PCB has been bent a bit, and I can't get it to straighten out perfectly (even with the new cases you sent me!). I don't know yet if I'm gonna bother cutting the case... I actually like the PCB flush against the desk. Helps keep the wrists straight.

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