Welcome to the Deskthority Awards 2018!

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15 Nov 2018, 16:36

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Welcome to The Deskthority Awards!
During this event the keyboard community votes for the best in a number of keyboard related categories. This years the categories are as follow:
  • Deskthority awards (super category: person, project, keyboard, switch, ...)
  • Best project or innovation (from a company or the community)
  • Best keycap or keycaps set (includes artisan caps)
  • Best vintage keyboard or relic
The DTA are open to the whole community. If you haven't yet registered, you're welcome to join and participate. Award winners will receive an exclusive Clack Factory Wingnut Trophkey. Final round voters get a chance to win one of the prizes offered by our generous sponsors! Prizes include keycaps, new and vintage keyboards and more. (sponsors and prizes subject to change)
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How it works
The event is divided into 2 rounds.

Round 1: The nominations. In this round you can suggest nominees for each category. All suggestions will make it to round 2 unless otherwise noted.

Round 2: Vote! Vote for the best in each category.

Vote & win
Final round voters can win various prizes provided by our sponsors. The winners will be selected randomly from the voters in the final round, and will be announced at the end of the event. You need a minimum of 10 posts on Deskthority before the vote ends to be included.

The award winners
Category winners will get a special Deskthority Awards Clack Factory Wingnut Trophkey! DTA winners will be the only people who legitimately receive these keycaps. The Deskthority Award winner will get a golden Wingnut; regular award winners will be awarded silver Wingnuts. If a winner is not a Deskthority member, that winner may not be successfully tracked down and contacted so a Wingnut can be shipped, in that case the Wingnut may be claimed until Sunday 1 July, 2019 by contacting webwit or matt3o at Deskthority.


Round 1

Please send your nominations in all the 4 categories. You have until Friday 27 November 2018!

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15 Nov 2018, 16:40

First round will start shortly has just started!

Rules, sponsors, prizes may still change in this initial phase, sorry about that but this year we are on reduced personnel.

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15 Nov 2018, 16:53

My first nomination goes to Aer Fixus for his IBM 3279 beamspring restoration.

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15 Nov 2018, 16:59

My second nomination goes to Afferscheim for his homemade numpad with a knob.

There are several other nominations that I'd happily make, but I'll give the others a chance :mrgreen:

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15 Nov 2018, 17:00

just wait for the official threads to be created. working on it :) thanks for the enthusiasm!

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15 Nov 2018, 17:02


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15 Nov 2018, 17:05

god damn new comers :lol:

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Wild Duck

15 Nov 2018, 17:18

Good luck matt3o! And thank you for doing it this year.

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15 Nov 2018, 17:50

depletedvespene wrote: My first nomination goes to Aer Fixus for his IBM 3279 beamspring restoration.
I second that for sure. He put a lot of work into saving that beamspring that didn't even look good enough to be a parts board.

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15 Nov 2018, 18:41

Round 1 has started!

Please send your nominations in all the 4 categories. You have until Friday 23 November 2018!

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Wild Duck

15 Nov 2018, 19:04

Some suggestions here:


15 Nov 2018, 19:30

Also the less used #dta18


15 Nov 2018, 20:54

Where's the *PING* award?

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15 Nov 2018, 22:08

davkol wrote: Where's the *PING* award?
Gone. In search of a more drama-free DTAs, it was removed.


15 Nov 2018, 22:17

No photo section :feelsbadman:


15 Nov 2018, 22:32

dalesnail wrote: No photo section :feelsbadman:
You spelled ":feelsgoodman" wrong lad


15 Nov 2018, 22:41

hansichen wrote:
dalesnail wrote: No photo section :feelsbadman:
You spelled ":feelsgoodman" wrong lad

But all that matters in KB is showing off things with good photos tbh lad sir guy man.

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15 Nov 2018, 23:30

Honestly I miss the ping the most. It is what it is, next year will be more juicy with a whole two years of fumbles to choose from!

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16 Nov 2018, 17:12

Got confirmation of the prize from Cooler Master: An SK630! yay!
SK630.jpg (53.06 KiB) Viewed 47807 times

Signature Plastics is offering 3 keycaps set! (not sure what sorry :) )

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19 Nov 2018, 17:42

Please if you active on any other community/forum/social media, push the deskthority awards 2018!



19 Nov 2018, 17:45

I am not gonna vote but I wish everyone good luck on this! Many people did great things this year and they shall not be unnoticed. :)

I will share this for people interested


20 Nov 2018, 01:10

matt3o wrote: Got confirmation of the prize from Cooler Master: An SK630! yay!
That's a keyboard with "Cherry MX Low Profile". Those have not launched yet.
Whoever wins this, please do post an in-depth review with lots of pictures!

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24 Nov 2018, 09:25

To hopefully get more nominations (and since we are still negotiating with the sponsors) I'm extending the nomination phase till November 27.

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27 Nov 2018, 07:40

The following are the prizes offered by The Keyboard Company





Last day of nominations! Hurry UP!

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27 Nov 2018, 20:22

I'm closing the nomination phase.

In the coming hours I'll made available the final voting phase for each category!

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27 Nov 2018, 20:35

Ok, I'll make my best effort to not jump the gun and vote early. :mrgreen:

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Cooler Master Employee

03 Dec 2018, 13:22

Thanks for allowing CM to be sponsor again, and good luck to all and to one of you with a brand new SK630 :mrgreen:

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