Universal Model M Controller


21 May 2015, 12:11

I was talking mostly about working on a desk.

Its a pain in the ass, but i want to be abel to use a decent keyboard when i HAVE to use wireless.

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22 May 2015, 20:11

Mine arrived today, many thanks. Unfortunately my SSK is at work, so maybe I will find an excuse to drive there tomorrow - which will be more accepted than keyboard business by my wife.


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22 May 2015, 20:15

Madhias wrote: Mine arrived today, many thanks. Unfortunately my SSK is at work, so maybe I will find an excuse to drive there tomorrow - which will be more accepted than keyboard business by my wife.

Nice picture! I can vouch that they really do look as tasty as that. And all you need to do is open your M, and slide the ribbons into place. Superb!


22 May 2015, 20:18

ITS ALIVE !!!! Will put proper caps on it soon.


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22 May 2015, 20:18

Muirium wrote: Nice picture! I can vouch that they really do look as tasty as that. And all you need to do is open your M, and slide the ribbons into place. Superb!
It is truly superb, and already a winner at the next DT awards I would say!

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[ XMIT ]

22 May 2015, 23:30

I have (no exaggeration) about 50 Terminal M boards that would be compatible with this wonderful controller. I'll see you one cheap if you're planning to put this board in it. :-D

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23 May 2015, 00:05

Madhias wrote: It is truly superb, and already a winner at the next DT awards I would say!

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Gotta start somewhere

23 May 2015, 00:50

XMIT wrote: I have (no exaggeration) about 50 Terminal M boards that would be compatible with this wonderful controller. I'll see you one cheap if you're planning to put this board in it. :-D
How many square labels? :) It doesn't need the LED cluster.

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[ XMIT ]

23 May 2015, 05:00

Square labels? I don't know, at least 10, probably more. I have to check the spreadsheet for an exact count. I think most of the Terminal Ms were square silver labels and no LEDs. Funny key caps too.

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Gotta start somewhere

23 May 2015, 05:18

XMIT wrote: Square labels? I don't know, at least 10, probably more. I have to check the spreadsheet for an exact count. I think most of the Terminal Ms were square silver labels and no LEDs. Funny key caps too.
I don't want the LED's but I think I want to do a revision on my super bolt mod and make it perfect. The results on the board were better than a regular bolt mod this time, but if I have some longer screws and have no blank spots I could make the board amazing


23 May 2015, 19:10

Hi, I realise I'm a bit late to the party, but are these boards still available for purchase?

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Gotta start somewhere

23 May 2015, 19:14

I believe so

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28 May 2015, 16:45

Muirium wrote: I must be honest: I never installed it anyway. I like that bare socket look. Especially as this PCB's waiting for modifications to power up to Bluetooth. Though the board's definitely a bit wobbly without that. Something solid should really seat it good and snug.

By the way, after a week on the Matias Ergo Pro (a pretty nice keyboard in its own right) I'm now back home on the SSK with your controller in it and it's bloody magnificent! My goodness, how I prefer buckling spring. And a programmable controller! Bliss. Just been importing my macros over from my Soarer box, all that power baked right into this board. Brilliant!

I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'll get a Bluetooth how-to up at some point. I'm almost happy with it. So start catching up on your TMK. :P

Did you put the little nylon tube/spacers over the studs to hold the board in place? The mylar cover itself doesn't provide any support, it's just there for the looks.

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28 May 2015, 16:53

andrewjoy wrote: It arrived yesterday , well packed and safe!

It will be ready to go when my 102 sliver label arrives!

I must say the quality of the soldering is very good , did you do it yourself or get it produced ?

Also regarding bluetooth , you said you would show photos of yours , would you be able to list what i need to buy to do it ? I want to be able to sit on my couch and use a model M :).
Awesome! Hope everyone enjoyed my custom packaging. :P

And thanks - they're hand soldered and assembled! I enjoy doing SMT work.

For bluetooth, you'll need the Adafruit EZKey HID, a battery (since you have a full size board you can use a bigger battery), and the LiPo charger. And some wire. And a switch.

I'll get some pictures up in due time, I'm still getting settled back in and have other things to take care of first. Plus I still can't get the idea of a modified sub-board out of my head... Micro-B + built in charge regulator + voltage regulator.


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28 May 2015, 16:55

Madhias wrote: Mine arrived today, many thanks. Unfortunately my SSK is at work, so maybe I will find an excuse to drive there tomorrow - which will be more accepted than keyboard business by my wife.
Oooooooh that's a pretty pretty photo. It looks so nice!
...except I see some solder flux residue I missed. And a brush bristle. :P

Have you installed it?

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28 May 2015, 17:00

idollar wrote:
Madhias wrote: It is truly superb, and already a winner at the next DT awards I would say!

D'awwww, thanks. ^_^

I don't know if I'd call it "award winning" quite yet though. It's a great first step as far as a replacement controller goes though! The real award goes to hasu and Soarer - projects like this wouldn't be nearly as accessible without their code!

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28 May 2015, 17:03

XMIT wrote: Square labels? I don't know, at least 10, probably more. I have to check the spreadsheet for an exact count. I think most of the Terminal Ms were square silver labels and no LEDs. Funny key caps too.

I... don't... need.... but.......
...if there's an early board with the pretty galvanized steel plate I want another one.

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28 May 2015, 17:06

grasshopper wrote: Hi, I realise I'm a bit late to the party, but are these boards still available for purchase?
Yup! I have at least 80 PCB's left. Be patient with me though. They're hand assembled and soldered.

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28 May 2015, 17:11

OH! Today I'll put up the Soarer's Controller config files, charts, and matrix info. I keep meaning to do that, and now that there are controllers out in the wild it's a bit more important.

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28 May 2015, 17:22

Just ordered mine!
New old SSK will get some love!
Thank you phosphorglow!

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28 May 2015, 17:48

phosphorglow wrote: I have at least 80 PCB's left. Be patient with me though. They're hand assembled and soldered.
I like mine so much I might take a second! How much for the USB-only configuration?

Thanks for pointing out the mounting stuff I missed. I've evidently been using it loose! Haven't had any problems doing that, even so, which shows how nicely matched your PCB is to the M insides. I'll get it ship shape, cap'n.

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24 Jun 2015, 17:03

Okie dokie. Updates!

*** Designed the sub-board that I wanted and it's being made by Osh Park at the moment. I get my first 6 around the end of the month. This makes Bluetooth as elegantly implemented as I can hope for, short of redesigning the original controller.

It has a micro USB port, a LiPo battery charger chip, and a voltage regulator all in about a square inch. Additionally it has one LED to show when the battery is fully charged, and a pull-down resistor for the AVR port that detects 5V when USB is selected on the slide switch.

*** Hours of coffee, C tutorials, and staring at the TMK code base have given me enough insight to configure and compile TMK and, well, wow... I love it so much. The blocking algorithm is absolutely perfect and I have had no issues with blocked keys. (I can sloppily type "you" without the blocked "u"!)

I figured out the solution to the Shift+Scroll Lock = Num Lock with layer toggle for SSK's, and implemented a RCTRL + Page Up to output 3V to the pairing pin on the bluefruit module for 5 seconds (with a nested 'if' so that it only outputs when bluetooth is the active host protocol).

Lock status LEDs while bluetooth is active are still on my to-do list, but I think I have an idea of how that can be implemented. I think. Have to stare at more code until it finally makes sense.

*** Redesigned port cover. I rather disliked the original one. The new one is much better.

*** Finally cleaned up and posted the matrix maps/charts for the SSK/Enhanced/122 Key.

*** I found a WheelWriter board with the plastic cover. I'll take it apart and map the matrix sooner or later. I keep thinking bluetooth.

*** Probably something else that I'm forgetting.

I still need to put up the Soarer's Config files, and once I figure out how to use github I'll upload the TMK code. If you need them before I get around to putting them up just ask.

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24 Jun 2015, 17:11

Sounds good. So, what do I need now, chief? One of these tasty new boards?

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24 Jun 2015, 17:19

Wellllll, two options:

If you still want to pick up another one, you can continue using the one you have as USB only and I can build you another one with the new sub-board installed and all you have to do is solder the bluefruit module to the controller.

Or I can send you the new sub-board. You'll have to de-solder the USB-B port, solder in the new sub-board, switch, and bluefruit module, and two jumper wires. It's simpler than it sounds. :P
Muirium wrote: Sounds good. So, what do I need now, chief? One of these tasty new boards?

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24 Jun 2015, 17:22

Option 1 sounds good, depending on price. I really like the USB controller, as you know.

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24 Jun 2015, 17:36

Controller is $38, and the new sub-board is $10. But since my idea of soldering the switch to the side of the USB-B connector was too hacky for my taste, you get the new sub-board at a discounted price of $0... ;P

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24 Jun 2015, 17:40

Ah, you got me! Now to decide whether to try international shipping or leaving it as a present for my Christmas trip to California…

Probably better send it here. I just realised all my SSKs are here in Scotland now!

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-Horned Rabbit-

24 Jun 2015, 19:02

I really need to open up my m and figure out which of these I need

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01 Jul 2015, 15:57

Back from trip, I enjoyed a lot un packing and installing your controller in my ISO 102 square label model M.
Typing on it right now I even consider modding the original SDL cable to USB so vanilla look will be perfect.

Thanks again for all this !

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05 Jul 2015, 01:58

Sneak peek!

That jumper wire wouldn't have been necessary if I hadn't overlooked the placement of the connector being right over top the mounting post. Always at least one thing...

First one in all of it's hand soldered glory:
2015-07-04 19.52.24.jpg
2015-07-04 19.52.24.jpg (54.58 KiB) Viewed 4859 times
And the port side with switch:
2015-07-04 19.53.02.jpg
2015-07-04 19.53.02.jpg (26.47 KiB) Viewed 4859 times
(It'll be neat when I make the port cover because it'll have a subtle green glow when the battery is done charging.)

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