Aleksander's projects


15 Dec 2013, 01:38

Instead of making one thread for every project I have, and there is many of them, I decided to make one and put all of them in here instead. :mrgreen:

You might have seen the Corsair K60 that I cut down to a 60% (well, more like 68% or there about)
I am not finished with that one, so there might me some updates on that one in the near future.

Another thing I have posted is the MX-lock mod I did.

My newest project is to finally put my ErgoDOX together, it has been put on hold for quite some time, but today I finally started milling out the switch-plate out of a 1,5mm carbon fibre plate, and I pretty much got the left hand finished today, just need to make some feet and the cover-plate above of the top row.



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15 Dec 2013, 02:03

Mmm… carbon fibre!

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15 Dec 2013, 09:12

I remember the first project (GH maybe?). Really cute keyboard.

carbon fiber is a bit too bendy but looks darn good :)

btw! I want that CNC! :)


15 Dec 2013, 09:57

Aleksander wrote:You might have seen the Corsair K60 that I cut down to a 60% (well, more like 68% or there about)
Nice! The function keys on it were rubber domes, right? Are the switch holes compatible or did you have to mill them out and/or fill them to make Cherry MX switches fit?

I am looking forward to seeing more of your ErgoDox. Why aren't more keyboards made out composite materials? The dust is unhealthy, but anyway.


15 Dec 2013, 12:07

matt3o wrote:I remember the first project (GH maybe?). Really cute keyboard.

btw! I want that CNC! :)
I imagine it was here, I have not done much except join the GH60 GB on GH, the site is to messy for my little brain. :P
I also wanted a CNC like that once, so I know the feeling! :evilgeek:
Findecanor wrote: Nice! The function keys on it were rubber domes, right? Are the switch holes compatible or did you have to mill them out and/or fill them to make Cherry MX switches fit?
I the holes were to small, and due to the work involved to enlarge them in the mill, I used the numpad part that I cut off as a template and filed off about 2mm to make the MXs fit :D

To bad I don't like the MX-reds that is on it.. :P

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15 Dec 2013, 16:00

Aleksander wrote:
matt3o wrote:I remember the first project (GH maybe?). Really cute keyboard.

btw! I want that CNC! :)
I imagine it was here, I have not done much except join the GH60 GB on GH, the site is to messy for my little brain. :P
I also wanted a CNC like that once, so I know the feeling! :evilgeek:
can you share make/model/details?


15 Dec 2013, 17:13

It is a CNC6040, there are page after page of them on ebay, some come with a controller box and a brushed motor on the spindle, stay away from that stuff, it is crap.

but the machine itself is nice, and I bought a Gecko G540 stepper motor driver instead and built a control cabinet with a frequency converter in it to control the brushless spindle motor, 0-24000rpm :)

the Dox was milled with a 0,8mm bit, I am just about ready to start milling the right hand plate now :)

BTW, 1,5mm CF "3K weave" is not really that bendy :P


15 Dec 2013, 18:40

Welcome to Righthandsville, population 4.


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15 Dec 2013, 20:22

hey hey! I know that keyboard!


15 Dec 2013, 21:25

I hope so :P hehe


15 Dec 2013, 23:57

A quick update.
Got the right hand board together (except for the teensy, need to find some header pins for it)
and made some alu-feet for it, just placed them underneath to take some pictures, need to buy some tools to make some 3mm threads to mount them.





17 Dec 2013, 18:19

I dry-typed a bit on the Dox with the current feet-setup, and it turns out it is more comfortable on the wrists if I lift the part of the CF plate that rests agaist the table up about 20mm, so I have to make some smaller feet for that end.

And after having a weak moment I remembered that I had a 50mm trackball-module from a industrial system in my partsbin, so I just HAD to draw up a model to see how it would look, and it turns out, I now need to make it, as it will be the PERFECT companion to my ErgoDox :)



17 Dec 2013, 22:50

Feet "designed" at 19:00, machining finished 22:00 (and that includes 1,5hours of Battlefield 4 playing :P ) gotta love having a CNC mill in the house :)

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17 Dec 2013, 23:11

I'll say!

Way. Of. The. Future.

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18 Dec 2013, 12:14

matt3o wrote:I remember the first project (GH maybe?). Really cute keyboard.

carbon fiber is a bit too bendy but looks darn good :)

btw! I want that CNC! :)
What a great keyboard, love it!

How is carbon fiber bendy? :D
btw! I want that CNC TOO! :)


18 Dec 2013, 12:27

CNC rules! I am building a 3D printer, but the CNC mill/router has much more precision and is able to do metal, so the printer is not on the highest priority TBH :p

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18 Dec 2013, 12:32

I've found the mechanics+stepper motors+brushless spindle+drivers at €2500 which is not that bad... but still an investment. I'm really really temped by the machine, just I can't justify the expense as of now.


18 Dec 2013, 13:03

If you don't plan on making a lot of stuff it is not really a smart investment, there are several machine shops online that can make parts for relatively cheap, keep in mind that there is a learning curve involved in this :p

If you have something small and simple, I am sure I can try to make it for you Matt3o :p

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18 Dec 2013, 13:07

considering the number of plates I've already cut at various shops... I would have bought a complete CNC mill by now... I think I'll make myself a CNC sooner or later :)

thanks for your offer, I may take advantage of your kindness :)


22 Dec 2013, 01:38

I got the keyboard up an running, just need to drill some holes for the lower feet and make the cover that is supposed to go over the electronics, AND get it working with a Norwegian layout, cannot seem to get the damned "Å" programmed in :/ (please share your layout or any hints)

Also, I milled out the plate for the trackball and mocked it up with some temporary screws, they will be countersunk stainless screws on it, but I did not dare go to the mall to get them during "christmas shopping armageddon", so they will have to wait.

ANYWHO, here are some pictures to drool over, and btw, shiny carbon fibre REALLY loves fingerprints and such..



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23 Dec 2013, 11:46

holy moly!

Man this board looks killer! But I'd glue the feet instead of screwing them in to keep the nice clean look :)
I must admit that the only thing I don't like about it are the screws :( But this is really the only thing, the rest is fantastic!

Can you make a HHKB case out of carbon fiber? :D


23 Dec 2013, 16:12

I am having second thoughts about the screws for the low feet myself, the ones on top will not stand out as much, but at the bottom they do actually screw (pun intended) up the look :)

at the top there will be some spacers to lift the cover a couple of mm up from the plate so that the electronics does not hit the cover

The HHKB will be a PITA, due to the switch design, but GH60, Poker or anything with cherry switches will be a no brainer to make like this if I had a CAD drawing of the switch plate :)

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26 Dec 2013, 14:15

Man, you rule!

CF is really the way to go being compared to plywood and acrylic. And it's still relatively cheap.


31 Dec 2013, 23:25

FINALLY soldered up the last parts of my symmetric stagger keyboard that I bought from Fossala in December 2012!
I am already developing a lot of LOVE towards this board :D
Need to get some more R4 caps for it, but still! :)



11 Feb 2014, 21:28

So I broke a promise I made to myself; I am starting a new project before finishing one of my ongoing projects...

I present my custom symmetric stagger 60%;

as you might have spotted, there is a trackpoint in the middle, I need to find a usable and easily implemented trackpoint unit, so if anybody can point (pun intended) inthe right direction, I would be a happy person :)
keys and placement is subject to change :P

Maybe I will drop the "something"-keys and make it a little more HHKB-like...


12 Feb 2014, 00:55

Hmmm.. Easily implemented? Not sure if one exists, at least by IBM. A nice thing about your layout is the distance between the G & H keys. You could use a SpaceSaver II TrackPoint module and probably not have to do much damage to the key switches. :)


12 Feb 2014, 01:08

Lowpoly uses this on his 60% board so I might have to look for that one also.:P

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12 Feb 2014, 11:14

Definitely a design I like :D


I got my trackpoints from old laptop keyboards, works really well, the only issue is the additional height needed for the pcb if you intend to place them like you did right in the center, and the need for an extension since it will not fit under the neighbouring switches.

If I can make my (usual) suggestions based on my HyperNano above:
- Add a little more horizontal space in the middle: Trackpoint without increased height & more comfortable typing due to larger hand separation
- Drop the number row in favour of an optimized layout with symbols and number & navigation layers
- Make best use of the thumb-row with all modifiers / double usage / 1x caps

You do not need dedicated mouse buttons if you map some other keys to work as buttons during trackpoint usage. With a short enough timeout and good sensitivity settings, you will hardly notice, and it becomes natural that prior to a click you just lightly touch the trackpoint for mouse-mode!

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12 Feb 2014, 11:22

What software magick are you using to bring that mouse movement / key remapping sync about? Some of the deeper layers of Hasu's box of tricks?

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12 Feb 2014, 11:27

Aleksander wrote:So I broke a promise I made to myself; I am starting a new project before finishing one of my ongoing projects...

I present my custom symmetric stagger 60%;

as you might have spotted, there is a trackpoint in the middle, I need to find a usable and easily implemented trackpoint unit, so if anybody can point (pun intended) inthe right direction, I would be a happy person :)
keys and placement is subject to change :P

Maybe I will drop the "something"-keys and make it a little more HHKB-like...
Interest With this project i though but different layout :D

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