TSA-Nazis catch Rihanna Sheik Bin-Laden- World is now safe!!


06 May 2011, 18:13


I also believe in the power of the nickel and gravity.

btw Al Qaeda says he is dead and his daughter could obviously confirm.

Unfortunately those lying Pakistanis are holding her and won't let us use our Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. Something about EU regulations...

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Wild Duck

06 May 2011, 18:17

Good, in that case SHOW US THE EVIDENCE.


06 May 2011, 18:42

32 feet per second per second.

However you DO have to take into account wind resistance when dropping a nickel off the Empire State Building.

Not sure what that is in meters. Americans remain the WORLD'S ONLY IMPERIALISTS!

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Wild Duck

06 May 2011, 21:48

According to the money (check the oil price and dollar), this was a necessary move which allows the next, the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Couldn't leave before having found OBL. Otherwise the war would have been "lost".

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07 May 2011, 07:19

Now the Taliban has confirmed Osama's death as well. I'm with Webwit though, I think it's bullshit.

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Wild Duck

07 May 2011, 12:36

If the guy who wrote that on a forum officially represents AQ, then surely the Americans can proceed to show us the EVIDENCE.

And they're back to the usual business of blowing up a few civilians here and there from afar, to stay unscratched. Brave men. But why don't go in with Seals.. you need to confirm the kill of which you won't provide evidence, right?

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07 May 2011, 16:30

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07 May 2011, 16:45

Being the worlds only superpower means you can't win.

- Kill the bad guy and the EU demands to see the arrest warrant
- Release the picture and be accused of insensitivity and photoshopping

You foreigners just jelly. Admit it. The EU is a economic heavyweight but too gutless to make a difference in the World.

Can't even assassinate Gaddaffi without killing his grandchildren first......

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Wild Duck

07 May 2011, 16:46

If you can't make intelligent conversation, maybe you two should stick to geekhack.

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07 May 2011, 20:22

So arguments are unintelligent as long as they don't agree with the moderator.

This is known as the "OCN" style of moderation.

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Wild Duck

07 May 2011, 20:43

You made up the moderator thing yourself. I do it whenever an idiot attacks me for having an opinion he doesn't agree with, but fails to supply any reason whatsoever, while only providing fallacies attacking the other guy, like the one above, or copying an avatar. I know why. You are unable to do otherwise. Therefore I advise the OCN of keyboard forums, geekhack. I see a great future for you arguing with MSW.

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07 May 2011, 20:59

Funny thing is, there's only one person in this thread arguing.

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Wild Duck

07 May 2011, 21:32

Yeah you persisted in name calling, foam around mouth and all. It's funny you find it funny you can't reason. Next thing, you cower away in stating you can, but did not want to, you're hiding a higher intelligence than the amoeba you pretend to be, for entertainment purposes. Does that cover the new defense? It ain't working.

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07 May 2011, 22:38

I literally have no idea what you just said.

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Wild Duck

08 May 2011, 00:32

Ten years can do wonders to the color of your beard.
blackbeard.jpg (84.41 KiB) Viewed 5879 times


08 May 2011, 02:47

USA style Capitalism is what makes us great.

My favorite so far.



09 May 2011, 20:42

Death Certificate released.
This looked photoshopped. and I've seen a LOT of photoshop in my time.

Whoops. Wrong one. It's the Terrorist Muslim Pakistani Governor that sheltered him in ImmaBad.

Lemme get back to ya.

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14 May 2011, 14:36

For those who doubted that Rihanna is a terrorist...

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Wild Duck

14 May 2011, 22:58

US government claims they killed OBL, but don't show body.
US government claims he was resisting, a day later they claim he was not.
US government claim the kill was necessary because of the danger, some days later they claim he was only wearing his underwear.
US government claims it all went swell, yet we see a crashed heli.
US government claims man with beard from side is OBL, yet claim there's lots more coverage, where he is apparently also not recognizable.
US government claims they found recent video, where we see a young man with a black beard.
US government claims body is too gruesome to watch, yet also claims there's video before the kill - but doesn't show it either.
US government claims body is too gruesome to watch, yet showed bodies of all other terrorists and opponents killed in action, including that of Saddam Hussein, to provide proof, a concept which now is snubbed.
US government claims body is too gruesome to watch, yet claims to have photos of the cleaned up body.
US government claims body is too gruesome to watch, yet does have the technology to place a black square over a nasty looking eye on a photo.

The US government claims a lot of things. I claim they are full of shit. I wonder what really happened. Too bad we never get to know, and only what these cunts designed for us to know.

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14 May 2011, 23:02

Did you hear we found Osama's hidden porno stash? GO USA!!!

PRETTY hardcore stuff from what I hear. The kind of stuff dirty Americans and Europeans are into.


Bin Laden FAPS TOO!!!

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Wild Duck

14 May 2011, 23:07

SHOW US the hidden porn stash. I demand it, as a torrent. I bet they can't because it shows nasty stuff.

P.S. Is the man in the bottom picture the grand father of the man in the top picture, or just some random guy of footage where he didn't glance back a single time?

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Wild Duck

14 May 2011, 23:18

I still claim that I killed him, and this is just a conspiracy by the US government to not pay the bounty. Bastards. This while I provided equal evidence. So me too, I will release what I found after the act! And I'll call this proof:

OBL fucked goats and made videos of it which I won't release;
OBL had biker tattoos all over his body, and nipple piercings;
OBL had the entire video collection of Full House (teh evil!);
OBL smoked;
OBL had kittens for dinner;
OBL was only wearing a sock.


25 Jan 2012, 22:13

webwit wrote:It's a good thing they brought the "brave" navy seals into story. Normal business is to cower behind drones and send in the bombs, then clean up the collateral mess later.

Woohoo. Once AGAIN it's Navy Seals to the rescue.
Of course the Dutch dude could have decided to not be rescued as a political statement.

Anywhere. Anytime. Your puny borders mean nothing to us.

EDIT: He's Danish. Oh well. I forgive ABC. His name sounded Dutch. Danes/Dutch - they both make cheese.


10 Feb 2012, 01:34

At least National Socialism is an ethos.


10 Feb 2012, 14:39

^ WTF?

And they Call Obama "a Nazi."


10 Feb 2012, 16:23


The spin is they thought it was for "Sniper Scouts".

Yea, right.

I wouldn't bet a RipOmeter nickel on that.

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