I'm talking about this:
- P1000476 (Large).JPG (296.46 KiB) Viewed 22286 times
I've already shown the beautiful black and white double shot key caps of the 3278 yesterday. This model doesn't have the red and blue caps or the operator control panel of the 3278 A2, but a purer, monocrome look. There is also no IBM logo or anything like that on the keyboard.
The metal parts on this board showed no corrosion like the ones on Monster-Toys' or my 3278 A2, but the protective plastic sheet had disintegrated much more. There was nothing to save here, crumbs of the foil were everywhere in this board, and I already saw the first of them when I opened the package that the keyboard was in:
So the first step was to undress the board.
Obligatory switch tree nursery photo:
This is the solenoid that is used to rattle loudly with every keypress to give a more typewriter-like feel (I'm not going to use this becaus I have an older version of the controller. The current rev 4 supports this with a little extra controller):
Date stamp in the case -- this is the only date I have because the sticker on the bottom side is lost.
First tests with xwhatsit's controller showed that the controller couldn't calibrate all the keys -- there seemed to be some problems with the capacitance of some of keys which were either way too high or too low. So I opened the inner case to have a look at the PCB and clean it:
After a cleaning of all the surfaces an the connector there were only few problems left when calibrating the controller. A firmware upgrade of the controller solved all these problem though. Thanks to xwhatsit, I now had a fully functional usb keyboard!
Only thing that was left was to put it all together again and find a solution for the replacement of the rubber foil.
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- crumble
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- switches
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- switches in rows
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- solenoid
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- date
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- baseplate
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- pcb with controller (1)
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- switches bottom (1)
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- pcb connector
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Only thing that was left was to put it all together again and find a solution for the replacement of the rubber foil.