Super Slim USB Thinkpad Keyboard


28 May 2014, 04:30

Once you have done one project you can never turn back. I think my wife is planning on an intervention but in the meantime I am planning my next project.

I am planning on buying a Surface Pro 3 tablet but really dont like the typing experience of the keyboard. My plan is to make a super slim keyboard using a Thinkpad USB keyboard or Thinkpad Keyboard as the donor.

I have two options:
1.) Purchase a new IBM laptop keyboard from a T61 and build a converter. This would give the best typing experience but would require a lot of reverse engineering.

2.) Purchase a new Thinkpad USB keyboard and use that with little modification. One problem I have is finding the donor keyboard for a reasonable price.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
thinkpad_usb_keyboard_with_trackpoint.jpg (34.49 KiB) Viewed 4649 times


30 May 2014, 04:18

So I think I solved my problem. Pulled apart my old thinkpad USB keyboard and found it similar to my X220 keyboard. The connector was identical to the USB keyboard.
I plugged it in and to my surprise it worked perfectly. I now have an inexpensive donor for my project. Now I need to learn 3D Design so I can get the frame printed.


04 Jun 2014, 03:43

So I ordered an original NMB T60 keyboard, supposedly one of the best of the Thinkpad keyboards.
I also ordered a Thinkpad display swivel from a X61T. I am having a brainwave here on creating a new and improved swivel tablet. Will post some CAD shots when I get a chance.
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08 Aug 2014, 04:47

Well I finally taught myself how to use 3dsmax and built myself a frame for the thinkpad keyboard. I have to learn a few more skills to develop a highly polished frame but I will probably build a frame just for the keyboard and work on the surface pro dock later once I get this perfected.
keyboard.png (32.49 KiB) Viewed 4307 times

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08 Aug 2014, 10:46

I can't believe that nobody has noticed this yet! Scissor switch stabilisation may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the Thinkpad keyboards are some of the best scissors that I've used.

I'm excited to see how the swivel part turns out - a tablet + keyboard combo is something I've been considering for quite a while, but the swivel part would really make it plausible for me.

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08 Aug 2014, 13:10

Wondering why I haven't seen this before, either, I notice PJ's posts are all in the dead of Europe's night, so it's been getting shuffled down on the forum spy and escaped my notice.

The swivel will be most informative. Perhaps I'll be able to make an iPad lid for one of my keyboards yet!


09 Aug 2014, 05:44

scottc wrote: I can't believe that nobody has noticed this yet! Scissor switch stabilisation may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the Thinkpad keyboards are some of the best scissors that I've used.

I'm excited to see how the swivel part turns out - a tablet + keyboard combo is something I've been considering for quite a while, but the swivel part would really make it plausible for me.
I agree, but if you want to optimize the quality of the switches and the typing experience you have to figure out which model and which supplier. There are three manufacturers of thinkpad keyboards NMB, Chicony and ALPS. NMB traditional have the best feel. As far as the models go anything before the t400,t500 models were better quality. The T60 keyboards are typically more solid as they put holes in the plate backing of later keyboards to reduce weight.

My challenge will be designing the surround for the swivel. It does have to support a fair amount of torsional stress and I have to ensure that the tablet display is not put under too much stress. If there are any engineers lurking I may ask for some vetting of my design. By the time I am done the surface 4 will probably be out but it will be a fun ride.


25 Aug 2014, 00:24

Well here is my first draft.
It is design perfectly to accomodate a T60 keyboard.
My plan is to have a 2mm sheet of acrylic for the bottom to keep the cost low.
I will get it printed at Shapeways in white plastic and dye it red. I am also thinking of having a palm rest and some custom lettering given how easy it is to do with 3D printing.
Top.png (17.53 KiB) Viewed 4130 times
Bottom.png (61.69 KiB) Viewed 4130 times


06 Sep 2014, 03:44

Well here is a rough approximation, excuse the rough photoshopping. Just got the T60 sticker.

Plan to dye it bright red after I get it back from shapeways.

Any advice on the design?

Plan is to use transparent acrylic for the base.
mockup.png (44.65 KiB) Viewed 4013 times


10 Oct 2014, 08:03

How's your project going? Did it already work out as expected and how does it look?


10 Oct 2014, 18:38

Sent off the first round to Shapeways last week and waiting for the results. Will post them here as soon as I get the package.


19 Nov 2014, 03:15

Well, I got it back from Shapeways and am pretty happy. Had to some adjustments to the keyboard mounting but overall the fit is perfect.

I use Rit dye to get a red color, not perfect but not bad for the first attempt. Just doing the clear coats now and should have it assembled in the next week.
Keyboard1.jpg (518.07 KiB) Viewed 3801 times

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19 Nov 2014, 16:34

Excellent work. I'm really interested in how this works out. How is the plan for the hinge going?


20 Nov 2014, 03:45

The hinge may not be happening any time soon.

My wife purchased the Surface Pro 3 and after receiving 3 defective units she gave up and went with the Lenovo t440s laptop. Therefore I dont have a test tablet and a real need to do the hinge right now. I still have four brand new T60 keyboards that will be put into cold storage until I need them or revisit the project.

Once I get this unit up and running I am going to revisit my split keyboard and do some modifications.

Do normal people look at keyboards like we do? My wife thinks there is no difference between her t440s chiclet keyboard is the same as the T60 keyboard. How can people think they are the same.


22 Nov 2014, 20:35

Well finished the project finally.
The keyboard works fantastically, however, not unexpected from a t60 keyboard.
2014-11-22 11.43.44.jpg
2014-11-22 11.43.44.jpg (912.7 KiB) Viewed 3658 times

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