Best keyboard company or brand 2014

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The Keyboard Oracle
The Answer Lies Within The Question

08 Dec 2014, 21:52

The nominees in the category Best keyboard company or brand 2014 are:

Cooler Master | CM Storm • Cooler Master has been releasing various interesting input devices under the CM Storm label. The NovaTouch TKL generated most interest - it is an important milestone for those who like the feel of Topre's switches, but were struggling with the lack of keycap customisation options.

Electronics Plus • Electronics Plus bursted into the scene with a number of recycler vintage keyboard loots. Rare beam spring and capacitive buckling spring keyboards came our way!

GONs KeyboardWorks • Have you been eyeballing those wonderful Korean custom-made mechanical keyboards? They were so hard to obtain. But now you can now easily buy your own custom made keyboards - sold, tuned and assembled by GON himself.

IBM • IBM's vintage keyboards were put even more into the limelight as usual, as many beam spring and Model F keyboards were resurrected using newly available controllers.

Signature Plastics • Signature Plastics continued to impress, especially with Pimp My Keyboard, which allowed people to easily start new productions, with all the logistics taken out of their hands.

And the Wingnut for Best keyboard company or brand 2014, as voted for by the members of deskthority, goes to...

Have you been eyeballing those wonderful Korean custom-made mechanical keyboards? They were so hard to obtain. But now you can now easily buy your own custom made keyboards - sold, tuned and assembled by GON himself.

No longer do you have to learn to speak Korean and have to go through OTD and KBDMania boot camp. You can buy it at GON's!

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08 Dec 2014, 22:19


I sponsored this category to make sure that Signature Plastics wins!!!

Now, they will punish me with an even longer delay of Round 5 production!


08 Dec 2014, 22:44

It should be an honour just to be nominated ...
I mean, there is more than one round.
Last edited by Findecanor on 09 Dec 2014, 12:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

08 Dec 2014, 22:45

GON had some campaigning going on at other forums, he got the Korean vote. Great shop, congrats!


09 Dec 2014, 02:58

Yes, lots of interesting things in his shop for self-builds, and some interesting complete kits too. Congrats!!

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

09 Dec 2014, 15:46

I own a board based on his NerD60 PCB and a second one in the works. The quality is premium, and the nice thing is that you can use also TMK on the NerD boards, some tinkering is required, but it works, and the matrix is available on his site. I like his original firmware, it has all I need, but if you want to run TMK on a premium board this is the one.
I'm happy he won because he deserves it, it's only one man and he manages to do so much.

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09 Dec 2014, 15:47

GON today. Matt tomorrow…

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

09 Dec 2014, 15:50

Matt3o is also today and tomorrow ;) We all know that, the DTA was only the cherry on top ;)

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09 Dec 2014, 15:53

What I mean is now that Matteo's tooled up, I expect to see him become Europe's answer to GON! Imagine designing your own keyboard with his layout editor and placing an order.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

09 Dec 2014, 18:04

That would be cool :D

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Wild Duck

10 Dec 2014, 13:32

GON, if you read this and want your Wingnut key, please contact me with your shipping address.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

10 Dec 2014, 14:03

I've also told him on GH about this. So maybe he will contact you soon


10 Dec 2014, 20:20

I can't help joining in DTA. ;)

Now I am a member of DTA, too.

I thank you for all your support.

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10 Dec 2014, 20:24

Welcome to DT! Whenever you've got something new to show off, we want to see it!

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