FSSK PCBs (1st round)

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02 May 2016, 13:05

shreebles wrote: You should feel lucky to even have one! I am still waiting for my first one from the states...
Had no luck at all finding one in Europe :(
I guess once you get them, you have no incentive to get rid of them. Although, I prefer Soarer's converter to specialised controller, as I like to use as much stock as possible.

Well, since wcass is working on a special xwhatsit build for FSSK, I'll wait for that one.

Chasing the Dream

02 May 2016, 15:13

Phenix wrote: Im also waiting for one from the states(together with 'hypkx)
Yeah, yesterday I finished the build, now only the controller is missing.

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Finally 60%

02 May 2016, 15:30

The wait is killing me. I ordered the xwhatsit from Ellipse because I needed Flippers anyway (or so I thought). Now I have Flippers from a Bigfoot and don't even need the ones I ordered. I thought the controllers could somehow ship before the F62/77's were finished but it doesn't seem to be the case.
Should've just ordered from eBay....

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02 May 2016, 15:33

I *might* need those flippers, but I'm not sure yet. Let me know when they arrive.

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Finally 60%

02 May 2016, 15:52

Sure thing! I already have a few extra from an old bigfoot. But not enough for a complete FSSK anymore, how many are you looking for?

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02 May 2016, 15:59

Don't know that yet, either :D. I may need the whole set, may not need anything. Depends on what I get in a box currently under way.

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04 May 2016, 19:55

Received mine today! Looks ace! Don't know when I'll have the time to build my FSSK, but it'll be worth the wait.

A lot of interesting progress now in the shape of redesigned controllers and F assemblies for the SSK. i$ took the crucial first step and now the ball is moving. Exciting times!

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04 May 2016, 22:11

Khers wrote: i$ took the crucial first step and now the ball is moving. Exciting times!
That's the way I like it !

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05 May 2016, 05:10

OK, i designed this - who wants to make some?
And before you ask, the USB connector is sticking out just as far as the original SDL socket.
You can use a USB-B connector or wire direct. I'll draw up a daughter board for micro and mini USB sockets.
xwhatsit-wcass7b.front.jpg (92.26 KiB) Viewed 22882 times
xwhatsit-wcass7b.back.jpg (65.71 KiB) Viewed 22882 times

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05 May 2016, 08:29

I would go for one, at least !
Will you publish the source files ? I may want to take a look at them

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05 May 2016, 11:10

Thanks wcass! I'll jump on the bandwagon and say that I also want one.

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05 May 2016, 11:32

I'd definitely buy, at least, one if someone runs a GB.

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Finally 60%

05 May 2016, 12:04

So what is it? An xwhatsit for our FSSKs? How does it differ from a regular xwhatsit? It fits the shape of the original SSK controller, no?
Is there a controller on it or do we need to solder that in ourselves?

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05 May 2016, 12:29

As I understand it, wcass does not want to handle the GB (call me wrong on this one).
If this becomes an iterest check, I am interested in getting one.

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05 May 2016, 15:30

Ray wrote: As I understand it, wcass does not want to handle the GB (call me wrong on this one).<br abp="627">If this becomes an iterest check, I am interested in getting one.
Correct. I'm OK at design but very bad at assembly and sales (my personality is "give" not "sell").
shreebles wrote: So what is it? An xwhatsit for our FSSKs? How does it differ from a regular xwhatsit? It fits the shape of the original SSK controller, no?Is there a controller on it or do we need to solder that in ourselves?
This is based on my work to create a smaller xwhatsit with a standard 0.1" (2.54mm) ribbon cable pitch. that controller is 3" x 1" including a micro-USB connector and two beefy mount holes. Component wise, it is almost identical to the original xwhatsit controller - 3 of the parts are functionally equivalent, but have a different footprint. It uses xwhatsit's software without any modification.

For this version, I just tripled the size of the PCB (to fit snugly in the IBM case), added a ground tab, and moved and changed the USB connector to come out the cable hole same as the original controller.

The project will need someone to order the PCBs and components and then assemble them. I will supply a BOM and publish gerbers after I draw up the daughter boards.

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Techno Trousers
100,000,000 actuations

05 May 2016, 20:36

FSSK #2 made it across the pond to me last night!


But I guess my group buy luck finally ran out, because it didn't survive the journey. :cry: It looks like the package was bent very hard, right on a preexisting fold point in the packaging cardboard, and that snapped the PCB.


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05 May 2016, 20:43

Ouch! That sucks!

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05 May 2016, 20:51

Damn :/

PCB is pretty flexible, so it must have been another box dropping on the package as that part was protruding out or something.

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Gotta start somewhere

05 May 2016, 22:12

Take it as a blessing your keyboard is now a 78%!

Seriously though I hope idollar can get you a new one.

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06 May 2016, 02:06

Well, if no one else steps forward I may be able to organise a group buy for the controller.

I can handle the logistics of it, but I'll let a third party handle the technical work of assembling everything together, since I am way to inexperienced in that sort of thing. I don't know any details yet, but hopefully I will have an update tomorrow.


06 May 2016, 03:10

I have original Xwhatsit controllers for $36 if anyone needs one. Also have solenoid drivers for $25. Prices include USA shipping, or will be actual international shipping cost if outside the USA.

I mounted an Xwhatsit on one of my older SSK projects about a year ago with just double stick foam tape with the main point in creating the first model M with a solenoid:
https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=69 ... msg1727558

I do like the idea of being able to hard wire a USB cable though. I'm thinking you'd need 40 or more people interested up front to have the custom size ones made. There'd also be the risk that something might not work. I think that is the reason that Ellipses project got delayed as there was a custom xWhatsit PCB that was used that didn't work for some reason.

If someone can build and confirm that one of the new PCBs does work without any issues, I could have the same manufacturer make some and the prices would probably work out to be the same.

I presume the same controller could be used on the F extended keyboard once that is finalized, or would that controller need to be a different form factor to fit?

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06 May 2016, 06:15

orihalcon wrote: I do like the idea of being able to hard wire a USB cable though. I'm thinking you'd need 40 or more people interested up front to have the custom size ones made. There'd also be the risk that something might not work. I think that is the reason that Ellipses project got delayed as there was a custom xWhatsit PCB that was used that didn't work for some reason.
Yep, that one is on me.

As i said, i can draft, but i suck at assembly. When i couldn't get them to work, i asked this community for help. I sent my 3" x 1" PCBs and components to phosphorglow. He found several cold solder joints, fixed all three, and is sending one to Ellipses, one to me, and keeping one for more testing.

There should not be much cost difference between this model and the original xwhatsit. I ordered 3 PCB, a solder stencil, and enough components to build 3 for about $75. At Q=10, I suspect that the BOM cost will be in the $20 - $22 per controller range.

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06 May 2016, 08:46

Techno Trousers wrote: FSSK #2 made it across the pond to me last night!


But I guess my group buy luck finally ran out, because it didn't survive the journey. :cry: It looks like the package was bent very hard, right on a preexisting fold point in the packaging cardboard, and that snapped the PCB.

Do not worry Techno Trousers, you will get a new one.
I will ship it on Sunday this week.

I do not know what one has to do to break such a flexible think !!! Increadible.

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06 May 2016, 09:28

wcass wrote: OK, i designed this - who wants to make some?
And before you ask, the USB connector is sticking out just as far as the original SDL socket.
This really is gorgeous. I love how well the USB connector worked out, and everything being on the top of the board buys us room to slip it deeper under the backplate if we manage to shrink the form factor of the PCB and plate assembly. You didn't announce it, but it looks like you were able to take ~25% off the right as compared to current M controller :)... well done
orihalcon wrote: ... in creating the first model M with a solenoid
I have always been meaning to ask you, do you use a smaller custom solenoid here, or just grab one from a beamspring? Also, did you mount it over on the left with the speaker grill (assuming for a couple of reasons) or the right? If you had a picture of this, I would appreciate
orihalcon wrote: I presume the same controller could be used on the F extended keyboard once that is finalized, or would that controller need to be a different form factor to fit?
Can you help me out with what you mean by extended? I assumed you were referring to the work we were doing to shrink the FSSK PCB/plate form factor down as much as possible, but wanted to verify there wasn't something else I didn't know about.

I think this controller size is perfect, even if we manage shrink the assembly to critical mass (~10-12mm)... one BEAUTIFUL thing about that curved back plate, it buys "gobs" (technical term) of room. If we went with this new controller, the smaller PCB from i$ that he is working on, and a smaller barrel plate assembly that I have been smurfing with, then we would only need to change the backplate out if someone wanted to use this complete drop-in F replacement idea in an existing SSK, or the "critical mass" compact cases we might/will design later

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06 May 2016, 09:42

Also... My twins were delivered today, and look perfect (not sure if the extra rigidity of the two helped, or Techno had different gorillas shuffling his post than I did).

@Techno Trousers... I grabbed two just in case, and would be happy to let you have one of them. PM me if you are interested
FullSizeRender (6).jpg
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06 May 2016, 10:05

lot_lizard wrote: Can you help me out with what you mean by extended?
Extended as in non space saving. Like in the Apple Extended Keyboard. A regular Model M.

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06 May 2016, 10:22

Ray wrote:
lot_lizard wrote: Can you help me out with what you mean by extended?
Extended as in non space saving. Like in the Apple Extended Keyboard. A regular Model M.

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06 May 2016, 10:23

lot_lizard wrote: @Techno Trousers... I grabbed two just in case, and would be happy to let you have one of them. PM me if you are interested
Thanks lot_lizrard. This is very kind of you.
I will send him a new one. I keep a couple of spares for this purpose.

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06 May 2016, 10:28

wcass wrote:
Looking at it again, I would prefer the ribbon cable pads to be on the top of the board. The cable will connect more naturally in the board.

As there is so much PCB surface available, I guess that it could be turned around and route the USB traces around.

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Techno Trousers
100,000,000 actuations

06 May 2016, 14:41

Thanks so much, i$! I'm glad you planned ahead, just in case. And I really appreciate the offer, lot_lizard. That was very generous of you.

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