A new US Republican thread 2016

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Topre Enthusiast

15 Jan 2017, 23:06

He is very active on this thread so he won't be able to ignore you now :)

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15 Jan 2017, 23:08

002 wrote: This thread isn't too bad lol. By DT standards maybe but compared to the embarrassing and prolonged tantrum that is clearly still visible on most of reddit, it's pretty tame.
Perhaps, but is that what we aspire to? As you said, by DT standards. Are we going to erode those standards? Right now, if you ask the difference between the three communities, I think most could differentiate. But it's getting harder to do so, and that's pretty sad, if you ask me. Do we really want to participate in a race to the bottom?


15 Jan 2017, 23:12

Beardsmore: Getting that for you would be a big pain in the butt, probably take an hour of time or more. I don’t have the energy to do it anytime in the near future. I have lots of other work to do.

I am posting here to blow off steam, not looking someone to assign me chores.

Sorry I didn’t respond to your email before. I intended to, but I was pretty busy taking care of a newborn full-time at the time, and some emails got swamped in my inbox.

* * *

I hear you about wasting time though. Trying to have a discussion where webwit is anywhere involved is pointless in the extreme. I’ll get back to work.

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Wild Duck

15 Jan 2017, 23:29

I dared to call out a shit journalist, and used evidence, and you call me:

A clueless idiot, a totally clueless conspiracy theorist, an internet troll, a badmouther of children, a discreditor of journalistic heroes, a person who sides with authoritarians, war profiteers, torturers, child murderers, and planet destroyers, an oil company stooge, and the unwitting minion of torturers, child murderers, and dirty political tricksters.

However you ignored the evidence.
Trying to have a discussion where webwit is anywhere involved is pointless


15 Jan 2017, 23:46

Response to “evidence” (haha):
jacobolus wrote:So Jane Mayer sent an email to Sidney Blumenthal (note, Blumenthal is also a career journalist, former New Yorker writer etc.) in 2012 teasing him that a NYT story might come out revealing who tipped the FBI off about Petraeus’s affair. How is this evidence of anything nefarious?

Here’s the NYT story, which came out right after that: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/10/us/ci...ector.html

You think Jane Mayer telling a journalist friend that “you’re going to like tomorrow’s NYT story” without sharing any of its concrete details makes her part of a vast evil conspiracy? Oy vey.
bad-mouthing children:
webwit wrote:Start measuring those skulls, man.

I just wonder, as you learn your daughter to hate people with different political views, as immoral, inferior, bad people - as the enemy, as designed to be your behaviour by the Democrats, proven by the email leaks (where the strategy to polarize was laid out).

Do you also tell her that's it's ok to murder innocent people in far away countries? To mass-spy on people? That you should never mention such issues and look away? Because those murdered people are inferior people or something and it hurts your rhetoric. That you vote for that to continue, because otherwise, the other cunt gets in? I bet you don't.


Don't bring your brainwashed little snowflake into this, and I won't attack that.
Someone here is a brainwashed little snowflake, but it sure as shit isn’t fohat’s daughter.

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Wild Duck

15 Jan 2017, 23:57

It must be so convenient for you. Just demonize and dehumanize me, and you can safely discard anything said.

It is an intellectual cop-out though. A cheap one, a nasty one. But also like a child that sulks and curls up in a corner, fingers in ears, going lalala I can't hear you, you're an evil person, you're an evil person. How fantastically convenient for you. But also a game over, you lost the argument and gave up, and went full demonizing mode. Were you again prove my one of my points.

So it's kind of funny you keep going on how it is not possible to have a normal argument with me. I think my premise that the journalist linked to is not an objective source still stands, and that in fact you did not even consider the possibility she is in fact not objective, but went into full defeat-the-enemy mode right away, where the messenger, me, is the enemy to be defeated.

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Elder Messenger

16 Jan 2017, 00:01

Daniel Beardsmore wrote:
it's just a truly sad situation that people have actually sunk this low.

disentangle themselves from this awful mess
That people have "sunk this low" is truly lamentable, but there are important issues on the table regardless of the ancillary unnecessary character assassinations that are happening.

But is "this awful mess" the upcoming Trump presidency or the DT bickering?


16 Jan 2017, 00:06

webwit: your whole schtick is anti-intellectual at its foundation. You’re not an “evil person”. But your regurgitation of laughable attempts to discredit Jane Mayer make you the unwitting stooge of the evil people, and put you on the side of everything you’ve been railing against.

Jane Mayer is one of the best of the “good guys” in this world, who works to uncover terrible crimes and then publicize them so that their perpetrators will be known. Your sad comments here are part of a big-money effort by oil companies and military hawks to shut her up.

It’s not possible to have a conversation with you because you don’t understand the most basic context of US political life. You don’t know who the people are. You don’t know what the arguments are. You don’t know the past 20 (or 50) years history of political discourse and historical events. You have neither the patience nor the reading comprehension to sort out your own gaps of knowledge, and whenever anyone tries to engage with you you change the subject and pull out this weird persecution sob story. As a result the things you say aren’t even wrong.

* * *

The “awful mess” is Brexit, Trump, Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, Bibi Netanyahu, Recep Erdoğan, Rodrigo Duterte, and all the other mentally unstable authoritarians coming to power around the world, in a time where income inequality is reaching historic record heights, overleveraged economies rest on shaky foundations with potential for a flash crisis, automation has and will continue to undercut labor, youth unemployment breeds terrorism and migration and social upheaval, demographic shifts mean a huge number of retired people without savings will soon be straining social safety nets worldwide, pollution and habitat loss threaten the world’s ecosystems, and looming above all, global warming has a good chance of rendering large areas of our planet uninhabitable by humans or other species, causing all manner of chaos as people and states fight for survival. The only way out is to wean ourselves off fossil fuels as quickly as possible, invest heavily in struggling economies, and reclaim our democratic institutions from the clutches of moneyed interests.

Anyway, over and out from me. I have code to write and diapers to change. Have fun!
Last edited by jacobolus on 16 Jan 2017, 00:25, edited 3 times in total.

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Wild Duck

16 Jan 2017, 00:11

Too bad the email was real. Your continuing personal attacks won't change that.

I must update my list. I am:

A clueless idiot, a totally clueless conspiracy theorist, an internet troll, a badmouther of children, a discreditor of journalistic heroes, a person who sides with authoritarians, war profiteers, torturers, child murderers, and planet destroyers, an oil company stooge, and the unwitting minion of torturers, child murderers, and dirty political tricksters, an anti-intellectual at its foundation, an unwitting stooge of the evil people, a bad understander of the most basic context of US political life, a person who does not know who people are, a person who doesn’t know the past 20 (or 50) years history of political discourse and historical events, an impatient person, a person without reading comprehension to sort out his own gaps of knowledge, a subject changer, a sob story creator.

But not an “evil person”. :lol:

Glad we got that figured out.

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formerly prdlm2009

16 Jan 2017, 00:22

I'm pretty torn about what's more mindlessly entertaining, this [insert adjective] bickering over the past few pages of this thread or the NFL game I'm also watching right now.

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Wild Duck

16 Jan 2017, 00:55

Which team do you support? So we can flame you.

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Daniel Beardsmore

16 Jan 2017, 01:01

If these are the people I came back to, I think it's time I reversed that decision.

If you people ever grow up, maybe then it will be time to return.

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Wild Duck

16 Jan 2017, 01:16

Just what we needed. Another drama queen enters the stage. :lol:
You know perfectly well what the Internet is like Beardsmore, you have been on it before.

In fact I'm disappointed that you don't appreciate that people can shit talk on DT. You have shit talked on DT, I got various complaints, which I dismissed. You probably insulted pretty much everybody at some point. But we still love you. :twisted:

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16 Jan 2017, 01:57

webwit wrote: Just what we needed. Another drama queen enters the stage. :lol:
You know perfectly well what the Internet is like Beardsmore, you have been on it before.

In fact I'm disappointed that you don't appreciate that people can shit talk on DT. You have shit talked on DT, I got various complaints, which I dismissed. You probably insulted pretty much everybody at some point. But we still love you. :twisted:
There's a difference between that, and outright disrespect.

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Elder Messenger

16 Jan 2017, 02:09

Daniel Beardsmore = Drama Queen

A staggering revelation, even for Off-Topic-Thority.

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Wild Duck

16 Jan 2017, 02:18

His previous quit was because someone dared to sell a keyboard before documenting it in the wiki.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

16 Jan 2017, 09:50

Quite a bit of personal flaming here now, I think admin needs to step in... :mrgreen:
744.jpg (17.27 KiB) Viewed 12758 times

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Topre Enthusiast

16 Jan 2017, 11:14

Admin could step in, or those not interested in the festivities could step out ;)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

16 Jan 2017, 15:41

002 wrote: Admin could step in, or those not interested in the festivities could step out ;)
Sure, just to be clear I was joking about admin. The way this is going we have the "flame a duck" thread.

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16 Jan 2017, 21:41

Feature request for the spy: the ability to blacklist threads (eg this one)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

16 Jan 2017, 21:43

scottc wrote: Feature request for the spy: the ability to blacklist threads (eg this one)
Good point Scott, that's a valid request. I can think of more than one thread that I would flag! :|

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16 Jan 2017, 21:45

Maybe we should write a browser extension...

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Offtopicthority Instigator

16 Jan 2017, 21:48

scottc wrote: Maybe we should write a browser extension...
No, let's see if more users feel a need for this in the "deskthority - Suggestions and Changelog" thread?

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17 Jan 2017, 14:50

^ Where might i find this thread?

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The Tiproman

17 Jan 2017, 16:07

chuckdee wrote: ^ Where might i find this thread?
deskthority-f17/deskthority-suggestions ... g-t21.html

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formerly prdlm2009

17 Jan 2017, 16:39

Oh great, wouldn't that create a censorship bandwagon?

Perhaps another method is creating a guide for how not to feed the trolls and how to douse flame wars.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jan 2017, 16:47

vivalarevolución wrote: Oh great, wouldn't that create a censorship bandwagon?
You do not need to worry about that at DT, there won't be any censorship. Ever. Just look at this thread. :maverick:
vivalarevolución wrote: Perhaps another method is creating a guide for how not to feed the trolls and how to douse flame wars.
The methods are well known, sometimes they work sometimes they don't.

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Elder Messenger

17 Jan 2017, 16:55

seebart wrote:
Just look at this thread.

The methods are well known, sometimes they work sometimes they don't.
This long-running thread has provided a wealth of valuable and important content and discussion, in an arena that is, by its very nature, usually passionate and often extremely polarizing.

As always, the more information and logic, the better, but the more emotion, the worse.

Personally, I have been guilty of reacting emotionally to comments that I found loathsome and inaccurate, and I apologize.

I apologize for the reaction, that is, not the finding of the comments to be loathsome or inaccurate.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jan 2017, 17:03

fohat wrote: Personally, I have been guilty of reacting emotionally to comments that I found loathsome and inaccurate, and I apologize.

I apologize for the reaction, that is, not the finding of the comments to be loathsome or inaccurate.
Completely unnecessary IMO.

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17 Jan 2017, 17:13

vivalarevolución wrote: Oh great, wouldn't that create a censorship bandwagon?

Perhaps another method is creating a guide for how not to feed the trolls and how to douse flame wars.
I was probably unclear, but I meant a per-user setting so that I could ignore threads that weren't of interest to me (politics, etc). That wouldn't cause any censorship.

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