A new US Republican thread 2016

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Elder Messenger

02 Apr 2017, 23:58

Daniel Beardsmore wrote:
Who said it was anything to do with fear?
That seems like the only emotion strong enough to elicit this sort of response.
If it is something else, then I am extremely curious to know what it is.
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Daniel Beardsmore

03 Apr 2017, 00:24

With webwit, I have no idea — I'm not sure he hasn't lost his marbles some time back.

Trump seems to be a very brief, very minor player in the grand scheme of planetary self-destruction. We were quite merrily on our way to total extinction without his help, and I doubt that any undermining of the lip service paid towards preventing it that he may instigate will really make a difference. The corporations control the government, not the other way around. Something will get us, whether it's China's carbon emissions, or Japan's ocean irradiation, or Islamic extremists and North Korea nuking us all.

Some people can effect change. Webwit maintains that I could, if only I were to read some book he has — apparently, the ink printed on those pages has the power to completely rewrite my personality. That was probably the first hint I had that his mind had started to derail. As it stands, whatever happens, happens, and it's entirely out of my control, so what would be the use of me ranting and raving over it?

It's claimed that talking about things helps, but it doesn't: the only thing that helps, is change. Otherwise, once you're done talking, you're back to square one with the same problem you started out with.

If anything I'm just trolling for its own sake. If jacobolus is free to let off steam regardless of how much it annoys people, I guess I can do the same. Sadly, it gets boring fast. If I really wanted to troll I'd post rail photos — those are far more boring.

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Elder Messenger

03 Apr 2017, 00:40

Daniel Beardsmore wrote:
If anything I'm just trolling for its own sake.

If jacobolus is free to let off steam regardless of how much it annoys people, I guess I can do the same.
But Jacobolus contributes viable, on-topic content. Whether or not you agree with his views or his links is your choice and your right.

What I don't understand is why certain people feel compelled to bury my topical and important thread in a colossal bulk of meaningless mass.

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Daniel Beardsmore

03 Apr 2017, 00:54

Try reading everything that's already been said — you ignored most of what I wrote now and you seem to have ignored everything else wrote previously. So there's jacobolus just talking to himself and you asking the same question over and over following answers already given. You're a hopeless pair — no wonder you annoy people.


03 Apr 2017, 01:06

Daniel Beardsmore wrote: Try reading everything that's already been said — you ignored most of what I wrote now and you seem to have ignored everything else wrote previously. So there's jacobolus just talking to himself and you asking the same question over and over following answers already given. You're a hopeless pair — no wonder you annoy people.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

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03 Apr 2017, 04:20

Kurplop wrote:
Daniel Beardsmore wrote: Try reading everything that's already been said — you ignored most of what I wrote now and you seem to have ignored everything else wrote previously. So there's jacobolus just talking to himself and you asking the same question over and over following answers already given. You're a hopeless pair — no wonder you annoy people.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Einstein on misattribution: ‘I probably didn’t say that.’


03 Apr 2017, 09:11

Kansas GOP just passed a (non-binding, purely symbolic) resolution proclaiming that porn viewing causes erectile dysfunction. Might be a problem for some of you single boys. Of course, they didn’t have any trouble voting for a presidential candidate famous for peeping on teenage beauty pageant contestants and who made cameos in pornos as “that grabby rich creeper”.

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Wild Duck

03 Apr 2017, 09:34

The sociopath village idiot is back! Your family must be so proud.

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Daniel Beardsmore

03 Apr 2017, 09:48

Get a room, you two.

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03 Apr 2017, 10:27

Soo this thread is still going?


03 Apr 2017, 15:23

chuckdee wrote:
Kurplop wrote:
Daniel Beardsmore wrote: Try reading everything that's already been said — you ignored most of what I wrote now and you seem to have ignored everything else wrote previously. So there's jacobolus just talking to himself and you asking the same question over and over following answers already given. You're a hopeless pair — no wonder you annoy people.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Einstein on misattribution: ‘I probably didn’t say that.’
Chuckdee, thanks for correcting my mistake. That's the last time I'm going to trust "Fake Quotes". :D

Funny thing is, the earliest reference I could find for the quote was a 1980 line from Narcotics Anonymous. I wonder how Einstein could respond "I probably didn't say that" when, by then, he had been in the grave for decades?

It does make me nervous quoting anything now, but what do we do? If we don't site a reference we are then guilty of plagiarism. To be safe, when I don't have access to the original work, I'll just have to add the disclaimer: "Quote commonly attributed to Einstein (or whoever), but who the heck really knows".

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Offtopicthority Instigator

03 Apr 2017, 17:52

Blinders,blinkers,winkers and mindcuffs is what this thread currently amounts to.
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Daniel Beardsmore

03 Apr 2017, 18:52

I vaguely, briefly hoped that flooding the topic would make jacobolus give up, but it's like when you've got hiccups and try holding your breath, or sipping water, and you just keep hiccuping straight through it. (Someone once suggested eating some sugar, and that really does work.) OK that was a very weird analogy; I have a much better analogy but I still can't recall what it is — the memory keeps evading my conscious mind.

The topic is a bit like a cat — amusing to play with for a few minutes, then it gets boring.

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Elder Messenger

04 Apr 2017, 00:08

jacobolus wrote:
porn viewing causes erectile dysfunction
Ted Cruz was much more extensive and rigorous on the subject. Here is an abbreviated version:

Cruz, former Attorney General of Texas, helped defend a law criminalizing the sale of dildos.

In 2007, Cruz's legal team .... filed a 76-page brief calling on the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit to uphold the lower court's decision and permit the law to stand.

The brief insisted that Texas, in order to protect "public morals," had  "police-power interests" in "discouraging prurient interests in sexual gratification ....

There was a  "government" interest, it maintained, in "discouraging…autonomous sex."
The brief compared the use of sex toys to "hiring a willing prostitute or engaging in consensual bigamy," and it equated advertising these products with the commercial promotion of prostitution.

In perhaps the most noticeable line of the brief, Cruz's office declared, "There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one's genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship."

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04 Apr 2017, 04:23

This is bad news all around:

Democrats Have The Votes To Filibuster Gorsuch And Force 'Nuclear' Senate Showdown

I can imagine the ramifications for later. And once Pandora's box is opened, there's no closing it again. I really hope they think long term on this...


04 Apr 2017, 07:21

Where by “they” you mean hypocritical partisan hacks like McConnell and Grassley?

The GOP hasn’t given a fuck about fairness, decency, norms, traditions, rules, promises, their own honor, the plain meaning of the constitution, or really anything other than “we’ll do whatever we want, because fuck you and your belief in the rule of law, that’s why” for at least 20 years.

The presence of the filibuster (for anything, frankly) is a fig leaf at this point. If the Democrats don’t call the GOP bluff now, for the ostensible purpose of saving the filibuster for “when they really need it” (or whatever), they’ll just be setting themselves up to lose both this time and next time, while being played for suckers all along.

The filibuster was for decades used as a tool of last resort, but when they found themselves in the minority the GOP senators took it upon themselves to filibuster every goddamn thing just for the sake of preventing any legislation and any executive appointments from going through the Senate. Part of their general pattern of fill-tilt obstruction. After getting control of the Senate they proceeded to leave dozens (maybe hundreds) of Obama nominees waiting for months and sometimes years, to the point that the federal courts are all stretched to the breaking point with hundreds of vacant seats (which Trump and the GOP will now try to fill with corporate shills and Christian fundamentalists)

Then we had the Merrick Garland situation, which was beyond the pale even for the GOP. To not even meet with the President’s Supreme Court nominee, not hold hearings, and not have any kind of vote, to leave him hanging for a year, because the GOP figured that since they had >50 seats in the Senate, they could just do whatever they please, and to hell with the constitution. (And oh, by the way, a handful of billionaires promised to keep the money flowing if they played along and kept choosing corporate profits over the good of the country.)

When one party is constantly trying to play nice, and the other party will do everything they possibly can to win for their puppetmasters at any cost, the whole system is already fucked anyway.

The only solution is to vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and hope for redistricting reform, campaign finance reform, and media reform.

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Wild Duck

04 Apr 2017, 07:55

For a coward abuser of Internet forums you have big words, little Jacob. You don't give a fuck about fairness, decency, norms, traditions, etc. you filthy cunt. How proud would your family be and how impressed your future employers if they found on Google for eternity that JR from SF is an endless abuser on the Internet, showing his sociopath nature in its full glory? Let's all abuse our free speech and be nasty cunts right back at you, right? It's the norm for you. The only solution for you is to crawl back under the wet stone you came from.


04 Apr 2017, 08:00

I’m pretty sure my family, future employers, and anyone else would be somewhere between confused and amused, or maybe surprised that I would waste my time trying to have a political conversation with an abusive illiterate on a keyboard forum.


04 Apr 2017, 08:14

webwit: Never change. You’re hilarious man. Can you make another few posts in a row? I need a good chuckle before bed. I’ll get a shot of whiskey so I do my part in living up to the “drunk” label (well, however far 1 shot will take me).


04 Apr 2017, 08:16

I know of at least one user who got a non voluntary cool down opportunity after getting personally insulting.
I think something similar might be in order here, or are we setting different standards for founding members?


04 Apr 2017, 08:23

While we’re totally off topic, posting repetitive inane insults, pictures of fungi, and so on, (sorry fohat) here’s what I’ve been working on the last couple days: an alternate color scheme for “phase portraits” (i.e. pictures showing the phase of various complex functions using color). The traditional version is the overwhelmingly psychedelic HSV rainbow:

I propose to use a duller color scheme with less visual artifacts, which hopefully does a more enlightening job revealing details about the functions involved:

Another example:

For anyone who has to deal with complex functions, or just likes pretty math pictures, I recommend Wegert’s book:
http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/ana/mit ... -functions


04 Apr 2017, 08:27

Repeating it won't make it less insulting.

What I fear is that we set bad standards for other parts of the forum and potential new members.


04 Apr 2017, 08:30

webwit wrote: I'm not surprised that a sociopath gets a kick out of being a cunt, apparently unaware of the damage you are and will be inflicting upon yourself, because you are a dumb mother fucker too.
I recommend you look up the words “sociopath”, “cunt”, “unaware”, “damage”, “inflicting”, “dumb”, “mother”, and “fucker” in a dictionary. As far as I can tell you don’t understand the meaning of any of those words, which is leading you to make ridiculous, almost entirely meaningless statements. (This was the origin of my “illiterate” comment. But I should clarify. I have faith in you webwit. I don’t think you’re actually illiterate. I just think you never learned the meanings of many common English words (or perhaps were led to false understandings by children trolls on various shady web forums?), which causes you to both misunderstand almost everything anyone else says, and to say things which are universally misunderstood by your readers. What was perhaps intended as meaningful good-faith discussion come across as abusive nonsense. It’s quite the tragic story.) If you spend some time with a dictionary, I have high hopes that you will be able to rectify this profound weakness, and dramatically improve as an internet commenter and general user of the English language.
Last edited by jacobolus on 04 Apr 2017, 08:35, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

04 Apr 2017, 08:35

Save me your crocodile tears, sociopath.

You're devaluing this space, and just serve as a public annoyance. And you're a hypocrite.
Hi guys. Could we please stop the public discussion of the NDA? Take it up w/ Adobe privately if it?s really an issue for you. Having a discussion here is only useful if there?s more signal than noise: 15 redundant and mostly content-free comments about the NDA entirely devalues this space, and just serves as a public annoyance. Thanks.


04 Apr 2017, 08:36

Now you’re stalking old meetup.com messages complaining about people spamming my email several years ago? LOL.

What next, you’ll fly to San Francisco and listen in on my conversations at the local coffeeshop, so you can prove that I am a truly abusive sociopath when when I refuse to share my latte with my jealous 8-month-old son?
Last edited by jacobolus on 04 Apr 2017, 08:39, edited 1 time in total.


04 Apr 2017, 08:43

P.S. I have never tried at all to disassociate my web handle from my real name, and so it’s kind of hilarious that you think unmasking me and google-stalking my name is some kind of heroic feat (oh no, you might find my out of date website, my github projects, and various blog comments). Since I expected you to trivially be able to find my name, I’m not bothered. If you want you can hire a private investigator to track down my ex girlfriends from 10 years ago, and see if you can get them to say mean things about me. I’m sure my future career as a Republican congressional candidate is now completely ruined!

But just for the record, I consider doxxing people to generally be the height of scummy antisocial behavior, and if you doxx anyone on this forum against their will, I will strongly recommend to the entire Deskthority community that you be shunned.

Repetitively calling me nonsensical obscene insults is all in good fun, but doxxing people who don’t intend to have their identities known can have serious, even life-threatening, consequences, and is an entirely different ballgame.
Last edited by jacobolus on 04 Apr 2017, 09:01, edited 1 time in total.

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ISO Advocate

04 Apr 2017, 09:01

If that piece of prime butt can't help us ... we're screwed :(


04 Apr 2017, 09:06

(Again, sorry fohat. I’m now done for the night. Catch you another day for discussion of more crazy GOP antics.)
webwit wrote: Maybe we should continue this discussion on your Instagram, Github and Google+ pages, which according to your shining example, are fine places to start a circle-jerk pro Trump diary.
I only ever made one Google Plus post in 2011, a link to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... amera.html and I don’t otherwise use the service, so I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed if you try to start your circle-jerk there.

Here’s my award-winning single Instagram photo: https://www.instagram.com/sfmissionpirates/

(There’s some perfect evidence of my abusive nature right there.)

We won the local thrift store’s instagram contest, and as a prize got to bring home a boxed set of books of medical illustrations from the 1950s, showing detailed drawings of every venereal disease you have ever heard of. If you want I can start posting some of those pictures, which are generally less inflammatory than either webwit or the US GOP, but still definitely don’t belong anywhere near a healthy circle-jerk.
Last edited by jacobolus on 04 Apr 2017, 09:42, edited 3 times in total.

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Wild Duck

04 Apr 2017, 09:10

Yeah he looks very happy to be abused by his father for Instagram glory.

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Daniel Beardsmore

04 Apr 2017, 09:16

I wonder if webwit's complete descent into lunacy is late onset Alps vortex disease? ripster seemed to have substantially lower immunity, having long since flipped his lid. I wonder what the club policy is for committing the benevolent dictator to the loony bin.

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