Best artisan keycap

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07 Dec 2017, 22:29

Findecanor wrote: Normally, I don't give a rat's ass about artisans, and neither do a lot of other voters so they can't really be in the know about it.
Lustique wrote: Talking about key caps having ‘no profile’, while praising stuff like that
I wonder whether ripster is proud of this abomination.
That's the point of having a "i don't like any" option in the award, honestly if you don't care about a category you shouldn't vote in the first place (and this should be valid for each category) but you will still vote for it (mostly to enter the prize raffle i guess?).

My point is, these caps with "no profile" (like someone says here) are artisans, what we usually define artisans, I definetely accept that people might not like them or that in general DT do not like them.
But if you don't understand/like artisans, it is pointless to still vote for the category and pick one only because it match a real keycap profile, even if you know that you will never buy or like any artisan.
Being similar to a keycap is not the point of artisans in the first place, that's just the DT point of saying "ok cool, artisans are shit but at least this is less shittier than others caps with monsters on it"

edit: the two "abomination" caps you see are probably the most desired caps right now among artisan-people, these are the 2 caps that drove everyone crazy in the last year.

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07 Dec 2017, 22:35

depletedvespene wrote: After all is said and done, and everyone has complained about everything he needed to get off his chest, may I suggest that...

The DTA 2018 awards should do as they do in the Hugos and allow a "no award" vote.

There. Flame away.
I don't think that it would even be necessary if people nominated and participated in good faith. But that's putting the blame where it should be so... :twisted: That said, I don't see the harm in putting that there.


07 Dec 2017, 23:10

Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.

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07 Dec 2017, 23:27

codemonkeymike wrote: Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.
Maybe because your vintage keyboard enthusiasts forum just had an Award for "figurines"? lol


07 Dec 2017, 23:31

codemonkeymike wrote: Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.

As people nowdays love to cry when they dont get things the way they want and think its everyone elses fault for not wanting the same as them, god forbid they look in the fucking mirror.

Look at all the remoaners in brexit ( i voted remain by the way but whats done is done get on with it), or Trump. Its all REEEEEEE you dont think how i think so your x y or z name, your a basket of depolrables.

I blame the education system, kids nowadays are not told how to look at an issue and discuss it or try to think of other points of view, they are just told they are a victim and that they are oppressed by the evil <whatever> and that they are special little snowflakes who need to be protected in there safe space as if they are exposed to another opinion they are going to literally die.

Welcome to generation special snoflake everybody.

This guy puts it better.

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07 Dec 2017, 23:46

That was a great rant, and exactly how I've been feeling about this whole election.


08 Dec 2017, 00:57

jkaos92 wrote: That's the point of having a "i don't like any" option in the award, honestly if you don't care about a category you shouldn't vote in the first place (and this should be valid for each category) but you will still vote for it (mostly to enter the prize raffle i guess?).
I have won voter prizes twice and that was great but that is not why I vote. I want to do my part being a good Deskthority citizen, and it is not as if I don't have an opinion about aesthetics.

But yes, I think others might be motivated by the voter prize. If you want a larger portion of the voters to be into artisan keycaps then maybe one way of doing that would be to make the voter prize for this category be another artisan keycap.


08 Dec 2017, 03:30

I think it's a real shame that Night Caps didn't walk away the win. The amazing colorways of Psycho Summer never stopped and the amount of effort put into a months long sale is hard for me to fathom. Smh

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08 Dec 2017, 04:33

codemonkeymike wrote: Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.
Actually I don't like vintage keyboards. /me shrugs

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08 Dec 2017, 05:25

chuckdee wrote:
codemonkeymike wrote: Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.
Actually I don't like vintage keyboards. /me shrugs
I didn't follow the whole development of debates in this thread, but I am in the same boat, at least similar:
I think only a handful of vintage keyboard designs (including their color themes etc) look good, for example the color combination of SGI Granite keyboard, or the NeXT keyboard, or the IBM Industrial keyboards. I think the cream / beige color theme is the ugliest possible for yellow-prone plastic objects. Therefore the only IBM keyboards I had, were all not in that beige color, e.g. I had the Model M13 in black, the industrial grey version is also acceptable - and I really wanted to keep myself away from that beige color.

Perhaps at the beginning, the designers wanted these plastic objects (computer case, and peripherals) to have the color of concrete, but then many of them turned yellow after a few years. Then they decide to use the creamy beige color instead. Really, most keyboards look bad in that beige color, just my opinion, except for only a few that can still look good in beige, e.g. the One Per Desk ICL keyboard.

I recalled this long time opinion of mine upon seeing the difference between GMK Muted vs the 'normal' GMK, e.g. GMK 9009.

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Yet another IBM snob

08 Dec 2017, 06:03

Menuhin wrote: I think the cream / beige color theme is the ugliest possible for yellow-prone plastic objects. Therefore the only IBM keyboards I had, were all not in that beige color, e.g. I had the Model M13 in black, the industrial grey version is also acceptable - and I really wanted to keep myself away from that beige color.
IBM used PBT for nearly everything. All my IBM boards with plastic in them, spanning from 1984 to 1996, are perfectly white, with the exception of one single spacebar.


08 Dec 2017, 10:16

DustGod wrote:
Menuhin wrote: I think the cream / beige color theme is the ugliest possible for yellow-prone plastic objects. Therefore the only IBM keyboards I had, were all not in that beige color, e.g. I had the Model M13 in black, the industrial grey version is also acceptable - and I really wanted to keep myself away from that beige color.
IBM used PBT for nearly everything. All my IBM boards with plastic in them, spanning from 1984 to 1996, are perfectly white, with the exception of one single spacebar.

Some spacebar are ABS , this was for the model with the grounding strap. But the UK plant and the Mexican plant also used them for random boards too.

ALL model F spacebars are PBT even the huge XT and AT bars.

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The Tiproman

08 Dec 2017, 10:17

Here’s a summary of the scandal:

Round 1, "Call for nominees": in the "Best artisan keycap" category somebody (jokingly!) nominated the Jelly Key.
There were 9 nominees in total.

Round 2, "Vote for nominees": the 5 nominees with the most votes made it to the final round.
These included the Jelly Key ranking second (39 against 40 for Grimey).

Round 3, "Final vote": one of these 5 remaining nominees, the Jelly Key, fetched by far the most votes:
67 against 52 for Keyforge, Grimey this time being third-placed with 40 votes.

Results of the Deskthority Awards: according to the results of the vote, the Jelly Key was proclaimed the winner.
Instead of heartily laughing, a few bad loosers started lamenting, criticizing, and explaining why it shouldn’t have won.

I would suggest they now start being active on DT instead of visiting just for the DT Awards,
Perhaps they can educate us morons to appreciating their preferred designs.

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08 Dec 2017, 10:32

@kbdfr: No force on earth will ever make us appreciate poorly sculpted plastic turds. :)

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The Tiproman

08 Dec 2017, 13:12

Somehow this thread is fun :mrgreen:
garden gnome.jpg
garden gnome.jpg (45.42 KiB) Viewed 23987 times

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08 Dec 2017, 13:23

This face on a keycap would win all the votes!

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08 Dec 2017, 13:48

jkaos92 wrote: […]

My point is, these caps with "no profile" (like someone says here) are artisans, what we usually define artisans, I definetely accept that people might not like them or that in general DT do not like them.
But if you don't understand/like artisans, it is pointless to still vote for the category and pick one only because it match a real keycap profile, even if you know that you will never buy or like any artisan.
Being similar to a keycap is not the point of artisans in the first place, that's just the DT point of saying "ok cool, artisans are shit but at least this is less shittier than others caps with monsters on it"

edit: the two "abomination" caps you see are probably the most desired caps right now among artisan-people, these are the 2 caps that drove everyone crazy in the last year.
So you're basically saying that with artisans usability doesn't matter, and it's just about the looks. Well, then not only would the apparent QC issues with the stems be irrelevant (who cares about the stems then?), I'd still have voted for JK, because the caps that were linked here were IMO the best looking of the bunch. And if usability did matter, then the JK caps would still have won for me, because these are actually key caps (at least the ones that were shown in the nomination thread), while the examples of other artisans were pretty much small sculptures that just happen to have a bottom that fits MX style switches. You could just as well let a rabbit shit on an MX switch and let it dry. That would be as much of a key cap than any of those face caps.

I think you misunderstood me there. I used the term ‘abomination’ to refer to r/mk, not to the artisans. Your sentence still doesn't make much sense, though. Just because a lot of people like something doesn't make it good. Just look at what kind of music sells best…

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08 Dec 2017, 14:23

gateron wrote:
chuckdee wrote: And you should include the next post- that's not what I said. ALL of their keys are not done with that (and not implying that all of anyone else is using 3d printing). I was merely saying when he didn't read, that the things that they do that are not 3d printed sculpts are beautiful works of art.
That is not 3d printed, and is a piece of art, in my opinion, and as they say - art is in the eye of the beholder.
And as to the Deskthority forum goers being in some way less, the voters decided. The Voters were invited from 3 different boards. If you didn't vote, or others that are in the know from whatever forum didn't vote, well, that's on them.
What are you talking about? The quote was not from you.
It was not, but it was to me. And there's already been a response to that post, that you were not taking into account.

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08 Dec 2017, 14:36

Halvar wrote: This face on a keycap would win all the votes!
Don't forget the pointy hat!

From the outside it looks like a really shitty community where people force scarcity for money and accusations of loose stems, brittle plastic, 3D printed masters, or god forbid, mass production are flung around regularly.
There might be a few good ones below all those layers of circlejerk and inflated prices, but the best artisan keycap, to me, is still a nice accent you actually would want on a keyboard and can realistically obtain.

I wonder why nobody is selling resin miniatures and other figurines yet tbh.
Last edited by kekstee on 08 Dec 2017, 16:35, edited 1 time in total.

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08 Dec 2017, 15:02

kekstee wrote: I wonder why nobody is selling resin miniatures and other figurines yet tbh.
Because miniatures we know from wargaming require actual skill, unlike most artisan caps.

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08 Dec 2017, 15:42

andrewjoy wrote:
DustGod wrote:
Menuhin wrote: I think the cream / beige color theme is the ugliest possible for yellow-prone plastic objects. Therefore the only IBM keyboards I had, were all not in that beige color, e.g. I had the Model M13 in black, the industrial grey version is also acceptable - and I really wanted to keep myself away from that beige color.
IBM used PBT for nearly everything. All my IBM boards with plastic in them, spanning from 1984 to 1996, are perfectly white, with the exception of one single spacebar.

Some spacebar are ABS , this was for the model with the grounding strap. But the UK plant and the Mexican plant also used them for random boards too.

ALL model F spacebars are PBT even the huge XT and AT bars.
Thanks for reminding me the PBT details for the Model M breed. Those beige M have very similar color schemes that look the same in my eyes though, except for the industrial versions and the black versions.


08 Dec 2017, 16:28

kbdfr wrote: Here’s a summary of the scandal:

Round 1, "Call for nominees": in the "Best artisan keycap" category somebody (jokingly!) nominated the Jelly Key.
There were 9 nominees in total.

Round 2, "Vote for nominees": the 5 nominees with the most votes made it to the final round.
These included the Jelly Key ranking second (39 against 40 for Grimey).

Round 3, "Final vote": one of these 5 remaining nominees, the Jelly Key, fetched by far the most votes:
67 against 52 for Keyforge, Grimey this time being third-placed with 40 votes.

Results of the Deskthority Awards: according to the results of the vote, the Jelly Key was proclaimed the winner.
Instead of heartily laughing, a few bad loosers started lamenting, criticizing, and explaining why it shouldn’t have won.

I would suggest they now start being active on DT instead of visiting just for the DT Awards,
Perhaps they can educate us morons to appreciating their preferred designs.
Well said, this is the same as complaining about Crash won best Oscar film over Brokeback Mountain, who cares. Get over yourself.


08 Dec 2017, 21:42

chuckdee wrote:
codemonkeymike wrote: Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.
Actually I don't like vintage keyboards. /me shrugs
Tis true that all general statements have some falsehood to them. I myself don't use vintage keyboards day to day either, I have a new ergodox with new keycaps and new zealios. That said my statement was more on what the focus of the community is in general.


08 Dec 2017, 21:46

Meanwhile, I voted (I think, too lazy to check) for Binge, because Binge is cool, even though I don't really care about the caps. Because I get the impression that his :^$ynth (or whatever it was called) helped increase the maker involvement in the community (and frankly, IMO the only neat thing about those "artisans" is that some folks finally do get involved and make shit, instead of the sheer consumerism all around).

BTW didn't Alessandro (RIP) basically "only paint ordinary caps" too?

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08 Dec 2017, 21:53

codemonkeymike wrote:
chuckdee wrote:
codemonkeymike wrote: Why are people still here complaining that a forum of vintage keyboard enthusiasts that don't like figurines on their cherry keyboards.
Actually I don't like vintage keyboards. /me shrugs
Tis true that all general statements have some falsehood to them. I myself don't use vintage keyboards day to day either, I have a new ergodox with new keycaps and new zealios. That said my statement was more on what the focus of the community is in general.
There used to be a lot more involvement by non vintage keyboard enthusiasts and it was truly what it says on the cover, i. e. A place for mechanical keyboard enthusiasts. I did my first totally custom keyboard with help from many members at the time and still proudly display it. But the people that helped me are no longer here. I wonder why...

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The Tiproman

09 Dec 2017, 09:38

davkol wrote: […] BTW didn't Alessandro (RIP) basically "only paint ordinary caps" too?
I got one from him a few years ago as a DT Secret Santa present.
As far as I can assess, he didn't even paint them, but just dripped some varnish on a blank keycap.

I later jokingly offered it for sale, highest bid was € .66 but somehow the sale didn't finalize.
f-o-r-s-a-l-e-f58/unique-art-keycap-in- ... 11035.html
davkol, still interested? :lol:


09 Dec 2017, 13:11

Dunno, Geekhack is back up for now. Maybe when they need another fundraiser?

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09 Dec 2017, 19:08

kbdfr wrote: Here’s a summary of the scandal:

Round 1, "Call for nominees": in the "Best artisan keycap" category somebody (jokingly!) nominated the Jelly Key.
There were 9 nominees in total.

Round 2, "Vote for nominees": the 5 nominees with the most votes made it to the final round.
These included the Jelly Key ranking second (39 against 40 for Grimey).

Round 3, "Final vote": one of these 5 remaining nominees, the Jelly Key, fetched by far the most votes:
67 against 52 for Keyforge, Grimey this time being third-placed with 40 votes.

Results of the Deskthority Awards: according to the results of the vote, the Jelly Key was proclaimed the winner.
Instead of heartily laughing, a few bad loosers started lamenting, criticizing, and explaining why it shouldn’t have won.

I would suggest they now start being active on DT instead of visiting just for the DT Awards,
Perhaps they can educate us morons to appreciating their preferred designs.
Round 6: grammar nazis fall on you like a sack of bricks, for spelling "losers" as "loosers".

... right? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


10 Dec 2017, 15:01

For everyone who is still in disbelief that we can vote something silly as this to the winning spot, I present you the 2014 DTA Best Keyboard Winner:



11 Dec 2017, 17:23

davkol wrote: Meanwhile, I voted (I think, too lazy to check) for Binge, because Binge is cool, even though I don't really care about the caps. Because I get the impression that his :^$ynth (or whatever it was called) helped increase the maker involvement in the community (and frankly, IMO the only neat thing about those "artisans" is that some folks finally do get involved and make shit, instead of the sheer consumerism all around).

BTW didn't Alessandro (RIP) basically "only paint ordinary caps" too?
Thanks for the support :) Alessandro will be missed. He painted with everything he had.

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