Non wire-stabilized buckling spring keycaps

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11 Aug 2019, 14:34

I’m restoring an IBM model F-122 and I want to update the wire-stabilized keycaps and use the barrel inserts instead. Don’t want to have to deal with broken stabilizer clips on the plate, etc.

I’m looking to buy the following replacement second gen keycaps:
iso return
long shift
numpad zero
numpad enter

I really want the legends to match too. :) Can someone hook me up?

Also, is it possible to know by date, which model M boards would have the barrel insert style caps?

Attached image shows the legends I’m after. Thanks for any help!
IMG_1345.jpg (43.57 KiB) Viewed 2635 times
IMG_1346.jpg (64.35 KiB) Viewed 2635 times

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Elder Messenger

11 Aug 2019, 15:08

I don't think that you will find any of these, with the exception of the numpad Enter.

From personal experience, and I have only a few dozen to go by, the symbol markings are only found on the earliest terminals.

Only a very very few of the earliest Model Ms had wire stabilizers on any key but space bar, and M wires are much heavier gauge than F wires anyway.

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11 Aug 2019, 15:14

Nah, I've seen them on Model M-122 boards for sure. I'm just unsure if they are the wire stabilized versions of the keycaps. Sounds like probably not?

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11 Aug 2019, 16:02

You'd probably be able to find an early M122 with similar legend quality, but they will probably have a wire under Numpad Enter. Like Fohat said, the M's wires are much thicker and are not compatible with Fs. This is especially a problem for the spacebar.

I think they stopped the wires in mid 1987, but I could be completely wrong.

I'm in the process of ordering a custom set from Unicomp for my F127, but I'm well-aware that I'm going to have to epoxy the stabiliser holes on the spacebar, so that the F wire fits.

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11 Aug 2019, 16:19

ISO versions of the standard model M also sometimes have these legends, at least according to my Googling. The wire is irrelevant, with the exception of the spacebar. They just need to have the stem that goes into the insert. Found some more images of M122s with the caps off and they definitely have the barrel inserts, so they do exist. :)

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11 Aug 2019, 19:26

Are these the model M122 keys that you are looking for?
IMG_2987.jpg (908.33 KiB) Viewed 2561 times
IMG_2988.jpg (749.88 KiB) Viewed 2561 times

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11 Aug 2019, 22:12

Yes! Can you part with them? Hopefully we can work out a deal. :)

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Elder Messenger

12 Aug 2019, 00:34

Did not know that, except about the ISO Enters.

Is there a matching long Left Shift?

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12 Aug 2019, 16:54

Wazrach wrote:
11 Aug 2019, 16:02
I'm in the process of ordering a custom set from Unicomp for my F127, but I'm well-aware that I'm going to have to epoxy the stabiliser holes on the spacebar, so that the F wire fits.
Easier: shrink wrap on the thinner wire

Alternatively: DIY wire with steel tubing sleeve as shown in this video:

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