Weird / interesting vintage computer advertisements

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11 Apr 2020, 22:56

Discussion in the "Interesting Finds" thread got me looking through old brochures and magazine clippings on bitsavers.

Some of these ads were quite eccentric, even for the time. Others seem very weird when you look back at them through 2020 eyes.

I know IBM stuff holds it's value well. But $18k??? Sadly I feel we boomarang back to this price range at some point.


Plz no byte me.


Not sure if this is real or just a concept thing. No keyboard no care.


"Electronic mail?! What is this wizardry?"


Enhance your spreadsheet experience. Enhance your keyboard. Enhance your life.


Random baby.


I heard a rumor that manufacturers started making LCD monitors because people kept trying to stick their head inside CRTs to find their files.


Encouraging customers to steal.


The Northgate + Coca Cola collab we've all been waiting for.


Well that was a fun hour of wasted time. Share cool stuff that you find. Bonus points for keyboard ads (I was not able to find many).

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11 Apr 2020, 23:08

Might as well add mine :)
9BA68B53-A44F-4AB8-85FF-B04E55618D16.jpeg (634.63 KiB) Viewed 7990 times

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11 Apr 2020, 23:26

snacksthecat wrote: 11 Apr 2020, 22:56 I know IBM stuff holds it's value well. But $18k??? Sadly I feel we boomarang back to this price range at some point.
Yeah, nothing's changed with Beamsprings.

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11 Apr 2020, 23:32

Not weird, but interesting (and Model M). Especially considering that this gives us a peek of how IBM was marketing typewriters in an age where the PC was on the verge of taking over completely - ie, Wheelwriters were basically diet word processor computers with integrated printers.
I recently purchased an original cut out of this to preserve properly and put on my wall (because why not). I plan to do that with a few Model F and M ads, which I'll be sure to share with y'all.


11 Apr 2020, 23:42

snacksthecat wrote: 11 Apr 2020, 22:56 Not sure if this is real or just a concept thing. No keyboard no care.
It was real. One of the very first arcade games, from the company that later became known as Atari.

Hak Foo

12 Apr 2020, 08:10

They have an arcade game convention here once a year (cancelled this year for obvious reasons) Last year they had one of these on display, not plugged in and off in a barren corner of the show. Could have at least used an interpretive placard. :(


12 Apr 2020, 08:49

here are some keyboard related :)

microswitch_ad.png (405.49 KiB) Viewed 7869 times
And you thought IBM invented the SSK?
microswitch_ad2.jpg (159.58 KiB) Viewed 7865 times
I was actually looking for one where 2kro was not invented yet and interlock was the great new feature ... can't find it right now ;)


12 Apr 2020, 09:07

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12 Apr 2020, 18:51

Gold label Northgate 102
Gold label Northgate 102
Screenshot_2020-02-12.jpg (247.11 KiB) Viewed 7788 times

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