IBM Model M

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 01:10


See here for other versions (I have the big one as my wallpaper).
(on the same site of course the famous IBM Model M simulator)

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06 Feb 2011, 01:24

That's real swell, I can even see a red nipple in there. I'd like to have one of those industrial minis.
The colour schemes are very good too; it looks good with both white and grey case.

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 01:28

One of my Industrial minis might be going to Korea..
something might come back..:)
I've only seen 8 of them ever. 2 sold at clickykeyboards, 6 sold by rarekeyboards at ebay. He sold me his first and last one. I bought many of my Model Ms from him and he tipped me. Then I posted a tip on geekhack after the first, and the next 4 went within half an hour. Ripster got one, some other geekhacker got one for sure (forgot his name), dunno about the other two.. probably geekhack lurkers.

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 01:32

The rare ones..

IBM Model M15



Industrial Space Saving:


Industrial black square label Model M (1985):


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06 Feb 2011, 01:36

This is like some treasure hunter movie.. even my computer is making sounds in anticipation. Maybe I should make an ebay account, just in case of incredible finds.

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Gasbag Guru

06 Feb 2011, 01:53

36 guests viewing? what is this madness!

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 01:54

You mist the part where it was over 80.

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Gasbag Guru

06 Feb 2011, 01:54

Also I bet if computer magazines still had "send in a photo" events nowadays (do computer magazines even still exist?) you would win with these. I remember my uncle once sent in a really embarrassing picture of him with his Amiga on the bed which got printed. Epic lulz 20 years later.


06 Feb 2011, 01:55

Furniture is overrated. Your collection never ceases to amaze me and holy crap, I just realized that they make an M, I can't believe I never noticed that before, it becomes really obvious once you see it.:shock:

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 01:57

Is this your uncle in his C64 time?
sixty_uncle.jpg (182.47 KiB) Viewed 21348 times

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Gasbag Guru

06 Feb 2011, 01:59

Nope, but almost as embaressing.

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 02:01

burr wrote:Furniture is overrated. Your collection never ceases to amaze me and holy crap, I just realized that they make an M, I can't believe I never noticed that before, it becomes really obvious once you see it.:shock:
I wanted to do I ♥M (I, ehm, had the keyboards for it). But both the space and the limited camera angle prevented me from it. I'd need to haul them to a bigger space, outside perhaps, and have a better camera. Although this will do fine.

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Gasbag Guru

06 Feb 2011, 02:02

Just make sure you pick a day with 100% guaranteed sun. Then again, some people put these in the dishwasher.. eh

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06 Feb 2011, 02:06

webwit wrote:Is this your uncle in his C64 time?
Nice moustache and transvestite.

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06 Feb 2011, 02:17

webwit wrote:
burr wrote:Furniture is overrated. Your collection never ceases to amaze me and holy crap, I just realized that they make an M, I can't believe I never noticed that before, it becomes really obvious once you see it.:shock:
I wanted to do I ♥M (I, ehm, had the keyboards for it). But both the space and the limited camera angle prevented me from it. I'd need to haul them to a bigger space, outside perhaps, and have a better camera. Although this will do fine.
You really should get a wide-angle lens some time!

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Gasbag Guru

06 Feb 2011, 02:21

burr wrote:Furniture is overrated. Your collection never ceases to amaze me and holy crap, I just realized that they make an M, I can't believe I never noticed that before, it becomes really obvious once you see it.:shock:
I have to wonder too... where did the furniture go? Or do you randomly happen to have a ball room for the casual dancing parties you host, or better a room dedicated for keyboards?!

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Wild Duck

06 Feb 2011, 02:27

It's the room I use for my ballet practice.
I also hauled the furniture to another part of this room.
I had to climb to the ceiling to take this picture.


06 Feb 2011, 07:01

This is now my desktop background. FTW.

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Buckler Of Springs

06 Feb 2011, 13:27

webwit wrote:Is this your uncle in his C64 time?
That is the creepiest picture I have seen in a long time.

Well, maybe one of...

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06 Feb 2011, 17:08

ahhh... Industrial Space Saver... I will never be able to attain you.

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Lethal Squirrel

09 Feb 2011, 18:06

HOly jesus thats a lot of model m's :O

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09 Feb 2011, 18:06

And 2 Model M Industrial Minis...nice!

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Lethal Squirrel

09 Feb 2011, 18:41

I just noticed all the keyboards make a giant M xD

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Buckler Of Springs

09 Feb 2011, 18:47

*penny drops*

Oh wow, I see it too!

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09 Feb 2011, 18:48

That's UBER geeky.

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Gasbag Guru

09 Feb 2011, 18:51

Did you seriously all never notice that before?

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Wild Duck

09 Feb 2011, 18:52

The M.


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09 Feb 2011, 18:59

sixty wrote:Did you seriously all never notice that before?
Nope :|

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Wild Duck

09 Feb 2011, 19:00

He just noticed the nipple.

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09 Feb 2011, 19:02

I always see nipples, especially at training haha

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