Help troubleshooting F-122 keypress not registered


16 Sep 2018, 18:34

Hi all!

I wrote couple days ago about my recently found F-122.
Today I was able to connect it with Soarer's converter to a pc, to discover that half a dozen keys are dead:
S,D,4, and a couple other keypresses aren't registered.
The same keys, when pressed, have a different feel/sound as well: they feel "linear", and in fact there is no click at the end.

After disassembling the plates, a first observation of the PCB doesn't reveal any obvious damage:
some spots are brighter, less opaque than the rest, but I assume it is caused by the contact with the foam mat.
All springs and hammers are in good shape (see attached photos).

Any ideas about possible causes?
Thanks in advance

IMG_20180916_182225.jpg (2.36 MiB) Viewed 1672 times

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16 Sep 2018, 18:40

Hammer hinges weren't in their slots or keycaps caught on the springs when you put them on. Just reseat everything and make sure it's right and put it back together. It should work fine.


16 Sep 2018, 18:41

I'll get on to it and report back. Thanks!



16 Sep 2018, 20:11

Sangdrax wrote: Hammer hinges weren't in their slots or keycaps caught on the springs when you put them on. Just reseat everything and make sure it's right and put it back together. It should work fine.
You absolutely nailed it. Everythings fine after reassembling and carefully inserting the stems. Thanks for your prompt help!

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16 Sep 2018, 21:32

Model F's are pretty simple and tough beasts. Glad you got everything running. It's a good find.


17 Sep 2018, 04:58

These things are near indestructible. Water damaged and the controller is fried? No worries, just chuck a new xwhatsit and you're back in business! Only thing that could possibly damage it is rust, and even then it has to get through 2, 3mm thick steel plate before it can even be considered damaged beyond repair. I recall there's even a beamspring that was FIRE damaged and it was restored back to a fine condition. They're simply amazing.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

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