Round 5: The Cappening

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22 Jun 2015, 21:16

Easy, here. It's an Access-IS point of sale matrix board.

Now to bridge the awkward page break
janvkn wrote: Do you do requests?

Could you do something like this:

Inspired by this btw:
Okay, buckle up…


The light's still not up to much, so these pictures have a different feel to them. All depends on where I set the white balance. Here's a cooler shade:


Without further ado, the Amtrak special:


This is a difficult colour to photograph without the sun!


As you can see, the Round 4 SPH row 3 function row strikes again. Those are the only blue function keys I've got, so it's reds for the rest.


Also: SPH's red isn't the same as Round 5's. RA vs. RAS, right?


Yeah, don't do that.


So dark. I wish these were the caps the NovaTouch shipped with in the first place. No comparison!

Meanwhile, as I had to pull the blue function keys from my ISO NovaTouch, I popped the rest of the reds on it instead.


Not bad, I think.



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The Tiproman

23 Jun 2015, 09:17

Another impressive colour scheme:

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23 Jun 2015, 13:39

Sorry, Kbdfr, no "VIOLETT" caps here, as 7bit likes to call them. Besides a spacebar I got with my original SA set from Matteo. Besides, that probably would look pretty decent if it weren't for the clashing case. Neutral cases are the way to go.

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23 Jun 2015, 14:14

Besides holding your custom kit, what do you use the Access-IS board for?

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23 Jun 2015, 14:18

It's a placeholder to remind me I need to work out its matrix and Teensy it up. So there's that.


23 Jun 2015, 14:26

I think you should use it exactly as they use the keyboard in Space 1999: to randomly press the unmarked keys with a look on your face like you know what you're doing and expect something important to happen. (but really nothing does)

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23 Jun 2015, 14:32

I'd better consult my wardrobe.

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24 Jun 2015, 00:05

I'm reminded of a commandment: thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's keyboard or keycap collections.

It's tough being a sinner...

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24 Jun 2015, 00:34

In this community, coveting is what we're all about…

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25 Jun 2015, 19:42

This thread gave me an idea. But I don't have yellow caps. So, for the Cherry MX 6.0's first Round 5 shoot, I went for an older flag instead. I mean, it's got better colours!
Imperial Overview.jpg
Imperial Overview.jpg (370.3 KiB) Viewed 15430 times
Imperial Elevation.jpg
Imperial Elevation.jpg (437.36 KiB) Viewed 15430 times
Imperial Wristrest.jpg
Imperial Wristrest.jpg (392.9 KiB) Viewed 15430 times
Spot the problems with this set. Besides for matters of historical taste! The red alphas are short a key, and I only have media keys in grey. And, yeah, the whole thing should be in QWERTZ really, but I don't have or type that.

Meanwhile, the backlights…
Imperial Backlit Elevation.jpg
Imperial Backlit Elevation.jpg (327.93 KiB) Viewed 15430 times
Imperial Backlit Numpad.jpg
Imperial Backlit Numpad.jpg (316.24 KiB) Viewed 15430 times
Imperial Backlit Arrows.jpg
Imperial Backlit Arrows.jpg (289.99 KiB) Viewed 15430 times
Red transmits a bit. The others, not so much. I'll shoot it again at night to get a closer look. Aaaand I might as well go for a full red set.

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25 Jun 2015, 20:51

Muirium wrote:This thread gave me an idea. But I don't have yellow caps. So, for the Cherry MX 6.0's first Round 5 shoot, I went for an older flag instead. I mean, it's got better colours!
First time seeing a Cherry MX 6.0 in the wild.
How is it?

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25 Jun 2015, 21:02

Metal. MX red. A bit too backlit for my taste. I'll have a review once I've finally done my one for the Matias Ergo Pro. I think the MX 6.0 is an easier board to make conclusions about!

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25 Jun 2015, 21:17

For some reason I'd been assuming it was a Uniqey or whatever it is GMK has been working on.

Also your lack of numpad options disturbs me.

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25 Jun 2015, 21:22

I never said I liked full size keyboards. They just seem to keep heading my way of late! Originally, my Round 5 order had no numpads whatsoever. In fact, it started off purely 60%, back at the start.

My general dislike for ISO is why I didn't give 7bit more grief about that missing red <> key as well. I can handle it other colours, but red's the odd one out. Doesn't matter on ANSI, but these damn full size ISO boards!

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

25 Jun 2015, 21:31

When did you get that MX 6.0 board ? did you make a review ? I've read about it but never had the chance to play with one

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25 Jun 2015, 21:36

Cherry sent it to me for review recently. Arrived the same day as Round 5. Auspicious! I haven't torn it open yet and looked for all the analog they poured in there.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

25 Jun 2015, 22:05

Nice, it would have been better ANSI, I really can't stand ISO.... I will have to learn to type German on ANSI because I just can't see myself using an ISO board :P

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25 Jun 2015, 22:10

QWERTZ ANSI!!??!!?!!

I'm with you on ISO being inferior. Despite being brought up with it, I switched to ANSI and felt much more at home. The symmetry. The better key shapes. The longer Left Shift. The only thing that's better is the HHKB!

But something I've heard from the Germans here is how convenient dedicated keys like Ö are for them. There's nothing stopping those from being integrated into a physical ANSI layout though. It's just… unusual of us ANSI lovers in an ISO world.

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25 Jun 2015, 23:09

Okay, dark now, so here's the nocturnal look:
Night Light.jpg
Night Light.jpg (79.59 KiB) Viewed 15324 times
Night Light Arrows.jpg
Night Light Arrows.jpg (74.31 KiB) Viewed 15324 times
Not particularly well suited to backlights then! The red keys show a bit of light, but as a blob not a legend of course. And a few of the whites do too: ISO Return and the deep dished F & J. Other than that, all you see is leak from between the mighty SA caps.

Pretty similar story to Round 4 SPH on the Ducky Shine 3 then.

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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

26 Jun 2015, 08:27

Muirium wrote: QWERTZ ANSI!!??!!?!!

I'm with you on ISO being inferior. Despite being brought up with it, I switched to ANSI and felt much more at home. The symmetry. The better key shapes. The longer Left Shift. The only thing that's better is the HHKB!

But something I've heard from the Germans here is how convenient dedicated keys like Ö are for them. There's nothing stopping those from being integrated into a physical ANSI layout though. It's just… unusual of us ANSI lovers in an ISO world.
I managed to solve my DE characters problems by using US International layout, it's damn easy to use and now I can type those ö,ä,ë,ß,µ using Alt Gr :D. It's the first time when I realize how smart is Ivan when he includes in all his sets that Alt Gr :) I know it's right Alt but having a legend on it makes it so nice :) With my very soon to happen move to Germany I really need those German characters :roll:

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26 Jun 2015, 08:57

The only thing that's better is the ANSI/ISO hybrid with the long shift and ISO enter. Like the G80-8000 or JP layouts. Problem is finding a row 3 \| if you're using US localization. Not even round 5 has one.

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26 Jun 2015, 13:15

This row 3 backslash?


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26 Jun 2015, 13:26

Yeah, that's the one :) gimmeh

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26 Jun 2015, 13:38

You just need the right kits. I went with TENKLESS sets, which was expensive but powerful. All these boards in this thread weren't even in my possession back when I ordered, and yet here they are: covered!

Row 3 backslash is vital in my ISO layout. I don't use ISO UK, but Apple's more ANSI USish version with @ on 2 and backslash over near Return, almost where it should be. 7bit had me covered even in Round 4 SPH, before I got into this. Besides that key beside ISO left Shift. Not a biggie, except in red…

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26 Jun 2015, 13:54

For "German ANSI" otoh we'd need a row 2 1.5u " # ' " key for the spot above the ANSI Enter. Oh well. Next round maybe.


27 Jun 2015, 13:08

¿Requests accepted? How about round 5 in novatouch. I'm waiting my round 5 package and thinking what keyboard dress with it.


27 Jun 2015, 13:13

pcaro wrote: ¿Requests accepted? How about round 5 in novatouch. I'm waiting my round 5 package and thinking what keyboard dress with it.
Note: I must buy it first

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27 Jun 2015, 14:30

Most of the pictures are of Round 5 on the novatouch.


27 Jun 2015, 22:20

thanks to this post i finally figured out the madness of ordering.

muirium these look amazing. question: you're rocking a fairly standard osx layout on your modifiers. are you running osx? if so, how is the novatouch working with it? i've read it doesn't work with it, really.


30 Jun 2015, 21:14

I posted some pics in the main thread, here's the album again:

And here's what I'm going with at the moment:

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