Alps Working Timeline

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This document represents a working timeline for Alps key switches. The dates gathered here are representative of those members of Deskthority who have provided this information with appropriate subject references. It is not meant to be exhaustive or comprehensive but a community effort to establish a timeline for the purposes of collaboration and discussion.

Switch Approx. Years found Earliest Date Earliest Subject Latest Date Latest Subject
Alps magnetic reed top view.jpg Alps Magnetic Reed
SSCH White Metal.jpg Alps SSCH series 1975 Monroe 1405 calculator
No photograph.svg Alps SKCC Grey 1979 Monroe 2805 calculator
Alps SKCCAF -- angled.jpg Alps SKCC Tall Cream
Alps tee green top.jpg Alps SKCC Green
Alps tee lock top side.jpg Alps SKCC Lock
Alps SKCL Green -- variants table.jpg Alps SKCL Green 1983–1989
Alps SKCL Yellow -- variants table.jpg Alps SKCL Yellow 1988–1998
No photograph.svg Alps SKCL Cream
Alps SKCM Amber -- variants table.jpg Alps SKCM Amber
"Taxi yellow"
Alps SKCL Grey -- infobox.jpg Alps SKCL Grey
Alps SKCL Heavy Grey.jpg Alps SKCL Heavy Grey
Alps SKCL Brown.jpg Alps SKCL Brown
Alps SKCM Brown -- infobox.jpg Alps SKCM Brown
Alps SKCM Blue -- infobox.jpg Alps SKCM Blue 1985–1988
No photograph.svg Alps SKCM Cream
Alps SKCM Orange -- variants table.jpg Alps SKCM Orange 1987–1991
Alps lock infobox.jpg Alps SKCL Lock
Alps SKCM White -- variants table.jpg Alps SKCM White 1988–1996
Alps SKCM Salmon -- infobox.jpg Alps SKCM Salmon 1988–1992
Alps SKCM Black -- infobox.jpg Alps SKCM Black 1988–1996
Alps SKCM Cream Damped -- variants table.jpg Alps SKCM Cream Damped 1988–1994
No photograph.svg Alps SKCM Green
No photograph.svg Alps SKCL Double Action
IBM 5140 091.jpg Alps SKCL Compact
Alps SKCM White Damped -- top.jpg Alps SKCM White Damped ca. 1995
No photograph.svg Alps SKBL Yellow
Alps SKBM Black -- infobox.jpg Alps SKBM Black
Alps SKBM Grey -- top.jpg Alps SKBM Grey
Alps white clicky 001.jpg Alps SKBM White 1996—2012
Alps buckling spring -- infobox.jpg Alps buckling spring
Alps common mount low profile -- top.jpg Alps common mount low profile
Alps SKFL -- angled view.jpg Alps SKFL
Alps SKFL LED -- angled view.jpg Alps SKFL LED
No photograph.svg Alps SKFL Compact
Alps SKFL Lock -- infobox.jpg Alps SKFL Lock
Alps low-profile black 2.jpg Alps SKFR/SKFS
Alps low profile -- white -- top.jpg Alps SKFR/SKFS
Alps integrated membrane black.jpg Alps integrated dome 1980 TRS-80 Model III
Alps integrated membrane white.jpg Alps integrated dome
Alps integrated dome -- Alps mount -- branding.jpg Alps integrated dome
Alps integrated dome -- Alps mount square -- detail.jpg Alps integrated dome
Wang 725-7952--sliders.jpg Alps integrated dome
No photograph.svg Alps spring over membrane
No photograph.svg Alps moulded spring over membrane
Alps plate spring -- infobox.jpg Alps plate spring
Alps semi integrated dome slider plate topview.jpg Alps semi-integrated dome
Alps ultra low profile.jpg Alps ultra low profile