Key Communications Keyboard Coating On Traces Coming Off Help


27 Sep 2019, 15:09

Well before getting into any of that what pins do I solder to on the teensey++ for the rows and columns?


27 Sep 2019, 15:27

here is the pinout of the teensy2++

you will want to keep pins D0 and D1 free if you are going to be using a screen as it will need those pins

As has been mentioned D6 does have an on board LED which can cause errors so best to avoid that pin other then that it is up to yu to decide where you are going to bve putting the rows/columns.


27 Sep 2019, 15:32

OK Thanks for all the help last thing what pin on the teensey would I solder the keyboards caps lock LED to?


27 Sep 2019, 15:34

that can be soldered to any pin, you will probably need to add a resistor though


27 Sep 2019, 15:39

OK when I setup the teensey do I just past in the code I got from the website for the basic layout and off I go? Will private message you tonight about the teensey is the teensey you are going to send me going to be setup already? or will I need to do that?


27 Sep 2019, 16:00

the code you get from would need to be pasted into, you will need to set up your matrix, teensy pins, cps lock pin, keymap etc then further edit those files for your ctrl 1= F1 before compiling into a .hex file. Then you would need to flash that file to the teensy. It is not a simple process that is why its best to take the steps slowly rather then rush into it, make mistakes and then get frustrated when it does not work.


27 Sep 2019, 16:19

When I made my layout in I checked the matrix It said my keyboard had. I noticed its slightly different from what I drew up which one is correct just wondering as it could be possible my matrix i drew is slightly inaccurate? But I'm not really sure Thanks for all the help it is so appreciated.

Below is the matrix it said I have let me know your thoughts.
Keyboard matrix.PNG
Keyboard matrix.PNG (26.23 KiB) Viewed 5145 times


27 Sep 2019, 16:23

it will generate a matrix based on the layout, you would need to manually edit each switch to make sure it matched the matrix that you drew out. otherwise you would get errors like a f when should be a g etc


27 Sep 2019, 16:33

OK will double check tonight just to be sure.


27 Sep 2019, 20:20

Ok just confirmed the matrix for sure and neatened up some of the pin labels.
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Last edited by Fkazim on 28 Sep 2019, 16:30, edited 1 time in total.

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27 Sep 2019, 20:42

Here’s a good trick: use letters for the rows. So you don’t mix them up. Then you’ll know for sure where C4 is, etc. instead of potentially messing up 3x2 for 2x3.


27 Sep 2019, 21:15

OK I appreciate the advice I will do that.



28 Sep 2019, 15:38

Thought I would throw on the Tai-Hao keys as I am so close to converting this keyboard let me know what you think picture posted below also any ideas where I could source a big space bar in black to match the other keys?
15696778871804402551780644644254.jpg (2.44 MiB) Viewed 5054 times
Very high quality doubleshot ABS keycaps below is some close ups of the moulding.
15696792232122267264118738997297.jpg (2.33 MiB) Viewed 5029 times


04 Oct 2019, 13:00

OK so update I tried to desolder those 2 chips for the columns and the coating over the traces started to come off. Not the actual traces the coating over them in fact after looking closer into it I can actually scratch the coating off with just my finger nail. So what do you guys recommend now Please help.


Also I got the Teensey Thanks a lot Anakey :D


05 Oct 2019, 00:47

probably conformal coating protecting against moisure or dirt etc; as long as the traces are fine it shouldn't matter


05 Oct 2019, 13:53

Ok that's good news below is a picture of what I am taking about.
15702764086859205396257973252317.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 4857 times


05 Oct 2019, 15:03

try not to scratch too much off as it exposes the traces underneeth which could be a problem if you get shorts due to teh traces being exposed.


05 Oct 2019, 17:44

I will try not to. As this coating came off whilst trying to desolder the chip. How should I go about removing the chips now. Or should I just solder directly to the chip and cut the power pins?


05 Oct 2019, 20:59

you can still desolder the chips just do not take the coating off beyond that. Actually looking at it again all the traces going to the keyboard are on the opposite side so the traces you have shown will not be connected to the teensy anyway


07 Oct 2019, 10:00

Well I tried desoldering again yesterday with my desoldering gun and same thing the thin coating on the traces just keeps scratching off. I have never seen this before with a keyboard PCB. I have only ever seen these thinly coated PCB's on one router that I repaired few years back. I really don't want to ruin the PCB. As you say though the traces for the matrix are on top of the PCB so should i just ruin those obsolete traces whilst trying to desolder the chip as I think that would be the only way anyways let me know your opinions.



07 Oct 2019, 23:12

you should be fine you would need to remove them anyway


08 Oct 2019, 01:03

OK will do that.

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